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Abandoned The Doorway to Dawn by Kensington - T

Discussion in 'The Alternates' started by Mindless, Aug 31, 2008.

  1. PhantasmagoricBlade

    PhantasmagoricBlade Backtraced

    Aug 30, 2008
    Saldaea, bitches! Got to love them Saldaean farmg
    @The DarIm : You fool! Book 9 is the one in which Rand boned Elayne! That's how I remember them. 'sagely nod'.

    Book 5, Aviendha (My personal favorite...damn, those Aiel chicks are CRA-ZEE! In a good way),

    Book 7, Min,

    Book 8, Min again (lol),

    Book 10, Mat gets made into the sex toy of a queen (Favorite character, just too funny),

    Book 11, err, well, Perrin becomes a badass in one day so he can get his wife to turn him back into a pussy. He's always disappointed me somewhat...first, he's all 'Wow, I'm a huge badass, I can talk to wolves and I run around with this sick axe that has a fancy towards Whitecloaks!', then, suddenly, poof, bitchy female (Bitchy even by THEIR standards), shows up, basically marrys him in a single book (Official marriage comes next book, doncha know.).

    If I were Jordan, he would have picked up that hot-as-hell Berelain chick...I mean, hot damn, if she's even a babe by their standards, she must be a goddamned sight to see. But no, he writes off the super hot chick Book 7 with Min's wierd eye ability to some man in white (My guess, Galad).

    Can't win'em all I suppose.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 3, 2008
  2. Kensington

    Kensington Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Mar 11, 2008
    West Coast
    I hate to say this, but can a few of you pop back in and edit your posts with spoiler tags?

    There's no good reason to ruin some of the twists for people who haven't read the series yet. That's my job once people reach chapter two.

    [Edit]: Oh. And can those of you who keep throwing in 1 and 2 star ratings at least have the decency to write out why? It's cool if you don't like this, just write it out for some Constructive Feedback.
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2008
  3. Innomine

    Innomine Alchemist ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 27, 2007
    New Zealand
    High Score:
    Yeah, I have to agree, way way way too many spoilers in the last few posts. Oh, and for the record, I just learnt this, its [ spoiler ] [ /spoiler ] without the spaces.

    Also, I hated book 10. Loved book 9, book 7 and 8 were meh, book 6, all I have to say is Dumai's Wells. :D All the rest before that were great.
  4. Vesvius

    Vesvius High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 7, 2007
    Winters Heart, Chapter 12. Lily in Winter. All I'm saying.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 2, 2008
  5. Rahkesh Asmodaeus

    Rahkesh Asmodaeus THUNDAH Bawd Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 3, 2005
    People, use fucking spoilers before I curbstomp you.
  6. PhantasmagoricBlade

    PhantasmagoricBlade Backtraced

    Aug 30, 2008
    Saldaea, bitches! Got to love them Saldaean farmg
    What parts, specifically? I don't believe telling who Rand is porking is much of a spoiler; You can see it from almost day 1. I didn't tell WHO to specifically Mat will become their bitch, and there's plenty of queens in the series.

    Tell me what you consider to be too spoiler-y, and I shall endeavor to edit it.
  7. Innomine

    Innomine Alchemist ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 27, 2007
    New Zealand
    High Score:
    I think its safe to say that anything which gives away parts of the plot are spoilers. Just go over the post and chuck one big spoiler tag on it.

    Best to err on the side of caution don't you think?
  8. Rahkesh Asmodaeus

    Rahkesh Asmodaeus THUNDAH Bawd Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 3, 2005
    Any ships, anything not found within the first few pages of the first book. I mean, the mechanics of the One Power isn't a spoiler, but
    The fact that Rand has three lovers and has impregnated one of them
    is a huge spoiler.
  9. The DarIm

    The DarIm Groundskeeper

    Apr 29, 2008
    In dreams.
    Oh come on people, the main attraction of book 9 was that

    Rand cleanses Saidin!

