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Complete The Skitterleap by enembee - M

Discussion in 'The Alternates' started by enembee, Jun 20, 2009.

  1. Sesc

    Sesc Slytherin at Heart Moderator

    Dec 20, 2007
    Blocksberg, Germany
    I finally had a look at it over holidays. What kept me from reading for the longest time was the title. It just sounds ... not very awesome. Reminds me of Skittles at most (and that's from here, where Skittles aren't even really common).

    Being completely honest: It keeps me interested enough to read it, the AU part is technically great, with all the little details and the work you put into it, but the entire thing somehow feels not mindblowingly awesome like you would expect. Perhaps it's not my taste, though it really should be ... Well. Two things stood out in a negative way for me:

    First, 'whilst' really aggravates me. You cut down on it, but in the first chapters I felt like hurting something. Especially when it was used in direct speech >_> Dunno, usually I'm not that sensitive, but if I'd have had the means, I'd have done a search and substitute here :p

    And then, the Skitterleap -- I have to say, I don't totally see its use. Perhaps that will be more apparent later, but so far you added a flaw to the Portkeys and then invented the Skitterleap to remedy the problem you just created (you probably did it the other way round, but that's how it looks like the way it's presented). The whole thing seems a bit artificial.

    Or in other words, I don't think I've seen the Skitterleap used in any way that couldn't have simply worked with Portkeys. Enchanting a disk? Create a Portkey. Need terminals for fix locations? Regulate the use of Portkeys and have them work from terminals only. Something like that. Why make it more complicated?

    All in all, I think a 4/5, for having more ideas and being more original in a paragraph than the average FF-author can hope to scrape together in their entire fic.
  2. enembee

    enembee The Nicromancer DLP Supporter

    Feb 22, 2008
    High Score:
    The title seems to be the thing that puts people off the most.

    Yes, the writing in the earlier chapters is dire, but then I was a whole year younger. If I had more time and was so inclined, I'd probably go back and tighten up the English and form. I'd quite like to finish it first.

    The full extent of the Skitterleap has yet to be revealed, but as is the case, I can hardly hold your begrudgements against it.

    Thanks for the review. I sincerely appreciate it and will attempt to take heed of it when writing future chapters.
  3. enembee

    enembee The Nicromancer DLP Supporter

    Feb 22, 2008
    High Score:
    Updated with chapter five. Chapter six, the last of the first book will be sometime later this week.
  4. Lord Potter

    Lord Potter Backtraced

    Aug 24, 2009
    Loved the new chapter... to an extent. I really like your AU, it's so realistic. But, I didn't like the whole Fred and George flying after Harry. I really like your Tom Riddle, he seems really smart and calculating.(Unlike Cannon Voldemort) Well, I'm waiting for the new chapter! in the mean time, I am urging you to some how get Fleur and Harry together again in a scene.
  5. enembee

    enembee The Nicromancer DLP Supporter

    Feb 22, 2008
    High Score:
    Updated as of now. 30 minute ETA.
  6. Sooner90

    Sooner90 Groundskeeper

    Aug 24, 2009
    Oklahoma, USA
    When you started writing this did you just take all the Cliche's in fanon and just see how many you could fuck with? Seriously good stuff. Although I have to say wtf on the last chapter. What was up with the Russian's kid? Was he a horcrux or something? I guess I'll have to go back and read the previous chapters again. It's been a while. Maybe I just forgot a crucial element.
  7. enembee

    enembee The Nicromancer DLP Supporter

    Feb 22, 2008
    High Score:
    I like playing with people's expectations.
  8. Noesant

    Noesant Squib

    Sep 4, 2009
    Somewhere, Florida
    Possible spoilers an' stuff. Don't read if ahead if you don't want to. Iunno. (Is it obvious I don't know how to use the spoiler things?)

