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Abandoned The Happy Red Prince by LT2000 - T

Discussion in 'The Alternates' started by LT2000, Jun 7, 2005.

  1. meatzman2

    meatzman2 Backtraced

    Nov 7, 2008
    Melbourne, Australia
    Halfway through the second chapter and I can't appropriately express how irritating I'm finding your Harry Potter, seriously I want to bash his face in with a frying pan and inflict other GBH. I understand that this is a beginning, I just find that there is a massive incongruity between grandma Evans' initial behavior and the way she has allowed HP to grow up, dammit she's turned him into a whiny brat.

    The five hot maids, that works though. "Hot maids, mmmm......"

    Nevertheless the positive reviews from others mean that I will at least read the next two chapters before screaming in rage and being forced to hurt some small and fluffy creature.
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2009
  2. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    Laughed my ass off as I chapped the collective ass of every Independent Harry fan in existence.
  3. meatzman2

    meatzman2 Backtraced

    Nov 7, 2008
    Melbourne, Australia
    Alright so I was getting a little angry, and I thought I'd catalogue my reactions as I read this story. I picked out the bits I found particularly annoying or good. Because it really did grow on me over time, although I'd recommend to everyone to read this fic while taking breaks between the initial chapters, as they are really irritating at times.

    "Decked out in yellows and pinks with an entire rainbow of flowers arranged in the plaits of his hair, he often presented quite the peculiar sight." Oh Jesus Tittyfucking Christ No!! What have you done??

    "He was looking in the opposite direction, at another bank customer going over a ledger at a nearby station, a tall and handsome man, with long white hair neatly arranged into a single plait. He had a pale disposition and pointed aristocratic features. Most striking were his eyes, metallic gray and so cold that they could freeze one’s heart, and a good complement to his stern facial expression. Though not an experienced judge of wizards, Harry could easily tell that this was a man of distinction. The young wizard had never seen anybody quite like him. Perhaps there really were other men in the world handsome enough to rank with him after all." Please, please make it stop, it's beginning to actually hurt. I swear the amount of flowery shite is starting to make my promise to read two more chapters painful.

    Jewelry shopping?!?! Oh god, how much longer before the smut or the violence or the ponce's face getting fucking kicked in because the joke and the completely over the top ponciness is wearing thin, now he's just pissing me off.

    "The general idea made sense to Harry, who found that the other boy was actually quite useful for advice on such matters of fashion, though he considered his looks to be beyond reproach to begin with." There you go, you did it, I'm crying.

    Roses came out of his wand, roses, how much worse is it going to get? AND he admires Gilderoy Lockhart LT what are you doing, I love your work, but the flames of hate are starting to kindle in this breast.

    Please, please not Cho Chang don't be mean like that!!

    Silky black mane, shudder, fuck thats horrible.

    "Harry glanced caustically at Melody, who had uttered the casual remark. As he was tired and in an extremely unstable mood, even a joking rebuke such as hers could cause the naive boy to blow his stack. Kim saw his rapidly darkening expression and quickly shifted into damage control" Please, please, please say someone like Moody is going to walk in and beat the shit out of HP, break his nose, maybe knock out a few teeth, cut up his face a bit, something really unpleasant....

    "Naturally, his piece came with most of the decorative frosted flowers." Screw cutting him up a little, rip his fingernails off.

    "But even as impressionable as he was, the child prodigy also knew well the dangers of the Dark Arts, had read about how they twisted one’s appearance and very soul beyond recognition. His soul was one matter, but to risk his handsome good looks was absolutely unthinkable." Facepalm.

    He beat Dumbledore, alright that was kind of cool, and then he was sick all over the floor and his precious cloak was sullied, I have to admit I giggled.

    "Harry himself didn’t believe in his declaration. He was potent with his wand, but nothing else could ever compare to his handsome good looks." Sigh, I admit after going away and reading a different fic I returned and started finding this fic amusing again.

