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Complete The Denarian Knight by Shezza88 - M - Dresden Files

Discussion in 'The Alternates' started by Rehio, Oct 26, 2007.

  1. Apothem

    Apothem Third Year

    Feb 1, 2008
    The enemy wouldn't be able to, as one of the people in the formation would be dedicated to maintaining anti-apparation wards. And, as far as we've seen, wizards aren't smart enough to disillusion/use invisibility cloaks in combat. At least, not in cannon.

    However, it wouldn't matter if you looked it up. Enemies of the spartans, and later on, the romans, had heard about the phalanx from their inception into the military, and yet they found it hard to defeat it every time. The true advantage of a phalanx, or formation?You form bonds with those in your cell. That makes you want to fight to protect them.

    So you have people with a better motive defending, and relying on each other, having trained in teamwork for a long amount of time, in an area where there is no apparation. And formations would be useless?No...
  2. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    Piece of shit? Diarrhea? Not a good idea to troll a staff member. Only I, or people I know and like, get to run down my work. You don't qualify.
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2008
  3. Augurey

    Augurey Backtraced

    Dec 4, 2007
    New Hampshire
    The fecal comparisons were directed at "The Refiner's Fire." Dumbass.
  4. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    Meh. Couldn't be arsed to read the whole thread. I saw something that got my temper up a bit and ran with it. If I made a mistake, I rescind what I said.
  5. Andro

    Andro Master of Death DLP Supporter

    Jun 23, 2007
    Did Shezza ever write about Meciel being in a bikini? She did lose that bet in that chapter way back when.
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2008
  6. Reyhkt

    Reyhkt Groundskeeper

    Feb 16, 2008
    Round Rock, TX
    The whole point of formations, is to use them if there are anti-apparation wards in place. So no, you wouldn't have people inside the group maintaining these wards.

    As for disillusion charms, we have no proof either that Aurors don't use these spells in combat as we've never seen them fight in Canon. That's what we have Fanon for.

    In my opinion invisibility charms are used by Aurors, seeing as Moody could easily place it on Harry during OOTP. As Moody was an Auror it wouldn't be a stretch to say that all Aurors are trained to use these charms.

    Everything about what you say about the Romans and Spartans are true. However they used spears and swords to fight. This is magic we are talking about, so you can't compare the two of them.

    Sure I won't deny that working as a group people develop a bond to protect each other. However that doesn't help their situation. As I stated in my previous post they make one easy target, and it makes it harder for them to be in the offensive as the enemy is spread out (possibly with invisibility charms on them). While the Phalanx formation would have helped defend from infantry that used spears and swords as weapons. It has absolutely no effect against spells, and in the end will become a hindrance.

    However being in formations would help you to defend yourself if you are trying to escape while outnumbered, and if anti-apparation wards are up. Shields could be set up in the group while they run away, with part of the members deflecting spells and others shielding them. It would be much more effective to stay in formation while in retreat rather than get picked off one by one.
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2008
  7. Ragon

    Ragon Dark Lord

    Nov 8, 2005
    I lived in my mind but I lost my key.
    It might as well be if you dont FINISH IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Jenkins

    Jenkins Forum Bike DLP Supporter

    Nov 24, 2006
    Excellent as always Shezza. I love Amaris more and more with every chapter, she's wicked!

    I'm looking forward to the next 'pivotal' scene with Amanda, next chapter or something maybe?

    I'm curious about Malfoy as well. Why is he still acting like a twat after what Harry did? Is he really that much of an idiot?

    Top notch though, keep it up
  9. the13thdragon

    the13thdragon Raptured to Hell

    Mar 15, 2008
    Yes in Ch 19 It says:

    There was also a bit where Harry and Meciel are talking in Harry's mind on an imaginary beach and Mecel is in a bikini for some of it.

    On the topic of formations for the DA at least I would say it helps their chance of surviving a battle (but probably not winning it) as even a mediocre death eater could beat up most of the DA members individualy sticking together gives them some chance but it would probably attract more death eaters to them. I also think it would work best in confined environments where people can't out flank the formation and areas where moving is difficult, so shielding is the main form of defence anyway. On that note the formations could change the area around them for an advantage like changing the floor to ice and conjuring / transfiguring brambles to make dodging and moving in generally more difficult.

    I just thought of something, where’s Ginny? Harry could have had great fun killing her. Or was shezza just to disgusted to even mention her. (Or have I just missed/forgottern something?)
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2008
  10. Mors

    Mors Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Jul 5, 2006
    Somewhere they dont haet teh leet.
    "Used" and "in" (I think), also I don't think you really need that comma.

    "would be".


    "Tried to sit down" or simply "sat down" would work too, depending on which one you mean.

    Period needed.

    The way Amaris is, she'd just go for informing Malfoy that he's wrong IMHO. It might work better without the '?'.

    MOAR. That is all.
  11. Jolersoer

    Jolersoer Third Year

    Nov 26, 2007
    Bordeaux, France
    Yeah, another chapter, awesome Shezza!

    Still no Amaris dislike for me, it's a good OC for now, hope you'll continue to be this good.

    I'm eagerly waiting for the other parts of this chapter
  12. Cathal

    Cathal Sir Nils' Right Hand

    Nov 23, 2007
    Ah, I can feel the culmination getting close...

