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The Office - A Mafia Game

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Eidolonic, Oct 27, 2017.

  1. .113

    .113 Squib

    Oct 22, 2017
    Well I was emulating townplay so.. :p
  2. Yeti

    Yeti Muggle

    Oct 28, 2017
    ...I just made a post yesterday quoting all of your posts about me, I ctrl-f'd Yeti in your entire D2 ISO. You legit aren't reading mine if you think I a. can't find them and didn't make a massive post about you b. am 'pushing' at you in any way except to solve you.

    I don't get it. You've complained people aren't reading your posts every real-life day of this game but then you make posts like this where you just stew in your SR of me and say I didn't read your posts yet you have continually just been... off... in responding to mine. I felt like you did this D1 of WH so I'm not even saying you're scummy with this point, just that you have a habit of complaining people don't read you yet when you respond to me, it's clear that you're somehow missing what I'm actually saying or doing. Your responses so often feel just... off. Like you're replying to half-truths about what I've said but it's not even in a scummy way just a detached from what's actually in the thread way.
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    You said earlier that she wolf reads me every game and every game I've played with her/you I've been town so this is like what, the third or fourth now she's been wrong? I don't think she KNOWS what wolfy looks like for me. Like actual me being a wolf and slipping it. Because it wouldn't be the overtly wolfy behavior she thinks it is?

    Afternoon everyone.
  3. .113

    .113 Squib

    Oct 22, 2017
    Because I'm town?

    It's just kinda hard to prove when I can't even ask one question to someone without people saying it's a case and saying I'm scummier for doing it. My motivation for this game is lacking at this point. Do what you want.
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    Several people, can't remember all but when you remake what someone did into something else you're twisting words.
  4. Vira

    Vira Third Year ~ Prestige ~

    Dec 20, 2006
    High Score:
    I'll get back to you on this, I need to look something up.

    It's like I'm marking an essay where I asked for two reasons why Vira is townreading Reg and you only gave one. I don't think scum you would be so aggressive right out of the gate when scum are in a good position. Do you disagree?

    I can't understand what you're asking about Jari. Rephrase your sentence.

    I chose to talk about you at my re-entrence because that's what my biggest thought was and it was the easiest for me to talk about. I don't think I could have posted if it was anything else, and getting myself posting again was the most important thing.

    You're posting more and interacting with people instead of being in eternal catchup, and I liked how you analyzed SR's last attempts to solve and how you're asking follow up questions to see how people's thoughts have changed since SR's flip.

    Re-alert me, I don't think I've answered anything from you.
  5. Yeti

    Yeti Muggle

    Oct 28, 2017
    Every time fonti makes paragraphs about why if she was scum with Vira everything would be different I just blaze right past and don't read a word because what fonti Says she would be doing if she was scum with Vira versus what could Actually Be Happening if fonti is scum with Vira are exactly why she'd be doing what's Actually Happening.
  6. Vira

    Vira Third Year ~ Prestige ~

    Dec 20, 2006
    High Score:
    Also, got to go clean the house for the appraiser coming tomorrow. Be back a bit later.
  7. Yeti

    Yeti Muggle

    Oct 28, 2017
    Oh boy Vira is posting I await getting there.
  8. .113

    .113 Squib

    Oct 22, 2017
    I'm off to bed, work soon..
  9. Yeti

    Yeti Muggle

    Oct 28, 2017
    See this is another thing where you demonstrate you're just as guilty of what you complain about and Haven't Read My Posts. ALL of my walls (which this grammar format favors) have contained questions and appeals to everyone else in the game to respond to and help me clear up what I'm conflicted about within my ISOs. I try multiple times to get responses and some people do reply, some trains people don't bother touching for some reason.

    Like at this point I wonder if the people who did have meta on Koalas that could have cleared him but just didn't interact with me are scum and kept quiet to let me suspect him wrongly. Maybe you think I'm fake because I can't make as many snap chatty posts on this forum as on MU but if you actually read my walls how can you say I'm not trying to talk to people and interact about my reads??

    None of it is fake but it's sure af hard to solve the game when people dgaf to interact with my attempts to.
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    Her teammates aren't ready to bus her so she's possibly probably a strong scum role.
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    What the heck. Is this post.
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    The slew of people who were willing to vote me within 24 hours of me subbing in thinking they could take advantage of a town slot whose predecessor may have done shady things or they can say stupid w/w pairings about, you mean? Those ones who voted for me?

    Also if you think I don't look town, or this isn't how I look as town, I don't think you know what town looks like. At the least, you still don't know my town game. Maybe the grammar requirements do a disservice to your ability to read me by removing a lot of my stream of consciousness posts and forcing me to spend more time thinking about what I'm typing. I dunno, you SR me on MU so maybe not.
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    Does this post not line up with how others view owner's slot? Like I guess D1 was when Scott got his slot hard TR or whatever but... I... don't think owner's slot is confirmed town, not at all? Certainly not on D3 after like 10 posts total since D2.

    And no I mean it's whatever if you're afk but you were afk for all of D3 so far.