    Anything else done or not done was just side notes.

    Although Rand getting some more was cool too. And I always did love Min the best!;)

    On another note, can someone tell me why the spoiler tag won't hide the smiley??:confused:
  10. Innomine

    Innomine Alchemist ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 27, 2007
    New Zealand
    High Score:
    I always loved Elayne tbh. Thats probably more because I love the name Elayne, more than the actual character though. Personally can't stand Aviendha, the rest of the Aiel are meh to me as well.

    Min is cool.

    DarIm: I don't think smilies are considered spoilers. :p
  11. PhantasmagoricBlade

    PhantasmagoricBlade Backtraced

    Aug 30, 2008
    Saldaea, bitches! Got to love them Saldaean farmg
    Hey, Ellisande, you wanna fucking go, yeah? Aviendha kicks both Min and Elayne's ass!

    At least Aviendha
    Isn't quite possibly Rand's half-sister, like Elayne! Or a whiny bitch, LIKE ELAYNE!
    !!!!!!! And Min has always been the sort of girl I wonder, "Hey, wait a minute, how did she get here again?" She's just a very obvious foreshadowing device used by Jordan with boobs and tight pants, and practically fused to Rand.

    (Spoilering this just to be safe) Aviendha is the only one who had any semblance of a proper relationship intro to her. Elayne was a split second, 'Love at first sight' thing, and Min only watched Rand from afar, and saw him a scant few times.

    I will admit, some of this Aviendha favoritism may come from the little red-head fetish I have...and before you ask it is for PROPER red-heads, the pale skin dark red ones, not the daywalker vampire freckle-monster redheads AKA The Weasley Red-Head.

    And the Aiel are the goddamned coolest characters in the series, minus the Asha'man and Aei Sedai, and Mat and Band of Red Hand. They have a real code of honor, kick extreme ass, and above all, THEY are the ones that make Rand's polygamist-ness possible! Come up with an argument for that one, you Avi-hating bastard!(Lol)
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2008
  12. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    Read this a few nights back, wasn't such a fan... seemed like a typical "Harry gets new powers, criticises the Order and Dumbledore a la Scorpion Sorcerer".

    Also wasn't a fan of the characterisation... or rather, lack of. Most of the characters are caricatures, and most importantly Harry now lacks any resemblance to Harry. He hasn't been merged with this Rand person, he's been completely overwritten.

    On the plus side, technically speaking your writing is pretty readable.

    I won't rate this as I don't feel like I'm properly qualified, having not read WoT, but if I did it'd probably be either 2/5 or 3/5, purely for the writing.

    Sorry Kensington :p
  13. PhantasmagoricBlade

    PhantasmagoricBlade Backtraced

    Aug 30, 2008
    Saldaea, bitches! Got to love them Saldaean farmg
    Taure raises a valid point; it seems as though you've put Rand into Harry's body, then just given him the knowledge of Harry and not the personality, and called it merging. That's more like Rand taking over Harry's body than 'air quotes' merging 'end air quotes'.
  14. Kate

    Kate Elite Member DLP Supporter

    May 28, 2007
    I agree Taure. It's only because I love WoT that I like Rand!Harry (or should that be Harry!Rand in this case?), had it been any other crossover my first thought would have been, "Where has Harry Gone?"

    But as I said, I still like it so 4/5 from me.
  15. The DarIm

    The DarIm Groundskeeper

    Apr 29, 2008
    In dreams.
    While I agree that Rand has "taken over" for lack of better words, I really can't bring myself to care, not in this case, because Rand simply kicks ass!!

    @Phantasm: Go rot! Min is the best!! Hot body with lots of blades! And don't say a word about Aviendha and her spears, spears just aren't as as cool as daggers!
  16. Innomine

    Innomine Alchemist ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 27, 2007
    New Zealand
    High Score:
    Firstly, I have to agree with Taure on this one as well, no semblance of Harry remains, yet I still like it for all the other obvious reasons. :p

    Now, phans, lemme just write all of this in one big spoiler tag actually.

