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Abandoned The Stranger Trilogy by serpant sorcerer - M

Discussion in 'The Alternates' started by Rahkesh Asmodaeus, Sep 10, 2005.

  1. Chime

    Chime Dark Lord

    Aug 22, 2007
    I mean, he's a busy guy and I don't blame him for not updating, but it's still ridiculous that it took him six months. It wouldn't be so bad if he broke up his chapters more (what's one chapter on average for him? 80k words?! This trilogy must will be competing with War and Peace).
  2. Jaba

    Jaba Backtraced

    Aug 3, 2008
    The redneck infested area of Fl. Panhandle
    Yep, and if you say anything to him the fan-girls and fan-boys will jump down your throats for insulting their precious author and his story.
  3. Twisted

    Twisted Guest

    The teaser is good, but the update rate had better fucking speed up. This trilogy will be finished by the time I'm 30 otherwise.
  4. Randeemy

    Randeemy Headmaster DLP Supporter

    Dec 29, 2005
    How old are you now?

    To be honest he has no obligation to update. No one whines when Anarkia is not updated for nearly two years.

    He does have way too many Beta's though, and should just post it in its current state. Perhaps he is ready to surprise us with 2 or 3 chapters at once
  5. Twisted

    Twisted Guest

    I'm 16. I stand by my estimation.

    If he surprised us with multiple chapters, every greivance I've ever had against him would be forgiven in a heartbeat.
  6. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    Mine wouldn't. Promised Land has been a massive disappointment from chapter 2 onwards.
  7. della_couer

    della_couer Second Year

    Jun 3, 2008
    I don't know I rather liked Promised Land, it was different take on the 'someone else boy-lived' genre, anyone other than a female Harry and Neville. The plot had a lot of holes but based on his previous work I was rather expecting those to be filled in as the story goes. Mind I wasn't a big fan of the trip to island and Harry meeting with the guardians of dimension travel, rolls eyes, rather contrived. Seemed forced and not really a product of the natural evolution of the plot. Still some impressively long battle scenes filled with Hollywood special effects and plenty of dramatic tension.

    However, I've sort of stopped checking for updates and am just assuming it's dead. If it raises from the dead in some relatively life-life form, not zombie after brains mode, I'd be happy but I'm not counting on it. And, yeah, his groupies on Yahoo are insane. Talk about fangirl/boy rage.

    But talk about epic length fanfic, even if the thing is dead, you do have to give him that.
  8. rj_stone2

    rj_stone2 Seventh Year

    Feb 26, 2006
    New York
    Jono posted on his yahoo group at some point that the first five or six chapters of Promised Land are basically setup/preliminary stuff. So where the readers are thinking "why is Harry acting like a pussy after 400k+ words?" his thinking is that it's perfectly reasonable for Harry to be lying low 1/4 of the way into the story. I'm not sure that I really buy it, and I don't think there's really enough to the story to justify the massive word count.

    Promised land has been heading downhill for a while, with the dimension travel guardians and the terrible new prophecy. I wish he would just wrap it up and move on to the final installment, I really want to see the Dark Knight "on screen." Honestly, I would have been a lot more psyched to see the "Dark Knight in the HPVerse" story than Promised Land.
  9. Boo

    Boo Auror

    May 29, 2007
    I like 'Promised Land'. It is a little slow, but full of story and character building and worth the wait.

    The whole "why is Harry acting like a pussy?" Well he did just get done fighting a war and didnt want to fight another that in all honesty he doesnt have to. Plus he doesnt trust Riddle and he didnt want to draw attention to himself.

    But i do have to admit the dimension travel guardians was a bit weird. But it doesnt really hurt the story.
  10. LuxDragon

    LuxDragon Fourth Year

    Aug 22, 2007
    I personally think that Harry is a pussy and an idiot and pretty damn slow in the head.

    He made a choice to NOT fight in a war, and then when Sirius dies, he goes all weepy even though he knew what would happen. Worse, in the first installment, Harry actually saves Sirius from falling into the veil. Here, he had the distinct advantage of surprise and fucks it all up and Sirius dies again.