    “Don’t be, I’m sure as Hell not. You’re a marvelous kisser and there’s no way that was your first time either. Whoever taught you did a very good job. As much as I'd like to continue, we’d better get on up to bed now. We’ve got the weekend before classes start, but I still don’t fancy missing breakfast in the morning. Sweet dreams, handsome.” Alright I'll admit it if he's going to be a player then things are looking up.

    "It was a short exercise, but he was sweating and panting like he had just run a marathon at the end. But his anger was expended, replaced by a grim recognition that hard times would come in the future, and that he had to prepare." YEEES OH GOD YEES! I did in fact just have an orgasm. The wimpiness is going to stop

    Ooooh just started the Harry/Penny ye gads this is HAWT!! even though it is loli.

    OOOOH REJECTED, should have seen that coming considering the name of the chapter.

    Alright the fic turned out to be really good, I see the need for Harry's character development in the beginning, but ye gads that grated on the fanfictoral senses. And Cho is sort of, maybe, perhaps cool as a fuckbuddy. But he needs to hit those hottie older women, Harry/Narcissa behind Lucius' back would have been so hot but I can't really see how you'd fit it into the story. Harry/Penelope lolicon was surprisingly hot, even though I normally hate lolicon (tis not a lie), your focus on Penelope made it more than bearable.

    Superb fic, although a little slow moving and long winded at times; for its indoubtable quality, innovative character design and brilliant planning there can be no other rating than 5/5 for this.

    PS I still hate you for making me suffer through those first few chapters though. A warning would have been nice.
  4. sincostan

    sincostan High Inquisitor

    Jan 7, 2008
    I'd stared at the summary but never gotten around to reading this fic because I have terrible expectations of Harry being raised somewhere else (usually to become super and undergo immense training before Hogwarts), but this is a hilarious Independent Harry. I am infinitely gladdened you did not make him into a Muggle Draco. He's unnaturally gifted in Transfiguration and Charms, but it's balanced by the fact that he uses his skills for trivial purposes. This story is refreshing, and you should come back to it.

    His ambition centers around amassing as many kisses as possible. I can't help myself but groan, yet he still manages to be endearing to the reader and anyone without a Y chromosome.

    I think his skill in and taking up fencing are a little abrupt. I am also surprised that his next meeting with Penelope after she said "no" is like nothing happened, though admittedly most concerns to this Harry are relatively fleeting.
  5. kmfrank

    kmfrank Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Jan 24, 2008
    Ann Arbor, MI
    Wow, I just read this and holy hell was it great!

    Too bad you abandoned the HP genre, LT2k, because this and Dakaath were winners.

    The Harry you've painted here is horribly poncy, yet such a great character that you can't help but love him. By no means a Gary Stu despite having NEWT-level skills in some areas - mostly cosmetic areas.

    A very fun read, and highly recommended. 5/5.
  6. sincostan

    sincostan High Inquisitor

    Jan 7, 2008
    I've actually never read Dakaath. Again the summary scares me that it's some Male Veela fic. Demonic Veela meaning to me that he probably rapes everyone.

    However I have a feeling I will like it given the reviews here.
  7. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    I would not reccommend Dakaath to anyone. And I wrote it. >_>
  8. Apothem

    Apothem Third Year

    Feb 1, 2008
    To be fair, it was good when you wrote it four years ago. One of the better fics out there, I think. However, time has not been kind to it, and it's hard to believe that the author of NTS and the author of Dakaath are one in the same.
  9. sincostan

    sincostan High Inquisitor

    Jan 7, 2008
    He remembers Griphook, lol. Umm... it's a little too overfilled with arcane things, training, and super powers to keep me interested. The Happy Red Prince doesn't take itself so seriously and is much better for it. I would be way happy if you just continued this.
  10. kmfrank

    kmfrank Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Jan 24, 2008
    Ann Arbor, MI
    Yes, I think all too many of us took (and take) ourselves far too serious, explaining away such things to pass the chapters.

    Though I admit I haven't reread Dakaath in probably years, I remember it as a good story - perhaps it hasn't stood the test of time, though, that tends to kill all too many stories in this genre.

    Happy Red Prince was great, though.

    HP fandom misses you, LT. Damn Naruto...