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Abandoned The Doorway to Dawn by Kensington - T

Discussion in 'The Alternates' started by Mindless, Aug 31, 2008.

  1. Breed

    Breed Third Year

    Jun 2, 2008
    Newcastle, UK
    Thanks for the info. Might give them a try after I've finished LOTR again.
  2. SmokinDragon

    SmokinDragon Guest

    5/5 for pulling off a HP/WoT crossover with good grammar, spelling, style and characterizations. Harry having a more Rand-like personality is awesome, seeing as has been mentioned, Rand is not shy with his ass-kickings.

    Regarding WoT, I will agree that around book 8 and 9 the plot progress was extremely slow, but by that time I was inescapable caught in the series and am to this day a WoT fanboy ;)

    Regarding the female personalities, it feels like Jordan used a template with just minor variations for the major female characters, but the occasional and minor flaws in an otherwise epic series can be overlooked.
  3. PhantasmagoricBlade

    PhantasmagoricBlade Backtraced

    Aug 30, 2008
    Saldaea, bitches! Got to love them Saldaean farmg
    Amen, brother. Amen.
  4. Cathal

    Cathal Sir Nils' Right Hand

    Nov 23, 2007
    Kensington knows my opinion on the Doorway. I'll wait for more chapters before rating it though.
  5. Goddessa39

    Goddessa39 DA Member

    Feb 28, 2006
    My Mind, Earth
    I got a request at tthfanfic to make a WOT/Btvs piece of fanfic and I did. Its simple some manips but because I had never had any experience with the WOT cannon I wiki'ed it.

    I still dont understand most stuff but this piece is really interesting. I will await more.
  6. Eidolonic

    Eidolonic Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 30, 2007
    I'm just finishing up the second installment in the WoT series, and am massively enjoying it thus far. However, I must avoid this fic, and this thread in general, until I finish reading the series. /Me no like spoilers.

    Fic bookmarked, will read/rate eventually.
  7. Feoffic

    Feoffic Alchemist DLP Supporter

    Jul 14, 2006
    /me reads the title and throws it back

    I already have that one, throw me another.

    The only thing I know about WoT is that it "apparently" has time traveling samurai, or something like that, and it always seemed stupid whenever someone tried to explain the series to me.

    Probably should read it eventually though, might actually let me make sense of all those funky explanations I've been given...
  8. Kensington

    Kensington Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Mar 11, 2008
    West Coast
    ::blink blink::

    Time-traveling samurai? I hate to tell you, but your sources are completely wrong. Are you sure you're not thinking of that crap video game Daikatana or whatever it was called?

    Here's the premise copy pasted from Wikipedia:

    In the beginning, the Creator made the Wheel of Time, which spins the Pattern of the Ages using the lives of men and women as its threads. The Wheel has seven spokes, each representing an age, and it is rotated by the One Power, which flows from the True Source. The One Power is divided into male and female halves, saidin and saidar, which work in opposition and in unison to drive the Wheel. Those who can use this power are known as channelers; one organization of such channelers is the Aes Sedai.

    The Creator imprisoned Shai'tan, known as the Dark One, a powerful, evil being, at the moment of creation, sealing him away from the Wheel. However, in a time called the Age of Legends, the Dark One was given purchase in the world through the machinations of people who opened his prison, and began his efforts to conquer the world, creation, and even the Wheel itself. In response to this, the Wheel spun out the Dragon, a channeler of immense power, to be a champion for the Light. Due to the cyclical nature of the Wheel, there has been no definitive victory for the forces of the Light; the war has been fought innumerable times since the dawn of Creation. The Dragon would defeat Shai'tan and seal him from the Wheel, only to have him come close to breaking out (or being released) several millennia later, forcing the Dragon to be reborn and repeat the entire process.

    Jordan's novels concern themselves with one particular incarnation of the Dragon. About 3000 years have passed since the last war between Shadow and Light. This war ended when the Dragon, then born as Lews Therin Telamon, led a daring raid to Shayol Ghul and sealed the breach in the Dark One's prison with the help of a group of other male channelers known as the Hundred Companions (female channelers, due to recent gender politics and the extreme risk of the strike, refused to assist). Though Lews Therin succeeded, the Dark One managed to spread a taint on saidin itself, bringing madness and a wasting sickness to any who channeled it. The taint quickly overcame nearly every male channeler in the world, including Lews Therin and his companions, with catastrophic results that radically changed the face of the earth in an event known as the Breaking of the World. From then onwards, Lews Therin was also called the "Kinslayer", as one of the last results of his madness was to destroy everyone who carried his blood as well as everyone he loved.

    For these reasons, the return of the Dragon is a cause for both hope and fear amongst the populace. On the one hand, the Dragon Reborn is the only person capable of defeating Shai'tan, who will inevitably begin to escape his prison. On the other, the Dragon Reborn will still be prey to the madness caused by the taint of evil in saidin, and is a harbinger of the horrifying fact that Shai'tan is once more breaking free. The only man who can save the world is also the man most likely to destroy it. He must not only work to unite the civilized world against the Dark One, but struggle to stay alive—for, while prophecy indicates he will be reborn, it says nothing as to whether he will succeed...

    The Wheel of Time Series focuses on three main characters referred to in the series as ta’veren – Rand al’Thor, Matrim Cauthon & Perrin Aybara. Ta'veren are people who either pull the world to meet their needs or are forced by the Wheel to follow a path. The three young men’s lives are all intertwined in this way. Rand, Mat & Perrin are led from their home of Two Rivers by an Aes Sedai, Moiraine and her Warder, al’Lan Mandragoran. The three young men are also joined by Egwene al’Vere and Nynaeve al’Meara who are also residents of the Two Rivers. Though author Robert Jordan often enjoys involving a wide array of characters and plots within the Wheel of Time series, they are all centralized upon The Dragon Reborn, Rand al’Thor.
  9. The DarIm

    The DarIm Groundskeeper

    Apr 29, 2008
    In dreams.
    @PhantasmagoricBlade: Mate that over 9000 joke was old before I saw it the first time. But I'm glad to find other WoT fanatics.

