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The Seventh Liutenant - Legacy of Kain

Discussion in 'Other Fandoms Review Board' started by Shouldabeenadog, May 16, 2022.

  1. Shouldabeenadog

    Shouldabeenadog Death Eater

    Sep 3, 2010
    Title: The Seventh Lieutenant
    Author: Varyssa
    Rating: T
    Genre: Drama
    Status: Complete
    Summary: "Kain will come back. He will not have forgotten that I am here, waiting faithfully. My lord will return. One day." Charting the rise and fall of Kain's empire through the eyes of an unknown firstborn.
    Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/2122566/1/The-Seventh-Lieutenant

    The story follows a 7th lieutenant of Kain that he raises as a test run before he gets his 6 (Raziel, Dumah, Zephon, etc.) He expects nothing from her, and while there is a great deal of her loving him, he barely notices her. Thankfully she seems to come to the solution is not convoluted schemes, but just be competent to get noticed.
    I enjoyed this story for seeing the fall of Kain's empire. Very little is wasted on the raising of the empire, and instead focuses on the early pre-empire relationships between the fledglings and the zenith and fall of the empire.

    I appreciate the epilogue quite a bit, and it leaves itself open to interpretation quite well. My personal take is
    Based on how he ignores her so often throughout the fic, I am certain that she is left waiting for him to come, and he never will. I believe that he completely forgot about her in his quest for Raziel, and that her expression of madness is her devotion to him despite him ignoring her.