    Alright, lets fucking go. :p Firstly, you are complaining about incest on DARK LORD POTTER of all places? Jesus. However, I have to admit, that kinda irked me as well, but I am pretty sure I read on dragonmount.com that she ended up not being his half sister.

    Yeah, Min kinda came across the same to me, she just kinda comes out of nowhere with the whole LOL IM A PUSSY FUCK ME PLZ RAND routine. She has no power except that she can see things, I don't remember her being very rational, something about her character just bugged me actually. I really can't remember properly, I haven't read the series in about 3 years.

    Before I get into this one, let me just point out that I am pretty certain Aiel are NOT pale. Not if they live in the waste. Sunburn anyone? I also can't remember a reference to Aviendha being a redhead, but I can totally see it.

    Aviendha...she and the whole Aiel just kinda piss me off. They have a belated sense of honor, I R PROTECT U, NO RLY, WTF U WENT SOMEWHERE WITHOUT ME, DO YOU NOT RESPECT ME? WAAA WAAA WAAA WAAA. That kinda bullshit pisses me off.

    Then again, Rand's 'I must save every fucking woman alive' also pisses me off. But hey, we can't all get what we want. :p

    Of course, I can have a big gripe about Elayne too, namely the time they were captured in 'The Dragon Reborn' I think it was, and Mat went to save them, and they just blew him off like a worthless slave. The sexism from females really pisses me off in that series. But meh, the thing that I really like about Elayne is that she isn't afraid to go her
    own way, she has a sense of pride and honor, and doesn't let it go, she takes her responsibility seriously.

    I dunno, I just think I have a bias like for Elayne, heh.

    Well, if there is anything this thread has taught me, its that I need to reread the Wheel of Time. Oh god, there goes my class work.
  17. PhantasmagoricBlade

    PhantasmagoricBlade Backtraced

    Aug 30, 2008
    Saldaea, bitches! Got to love them Saldaean farmg
    @The DarIm : HA! As if! If your definition of hot is being able to defend oneself, then Min vs Aveindha would end up with Min a smear against the wall in seconds! Have you forgotten that
    Aviendha can CHANNEL!!?? That is pure, undiluted pwnage in as and of itself.

    And spears are SO as cool as daggers. Cooler, even. Has anyone noticed that just about all the cool people are Aiel or imitate Aiel? Ex . Rand,
    Son of Aiel chieftan
    Badass sword-spear (ashandarei)
    , The Aiel Chieftans, need I say more?

    But if you choose the plot device in female form? So be it. I shall stay true to hot
    Did you forget in Fires of Heaven, she was mentioned by the Darkfriend peddler, forget his name, to be quite 'full breasted'? You may say I'm shallow, but I'm a firm believer of the 'bigger is better' theory regarding chests
    and wild Aiel Far Dareis Mai (Not a spoiler if you can't translate!) and
    Wise One apprentice
  18. Korisovra

    Korisovra Headmaster

    Jan 31, 2008
    At your mothers house
    Aviendha WOULD kick Min's ass, in hand to hand or with the power of pwnage but at least Min has fashion sense and does't have to be chased down for a little pre-marital fornication.
  19. PhantasmagoricBlade

    PhantasmagoricBlade Backtraced

    Aug 30, 2008
    Saldaea, bitches! Got to love them Saldaean farmg
    At least the pre-marital fornication with Aviendha would actually result in pleasure for Randy-boy. After all, 'red in the head, fire in bed' and all that...

    Oh, I'm sorry Min, do you need some ice for that BURN!?

    And Korisava, the only clothing that matters on a woman in a book is her birthday suit. Elsewise, you're just wasting your time.
  20. Korisovra

    Korisovra Headmaster

    Jan 31, 2008
    At your mothers house
    Meh...at least Min gave it up more than once...

    And takes proper baths on a regular basis. (with water, not steam) *shudders* Fuck that.
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2008