    And Breed: Do read the WoT, you really will enjoy it.

    @Tenhauser: "Time-traveling samurai"? I really don't have words....
  10. Rahkesh Asmodaeus

    Rahkesh Asmodaeus THUNDAH Bawd Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 3, 2005
    ... time traveling samurai.

    If you believed that, you're an idiot. No series with that as its basic premise would ever reach the top of the New York Times Bestseller List. You couldn't even take the time to read the summary on wikipedia or just glance at the back of one of the books when you were in a bookstore?

    ... yeah, you're an idiot.
  11. Innomine

    Innomine Alchemist ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 27, 2007
    New Zealand
    High Score:
    ...lulz at time traveling samurai...

    I honestly don't have words for that particular idea.
  12. PhantasmagoricBlade

    PhantasmagoricBlade Backtraced

    Aug 30, 2008
    Saldaea, bitches! Got to love them Saldaean farmg
    @The DarIm : To quote 'Harry Potter and the Wastelands of Time', my kung fu is old school. Sometimes the oldies are the best. LIKE WHEEL OF TIME! 'eyes bulge wildly'.

    Yes, Breed...read the WoT...re-e-e-e-ad the WoT...'insert creepy giggling' And you too Tenhauser! Read it! FEEL the power of the WoT side...fuck Paolini and even Rowling (she set a good foundation for what we do, but in the end she FUBAR'd the canon, which I think many of us agree on)...they're amatuers.

    RJ is the masta...yeah. He was fucking awesome when he was alive. Now he's just badass. Kind of like Uchiha Itachi (fuck you Kishimoto...and fuck Sasuke too).


    Ow...what? 'thump'

    (gets dragged back away by handlers)
  13. Innomine

    Innomine Alchemist ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 27, 2007
    New Zealand
    High Score:
    You are scaring me now phantas 0.o.

    Don't make me forsake WoT to get away from the creepy fanthings!
  14. The DarIm

    The DarIm Groundskeeper

    Apr 29, 2008
    In dreams.
    @Ellisande: Don't worry my friend. Phantasm is but an amateur at this fanthingy. We though, we are sophisticated, cultured and deadly!

    Yes precious, we are, aren't we.
    *Cue insane giggling*
  15. Vesvius

    Vesvius High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 7, 2007
    Regarding the fic: I enjoyed it, which really surprised me. There were some minor nitpicks, and Egwene doesn't always do it for me. Plus, I think the whole 'Insane Voice in HarRand's head' thing should be played up a bit more. Over all, a 4/5.

    Regarding WoT. Honestly, one of my favorite series. The books were some of the first I bought myself when I got my first job. Before that, I had checked out EotW about six times and read it over and over again. Sadly, my library didn't have any of the others, so I had to dig them out myselves.

    Books 1-7 are awesome. No question about it. Book 8 is a steaming pile of monkey crap, albiet high quality monkey crap. Definitly the worst in the series. Book 9 is slightly better, even if it's
    just for the Rand-Min-Elayne-Aviendha situation resolving.
    Book 10 is just okay. Book 11, however, gets awesome again. It had me wanting to know what happened to everyone, even Egwene (who, as I stated earlier, doesn't always do it for me).

    Vesvius says: Read It. You'll be glad you did. And not that crappy kind of glad you get when you put money in the bank or eat healthy. Nope, the good kind.

    And... Time Traveling Samurai =/= WoT. Just in case you hadn't gotten that already.
  16. Sora

    Sora First Year

    Sep 1, 2008
    The sky
    Well, I enjoyed WoT though it took me forever to read.. it's nice to see a crossover with it that actually works, considering it's depth.

  17. Kerrus

    Kerrus DA Member

    Feb 14, 2008
    I never really got past the first five books on account of the later ones not yet being published- and I drifted away from the series. Sure, it's fun, awesome, and really good, but I was young, stupid, and concerned with other things.

    That said, this fic is excellence in the making- and it makes me want to dig out the 'ole WoT books and reread them- and the 'new' ones.

    Also, I'd like to put this out there for those that have worries, but Brian Sanderson is, IMO, one of my favourite authors ever. If you get a chance to read his own works, you ought to take it- I have full confidence that he'll pull off a magnificent performance for the last book. He's just that adept.
  18. Jearom

    Jearom Sixth Year

    Feb 14, 2007
    Ike's Eye
    Just want to throw in my 0.02. I am of course a HUGE WoT fanboy. Jordan was my first foray into high fantasy. As has been said, the series gets a little tedious around book 8 & 9, but things have picked up again in the last two. I just pray that the series can end on a high note despite RJ's death.

    As for Kensington's fic, it's very good. I haven't ready much WoT fanfiction so far. I think Ken is going to ruin any other fix, x-over or otherwise, that I try to read, lol.

    Btw, for those that are looking for further RJ fixes, you should check out his Conan books. Well worth reading.
  19. The DarIm

    The DarIm Groundskeeper

    Apr 29, 2008
    In dreams.
    Umm...book 9 was actually more about cleansing Saidin, not Rand-Min-Aviendha-Elayne situation.

    Sorry for posting off topic, but I couldn't let it pass.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 2, 2008
  20. Beonid

    Beonid Seventh Year DLP Supporter

    Jul 12, 2008
    A bit too early to tell, but I reckon it's a good'un. One of the few good crossovers I've seen with WOT (there aren't many to choose from anyway:()