    Judging by the fact that the child's body seemed to be possessed, and that it reacted harshly when confronted with the Skitter-discs, I'd say it was probably one of the shadowy creatures that was mentioned every time Harry went through the Skitterleap. Mind you, that's just my speculation, and it's very possible that wasn't what it was at all.
  9. DR

    DR Secret Squirrel –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Mar 13, 2006
    Inside the Beltway
    High Score:
    Just read this for the first time today. Very good, 5/5. The backstory that was constructed for this fic was very original and enjoyable. The characterizations were also very well done. I hope this continues soon with a Book II.

    One question I had, though, was about the knowledge of the time turner. Presumably, that expertise was held by the denizens of the Dept. of Mysteries within the British MoM, and not with Dumbledore. Creative license or slip-up?
  10. enembee

    enembee The Nicromancer DLP Supporter

    Feb 22, 2008
    High Score:
    Creative license.

    Updated today. ETA 20 minutes.
  11. Johnny Farrar

    Johnny Farrar High Inquisitor

    Mar 14, 2009
    In front of a Computer.
    I am not quite sure how I feel about the input of supernatural elements in the story. Joe's fic remains the single story (excluding cross-overs) that I've read and enjoyed which had elements of gods and demons. I have really enjoyed your story so far and as such will hold judgment for now on this recent addition.

    Other then that, I must say, you can produce some tremendous mental image. The description of the rundown section of Liverpool was very vivid.

    The latter part of the chapter reminded be a bit of the game Max Payne. The whole, he was tired but he couldn't stop, thing. Also, the environment you crafted reminded be of some of the levels of the game.

    For your previous chapters, I will mention two points that I felt were a bit weak. First, transition of the scenes tend to be a bit confusing. And, a bit more clarity in your fight scenes - which are usually in general awesome - would be nice. I get it that you're trying to show the confusion of the battle, but at least I, as the reader must understand what's going on. The latter is not a big point, but I've seen it occur a few times.

    Also, I was thinking that you were going to upload the second book as a different fic, yet its under the same title.

    I haven't yet managed to read your original piece yet, but I'll leave review when I do.
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2010
  12. enembee

    enembee The Nicromancer DLP Supporter

    Feb 22, 2008
    High Score:
    This was one of my biggest fears, I'm not normally a huge fan of divinity in Harry Potter, which was why I wanted to try and broach it here. I hope I manage to pull it off in a passable way.

    Thanks for the compliments. I wanted to mark a transition here in the way Harry thinks, as well as change the genre slightly. If I'm subconsciously emulating Max Payne, that's fine by me. I'm on track!
  13. enembee

    enembee The Nicromancer DLP Supporter

    Feb 22, 2008
    High Score:
    Updated again, ETA 20 minutes.
  14. Johnny Farrar

    Johnny Farrar High Inquisitor

    Mar 14, 2009
    In front of a Computer.
    The Max Payne comment was meant as a compliment. I just wanted to say that the environment was as vivid and awesome as the atmosphere was in the game. Max Payne also happens to be one of my most favourite games of all time.

    Also, I forgot about mentioning this, but the change in the genre and Harry's characterisation between the two books was awesomely done. In the first book, Harry is a young man, slightly naive about the world. In the second book, he is a jaded, cynical war veteran dealing with the harsh realities of life.

    I'm also enjoying the complex romance backdrop that you have seamlessly entangled with the plot of the current book. I've rarely read fanfics where I have enjoyed the romance, your story happens to be an exception.

    5/5 from me.
  15. turtle7

    turtle7 Backtraced

    Apr 18, 2010
    All this German Nazi stuff reminds me of the anime show, Monster.

    Good show, good fic. Keep up the writing!
  16. enembee

    enembee The Nicromancer DLP Supporter

    Feb 22, 2008
    High Score:
    Prologue added. Sorry for lack of a proper update.
  17. Sooner90

    Sooner90 Groundskeeper

    Aug 24, 2009
    Oklahoma, USA
    Awesome job with the update. Although no thanx for the cliffhanger.

    I'm still damn suspicious of a kinder, gentler Riddle. If he isn't behind all these assassinations, I'll eat my shorts.
  18. Johnny Farrar

    Johnny Farrar High Inquisitor

    Mar 14, 2009
    In front of a Computer.
    The prologue was an awesome touch. Your characterisation of Dumbledore is very good. The scene between him and Grindelwald was handled beautifully.

