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The Official 300 Thread -- Skulls will be fucked

Discussion in 'Movies, Music and TV shows' started by BioPlague, Mar 7, 2007.

  1. sirius009

    sirius009 Minister of Magic

    Oct 20, 2005
    United States
    Best movie i've seen this year. Hands down.
    The battle scenes are great, i've heard a lot of people saying how "historically inaccurate" and "unrealistic" this move is, but who gives a fuck, it's a movie. Not to mention, it has some of the best quotes i've ever seen in a movie..
  2. the-caitiff

    the-caitiff Death Eater

    Aug 18, 2006
    West Central Florida USA
    The numbers have been debated to death in the original thread. Heradotus claimed five million persians (of which just over two and a half million were actual soldiers, the rest were support crew and royal slaves), modern estimates range from two hundred thousand up but I like the original accounts.

    The important thing to remember however is that they were in a serious bottleneck. Unless the persians wanted to back track a few hundred miles, they had to go through a very small path to get to the rich city-states of Greece. The Persians had to basically come at the Spartans one at a time (ok, twenty or so at a time) rushing against a line of shields and spears that completely blocked the path. Not an easy group of people to kill.
  3. Nukular Winter

    Nukular Winter The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Jun 8, 2006
  4. Garret P.I.

    Garret P.I. Backtraced

    May 30, 2007
    Seattle, WA.
    First off... if you're reading this, you WILL go and see 300.

    If you've already seen it.. you will see it again, God damn it!

    And if all all possible you will see it in an Imax theater.

    Yes, it's just that fucking good.

    Don't argue... just do it.

    As to the historical side of it, the battle is called the Battle of Thermopyale.

    The numbers were as follows.

    Units Numbers
    Fleet crew 517,610
    Infantry 1,700,000
    Cavalry 80,000
    Arabs and Libyans 20,000
    Greek troops allied
    with Persians 324,000
    Total 2,641,610


    Spartans and co
    Spartans 300
    Mantineans 500
    Tegeans 500
    Arcadian Orchomenos 120
    Other Arcadians 1,000
    Corinthians 400
    Phlians 200
    Mycenaeans 80
    Thespians 700
    Thebans 400
    Phocians 1,000
    Opuntian Locrians 13
    Total 5,200+

    Now here's the thing... modern scholars generally try and act all superior and claim that Herodotus was exagerating the crap out of the persians forces.

    *He actually claimed there were 5,283,220 (counting all the support staff)

    However Simonides also gave a similar number... and frankly I don't trust modern historians for shit.

    They all said that Alexander the Greats battles were over exagerated until some of the battlefields are dug the hell up and proved that they were spot on, they also claimed that Troy was a myth as well... up until they were proven wrong.

    But the fact of the matter is this.. 5200 men... vs 2.6 million... and they held them. How much more kick ass can you get?

    Undoubtedly, the bleeding pussy critics will "poo poo" 300 to the point that it'll not win any awards (except maybe for cinematography or something equally candy-ass like that).. mostly because it points out how much a punch of pansy assed metro-sexuals most film critics are.

    In closing 300 : scores an infinity on the coolness meter.