    Amaris is wonderful. I honestly don't want Maeve to get her... Are those fatherly instincts waking up inside me? *shudders*

    I also have that feeling that Malfoy's visit wasn't just for teasing purposes.
  13. Muttering Condolences

    Muttering Condolences Card Captored and buttsecksed

    Jan 5, 2006
    That's some good ole fashioned Father-Daughter bonding right there.
  14. Datakim

    Datakim Chief Warlock

    Apr 18, 2007
    So this story is nearing the end. Shame that, but then I guess all good things must come to an end. Thankfully I understand you are going to make this a trilogy though, so I guess we havent seen the last of Harry&Meciel&Co just yet. I wonder if Harry will return to Hogwarts for the 6th year. Would make sense I guess given all the effort he has made into turning the DA into his minions and his association with Dumbledore.

    Why is Harry so certain that he can call on Malfoy's debt? I mean sure, Harry, thanks to Meciel is the kind that feels debts should be fullfilled. But why exactly is he so convinced that Malfoy would feel the same? I mean Malfoy is not a sidhe bound by some mystical force. He is also not a powerfull and experienced wizard like Dumbledore educated in the old-world stuff. He is just a spoiled brat with no honour and little respect for anything. It would seem to me that it would be far more in-character for Malfoy to laugh in Harry's face if he demanded a fullfillment of the debt and ignore it.

    Another thing that I wonder is the claim here that Harry is a racist? I mean I find that odd. There is that one scene in DR where Harry dismisses the deaths of the merpeople because they were not human but in hindsight I find that odd too. I mean who is the one person that Harry loves the most? Meciel. And what is Meciel? A fallen angel and most certainly NOT human. The only sexual encounter Harry has ever had was not with a human. And his own daughter that he seems to care about is once more not fully human. Infact in DR he dismissed and insulted Malfoy when he called Amanda a mudblood. I always figured that the worldlywise Harry found racism to be ignorant and foolish, and he dismissed Malfoy because his racism made him seem so stupid. So how exactly is Harry a racist? I don't see it? He may be a selfish arrogant jerk, a fact that he himself admits, but I don't think he is a racist.

    I loved the final part with Harry first acting all upset at Amaris's suggestion of killing Malfoy, only to reveal that the only reason for that is that Amaris had not planned the murder well enough. That was amusing and the type of daughter-father bonding that fits Harry brilliantly. Though given that Amaris has been shown to be so literal, I wonder if she actually wont try? And ofcourse in that case, there would go Harry's so-called-ability to call on Malfoys debt.

    Write more! I need it!! :)
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2008
  15. Ragon

    Ragon Dark Lord

    Nov 8, 2005
    I lived in my mind but I lost my key.
    Who wants to bet that Malfoy gets dead within the next 6 chapters because Amaris thought Harry was serious?

  16. ParseltonguePhoenix

    ParseltonguePhoenix Unspeakable

    Oct 4, 2007
    South Carolina
    I definitely liked the murder talk/bonding moment over Amaris' desire to utterly destroy Malfoy. It actually made me laugh. Not kidding. Took me a while to stop choking on my drink.

    Other than that, I'm just waiting to see more. More, damnit!
  17. Oz

    Oz For Zombie. Moderator DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2008
    Baile Átha Cliath
    Font is making my eyes bleed...
    :| That there is some bad grammers. 'finished'.
    I dare you to say that ten times. Fast.:D
    Too long. 'For the first few years after finding Meciel, he had basically lived off of whatever he could scab from bins and charity, until his powers had grown to the point where he was able to utilize magic for his own benefit.'
    -waggles eyebrows- I'll give her a good time if she wants.:whipped:
    Also, 'I' instead of 'Me'.
    No offense, but how tired were you when you wrote this?
    'He was sitting at his normal place at the end of the Gryffindor table. Beside him, Amaris was looking quite disgruntled because Harry had almost sat on her again. It wasn't even his fault, she was so small and so damn quiet that he almost forgot she was there half the time.'
    At a right angle to infinity? First person to tell me what that was a reference to gets a pat on the back.

    Move 'is' after 'you', and I'm not entirely sure what that hyphen is doing there.:confused:
    'focusing', but I don't like this anyway. Maybe change it to 'bringing his attention back to his lunch.' just for me? Please?
    :confused: Needs drastic revision. Maybe, 'However, her hair, which grew down as far as her waist, was getting as scruffy as her father's. This wasn't due to poor hygiene, her obsessive cleanliness was one of her most human traits. Harry thought it may have been because of her time in the mortal world or because she was growing up.'
    I'd have gone with 'asked', but... meh.
    That third comma should be a full-stop (don't forget to capitalise 'If').
    That should be a full-stop.
    Even though I saw that coming... I still laughed my ass off. :lol:
    Drop that second full-stop.

    You've made my day Shezza, keep up the good work.

    Nuh-uh. That comma works fine where it is (although I know rules for comma usage are different in America, so maybe not there).

    Btw, how do you get those fancy curly quotation marks. All I can get are these things --> "blah"
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2008
  18. Mors

    Mors Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Jul 5, 2006
    Somewhere they dont haet teh leet.
    Copypasta, Oz. Delicious Copypasta from MS-Word lets you keep those curly things. ;)
  19. Oz

    Oz For Zombie. Moderator DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2008
    Baile Átha Cliath
    ... damn. I was hoping for something more convenient. I suppose I could always use Find/Replace, but it's still annoying.
  20. Reyhkt

    Reyhkt Groundskeeper

    Feb 16, 2008
    Round Rock, TX
    Nice work Shezza! Can't wait to see Harry's reaction to the murder of Malfoy. Which is bound to happen, seeing as Amaris takes everything seriously. Though I wonder how Dumbledore would handle the situation?