    Iunno this just sounds like some politician's sludge "I'm not the leader you expect me to be but I get things done" like okay? ? ?? I don't play with town leaders in a NOC, I don't trust any of you schmucks enough to be a leader. Maybe I will sheep a read but who even has leaders in NOCs.
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    I did read the rest, you claim you have subtlety yet you lack any kind of expressed nuance in what makes those who you suggest are wolves with .113 wolves with EACH OTHER, or who might not be wolves with each other even if you think they match with .113.

    It's all exclusively oriented around .113 and it's actually just "here is my PoE, there are 2 people that are different, otherwise I think my PoE can all be wolves whether .113 is or not."
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    Yeah that is what a PoE is but your reads don't actually change except Stan and Vira depending on .113 being scum or town. That is my problem with your post is that you frame it as "here's who I think is scum if .113 is X or Y" but you're really just sharing your PoE and now you can justify lynching anyone in it (except Vira/Stan) no matter what he flips.

    I wouldn't have a problem if your post had been "here is my PoE, I think Stan is likely scum if .113 is, and Vira is likely scum if he's not" but putting the same people in contention for scum no matter what .113 is feels fake to me.
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    It's not. Someone with fake reads isn't going to help your failcase.
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    All of fonti/Fable/dya have done the "I'm quitting/I wasn't ready" and then there's been slogfests all over the thread of endless REEEEEEE, me included but I leveled on that. Let's not forget .113 endless REEEEE that like, I feel isn't even consistent with his witch play in WH but isn't making me think he's town at all? Vira with the big emote before peacing out of the thread for a day.
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    Is anyone else going to post here or are scum just idling to let me continue to post back to back and make a massive automerged post nobody will read? zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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    I don't know any roles to be paranoid about here lol it's a closed setup......................................................................
  10. tsaiah

    tsaiah Squib

    Oct 24, 2017
    Kinda confusing, tbh. Okay, so: 113 does the 2nks thing, Yeti responds with is2g if you're doing the derp thing, Miner responds with there's no way you missed that, you question Miner and 113 about everything (there may be others involved, searching back to look over original posts is a pain here).

    I could see where the coffee thing could be like, a casual brushing off of the derp? I really need to go look back at WH and how 113 handled fakederps there. The brushing off could kinda go either way--what matters is if it was purposeful or not.

    That response was strong--if scum, I could see maybe some CFTWR going on over what 113 expected to be taken as a joke? Town also could be expected to react pretty strongly there, tho, like if they thought they were being pushed for dumb reasons.

    This is probably the response that makes me headtilt the most, bc it seems a little odd to me that the angle of approach is "bc they took it so seriously" rather than say, "bc they were wrong"...? It's like, he seems to be defending the "joke" more than he's defending more of the heart of the matter, like "this thing I said is not scummy" more than the "I'm not scum".

    Looking back, 113 did say that Minor was wrong in previous posts, tho. He actually says it mutliple times. Sidenote that he seems to be talking to Miner as if he thinks he's town--@.113, remind me of your read on Miner?

    Gah, I wanna look and see how it feels like he's talking to you, too, but about to be late for work--pick up here when I get off.
  11. Yeti

    Yeti Muggle

    Oct 28, 2017
    LOOK AT MY ISO OF YOU. You give a reason why you explicitly scum read ME once. You say one sentence that you think I lack paranoia I had in WH. I think you have another you don't say my actual name in that you say my attitude feels off from WH that's before where you say what's lacking is paranoia as well. There are a lot of things to remember in this game and I was mentoring in Koreaboo. I do read your posts but like, again, you don't read mine because you don't reply to them properly. There's ALWAYS this shift in what the reality of what I'm saying or doing is versus what you act like it is. So I don't think you should be calling me out for not remembering your one stated reason at every given point you bring it up later.

    "You forgot something, town don't forget things" like what? Do scum magically gain better memories of "everything that happened in thread?" I honestly don't get your point here that me remembering a post exists but not always its content isn't something "town does." I'm not keeping notes if you think I should have notes to reference...? I wish I was keeping notes but whatever.
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    I know dya has been tilted by people ignoring her so I try to interact with her but every time her response to my posts is like... just off from what's actually in them and I feel like I'm spinning my wheels because her reason is "you're not paranoid enough (about roles?)" and now "your walls look fake." I can't fake paranoia about roles I don't know exist and I don't have any firm town reads to be paranoid about. So I don't know what she wants except to just accept she can't read me properly and should sheep those who are accurately reading me as town.

    This loooooooks like her WH play enough that I don't necessarily think she is scum? I think she is trying to get other opinions on me and a lot of people will ghost her, or when they do reply and say they TR me she.. still doesn't buy it or like it. What do you want, dya? You're wrong that I'm scum and fortunately few other people are also wrong. Feel free to keep asking everyone how they feel about me, I find that info useful as well for how I read them, but at some point you have to decide if you're gonna listen to the people you ask saying "prob town" or not.

    Like your eyes light up when wei votes me because you think someone is finally paying attention to you even though people ARE, you just don't like their responses aren't agreement with you. But wei's vote on me is just OMGUS that I called him out for having a fake PoE post overly oriented around .113. It's not Good, it's not a vote on scum, it's not going to help you.