    His character had really pick up the pace. He's had wounds that are painful, and instead of going to a healer, he's patches himself up with a bunch of crap laying around? Why not just study some healing magic if he's gonna get so many injuries and save some damn time? Especially if he doesn't care about his grades. Why not learn some more freakin' magic than the overused stuff he has now? Kinda sad, really.
  11. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    My primary objection to Promised land is that it doesn't follow from Unholy Land (which was awesome) at all. Jono has turned PL effectively into a stand-alone fic: it would take very few alterations to make PL be canon!Harry, rather than an AU Harry who has defeated Voldemort and has all the magical prowess of the second most powerful wizard in Britain.
  12. LuxDragon

    LuxDragon Fourth Year

    Aug 22, 2007
    Besides the fact that he wants to go home, of course. What sucks is that Jono killed off the Harry of PL. It'd be nice to see some older brother side. Family and the like.
  13. Rahkesh Asmodaeus

    Rahkesh Asmodaeus THUNDAH Bawd Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 3, 2005
    I actually like Promise Land up until now. It's slow, but so was Unholy Land in the beginning. It took a shitload of time for Harry to tell Dumbledore everything and get the confusion out of the way. Hopefully things will pick up in the next chapter.

    Also, Harry didn't get all weepy when Sirius died. He blames himself slightly, because he interrupted Sirius at a crucial moment in the battle, causing him to get hit by a curse. And that's understandable, that was a stupid move on Harry's part.

    And Harry's motivation for not getting into the war? He just finished another war in which Voldemort very nearly won it all, and he still hasn't reached home yet. He's tired, he's pissed, and he doesn't want to deal with the added frustration of yet another war to be involved in before he goes back home and deals with his own Voldemort. It's not like this world is deprived of their "Chosen One" like the other world was, it has Katie, and that's enough for Harry. It's her fight, not his.
  14. LuxDragon

    LuxDragon Fourth Year

    Aug 22, 2007
    Actually, if he didn't wanna get involved, then joining the RA was a complete waste of time. If he didn't wanna get involved, telling Riddle to talk to Katie kinda brings down alarms.

    As for NOT getting weepy:

    "Harry couldn’t move. He stood rooted to the spot, the revelation of what had just happened thundering in his mind. No, no, no... what did I do? It was his fault! He had distracted Sirius at precisely the wrong time − just when he needed to concentrate, Harry had foolishly called out to him. If only he had kept quiet! He had come here to help, not to make it worse! Harry's presence here was what had killed him...again. The image of Sirius falling was burned into his retina. He seemed to have taken an age to fall. Why had Harry not tried to summon him? He felt sick. His legs felt numb and tears were forming in his eyes. It was my fault! The thought repeated over and over in his mind. Was it his fault in his own world as well?"

    One quote out of 8 I could pluck out. In the middle of a freakin' fight. Like I said, he made the choice, he should live with it. And he's an idiot.
  15. Rahkesh Asmodaeus

    Rahkesh Asmodaeus THUNDAH Bawd Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 3, 2005
    Uh. Yeah, that was one paragraph a second after Sirius died. And like I said, that was his fault. Right afterward he forced himself to stop worrying about Sirius and went after Katie.
  16. LuxDragon

    LuxDragon Fourth Year

    Aug 22, 2007
    He saved Sirius before and screwed up here. Kinda stupid.
  17. fuubar

    fuubar Headmaster

    Nov 17, 2007
    So he's stupid because he made a mistake in the heat of battle... ? Ok that makes sense...

    As for the RA thing, meh, I didn't think particularly much of that myself either, but I did find it understandable that he would be curious as to what it was like compared to the bunch that he taught.

    Overall, it's been pretty slow so far, but like Sree said so far has been nothing but setting characters and events up for the rest of the story, we really only hit the main story this past chapter. I'm betting that the best of this story is still to come.
  18. LuxDragon

    LuxDragon Fourth Year

    Aug 22, 2007
    If you read the last installment, Unholy Land, he did manage to save Sirius from the from the same veil while they were being chased by the entire hit squad of Voldemorts. In the heat of battle. With just 2 of them.

    This is the 3rd time Harry has seen Sirius fight near the veil, so yeah, he's an idiot. Especially since he wasn't in danger at the time anyway.
  19. Rahkesh Asmodaeus

    Rahkesh Asmodaeus THUNDAH Bawd Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 3, 2005
    ^ What he said.

    And anyways, he's the Dark Knight. He shouldn't make juvenile mistakes in the heat of battle.
  20. della_couer

    della_couer Second Year

    Jun 3, 2008
    I have to say I thought Sirius falling through the veil was lame as well. I understand the reasoning behind it, it will definitely be a defining part of Katie's character and put a big stinking wall between her relationship with Harry. (Can't have those to getting along swimmingly can we? Would destroy the tension developing.) So I can see why it happened, but in the same sense it annoyed me as a reader to see the obviously powerful Harry of Unholy Land suddenly vanish consumed with canon Harry's indecision and ineptitude.

    Hmm, had forgotten how much that annoyed me.

    And did anyone else think that the post discussion battle dragged worse than Moody's wooden leg? Forced myself to read and not skim.