    By the way, will Alphard Black play a role in the future or was he just a useless character for the prologue.

    Edit: 300th post.
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2010
  19. Oz

    Oz For Zombie. Moderator DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2008
    Baile Átha Cliath
    Been long overdue, but I finally got around to reading the prologue. And damn but you write Dumbledore perfectly. Well done.

    EDIT: 3,946th post. :D
  20. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South
    Finally got around to reading this. I honestly can't decide what to rate it. Let me type out a review and go from there.

    I'm going to be different and say that I like the title. It makes me curious about what's going to go on. Also I think I was drawing comparisons to Quantum Leap without consciously realizing it, so I was half expecting an AU when we went into it.

    I think what put me off reading this for so long was the summary. I had the impression that it was going to be about some random ass officer instead of Harry Potter and have a bigger focus on Grindelwald (as he's the only one named in the summary you have in the original post on this thread).

    I liked the prologue -- Dumbledore is very well written. I might have liked it better if he hadn't just been introduced in time to die, but that's probably because I liked reading about him.

    I don't much like the characters. Clearly there is something involving Lily's death that might have driven Harry closer to the Empire's ideals than those of his father, so his character development does make some sense.

    But even for a kid who was raised in war and trained to fight and kill at, I think, 15... he's a bit too callous in his disregard for life for my tastes. He doesn't want to murder people, but it doesn't seem to bother him. Likewise he didn't give the enchanter they got killed (after he'd helped them) a second thought.

    I don't mean to say that I want him to angst about this crap -- I don't. That gets old faster than anything else and this is a war and he is a soldier. I just can't seem to get into reading about him.

    On another note, maybe I just missed a lot of plot that I would have picked up on had I read more carefully, but what the hell was going on in the big picture there? I'm going to over-simplify, but...

    Does the order consider Grindelwald to be a bad guy? If so, does that therefore make Harry one of the bad guys? I'm pretty sure they do, but other than Krum (who was with the Black Hand) no one ever seems to say they have issue with him.

    But if Grindelwald is a good guy, then Dumbledore was a bad guy, right? That can't be accurate. Plus he said in the prologue someone was gonna kick his ass later. Harry was wanted for treason, but he started working for Riddle's SS before that was fixed? So that was just OK then?

    What is the motivation for the fighting being done by the Black Hand? Do they want territory? Are they mad about something? Hermione is a spy for the order, and is spying on the Empire? But the Order appears to have a lot more high ranking members of the Empire in it or affiliated with it. Why are they spying on the Empire in the first place? I'm guessing they were on Dumbledore's side, but from what I saw the muggles aren't being discriminated against too much here, so what's their problem? My impression was that the order was supposed to be the good guys and the Empire the bad ones, or is the Empire neither and only the Black Hand is bad?

    I feel like I think I know who is supposed to be what, but only because of the names I recognize. Not because it's been shown to me in the story, I guess. *shrug* It's weird.

    Granted I skipped some (not all) of the italicized bits at the starts of chapters, but I had the impression it was discussing mostly history and not current problems. So if all that was answered there, then I apologize.

    I just couldn't find myself getting as interested as I'd have liked to.

    The skitterleap itself is great so long as the 'world' or whatever they travel through when they use it gets used later on. Otherwise it doesn't seem to serve a purpose you couldn't have explained away with canon.

    I liked the addition of the whatever that screwing with Alexi's dead body and the reaction to the rosary. I know that you had magic in your story, and it was interesting and epic, but most of the story didn't feel very magical. I know you reasoned it out well, by implying that magic can be tracked so obviously muggle weapons are a good alternative, but even so.

    Anyway, yeah. Typing all of that got my thoughts in order some, so I'm going to go with a 4/5 for the thread. It might be more like a 3.5 for me personally, but I can't decide and half points are irrelevant.

    I look forward to seeing where the sequel goes.
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2010