    If you're town (and I think you more likely are then aren't) I do want to help you get an accurate read and get listened to but you seem to stick your head in the sand when people don't also scum read me and you ignored my ISO of your case's existence so... I dunno what to do for you.
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    If y'all could like interact with dya's posts though that'd be great because I'm concerned if she is scum, her posting, not getting a reply, and going "omg everyone ignores me" lets her sidle on through the game posting stuff and peacing to ask someone new how they read me every 12 hours.
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    I ctrl-f'd the thread I think pages 93-95 or 96 for every mention of "vira" before she showed up, raged, and left.

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    You're delusional, scum, or both.

    It's not a defense of Vira at all. You stop throwing BS into this thread.
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    I'm starting to think dya is getting a persecution complex and just tunneling about it.

    She asks X how they read me, X says town gives a reason, she questions it and won't accept it. Ok sure but after like 5+ people not agreeing with her?

    And then goes looking for everything in my posts about her she can feel victimized about or something.

    In the timeframe I ctrl-f'd at SoD3 dya did not make a post about dya. If she did and I missed it then I do apologize but I find it really unlikely I did.
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    lol you can't actually be convinced by this? Please read the above about how dya DOESN'T HAVE A POST IN THE TIME I SEARCHED FOR ME TO SAY A READ ON.

    Who were the people who claimed the Scott slot was "obv town" D1? Because I don't believe any of you.
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    They are, they town read me, you just disagree and get upset that it seems the majority of the game has me at town lean if not read.

    You need to stop. You're pointing out stuff that isn't even true about my posts because you have some complex where even though I'm one of the few people who like, doesn't ignore you, you want so badly to think I'm scum THIS TIME. You'll finally get scum Yeti and it'll be YOU who pushed her the whole game even though everyone else was saying she's town.

    I'm not scum. This isn't that game. Knock it off. I'm trying to stay cool but honestly this is getting ridiculous. You aren't reading my posts right, you're making accusations and shading me based off your own inaccuracies, and you're bogging this thread down with your refusal to think your read miiight just be wrong.
  12. Jarizok

    Jarizok Auror DLP Supporter

    Sep 22, 2015
    I'll combo break.
  13. Yeti

    Yeti Muggle

    Oct 28, 2017
    You actually need to just stop at this point.
    No, I said that I was missing a post that contained your read within the time frame I searched or that I could bring up from memory.

    I never said that your or anyone else's on that list's read on Vira didn't exist in the thread somewhere, just that it was missing from my list because it wasn't at SoD3.


    This crap is starting to tilt me again that I put work and get idiots like fonti going "oooh this is a soft defense of Vira" who is one of my ISOs I did and DIDN'T just accept people claiming she was town off meta but pushed further to understand why and if they still felt that was true and dya/wei not reading my posts and just trying to shade/discredit me because they can't read and owner with that fake af vote onto me because of their stupid inability to read.
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    One last time for the hard of hearing:

  14. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    I changed my mind. The owner lynch will no longer be happening.

    @Newcomb If I trust my townreads, I'd guess two?

    Will be around in a bit, need to feed the snake. And then feed myself, probably.
  15. Yeti

    Yeti Muggle

    Oct 28, 2017
    You seemed a lot more cool as a wolf under pressure in WH and honestly you were townier there... so hard to read you.

    Also the Seahawks have 20 penalties and their kicker is an absolute imbecile it's hard to stay cool while team is suk SORRY.
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    Good luck getting meta out of people. I also asked if Newcomb as a villager would coast through EoDs going "well I don't liiiike the wagons but oh well."

    Where was Newcomb D2 if he still disliked Koalas being a wagon encouraging people to go to SR instead? Did he TR both? Did he also TR Vira? Was he even here or did he peace? Feel like maaaybe he said he wouldn't be here but too many posts.
  16. Stanari

    Stanari Squib

    May 29, 2017
    High Score:
    FWIW to Dya, this is how I interpreted it initially.
  17. Fable

    Fable First Year

    Apr 21, 2017
    High Score:
    Curious about why you're not as convinced on miner being a villager as a lot of people seem to be.
  18. Stanari

    Stanari Squib

    May 29, 2017
    High Score:
    This feels like it's getting at the issue I had but I'm still not sure exactly what I was seeing there.
  19. Fable

    Fable First Year

    Apr 21, 2017
    High Score:
    What game are we playing?
  20. Yeti

    Yeti Muggle

    Oct 28, 2017
    BTW with dya/Vaimes/wei all reporting in they SR Vira as well that means scum are going for consensus-read on her.

    Fable is the only person hard defending her.

    Does Fable stick his neck out like that as scum, as EITHER alignment for Vira, knowing his teammates are either bussing her or fitting in with the villagers pushing for her mislynch? Does Fable as scum do this for the juicy WIFOM of "why would he?"

    I think this is something to think about we don't even need Vira's flip for because Fable is either the only scum not prepped and primed to bus her with a pre-existing SR (maybe 1 of Cuth/Newcomb whoever nulled her could be another partner) or the only scum going for the Accuracy Read, or a villager.