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Abandoned The Stranger Trilogy by serpant sorcerer - M

Discussion in 'The Alternates' started by Rahkesh Asmodaeus, Sep 10, 2005.

  1. fatal

    fatal Backtraced

    Feb 18, 2006
    I think this fic moves really slowly. Harry is a little retardded in the way that he jusut can't grasp the concept that everyone in the new world thinks he is a death eater!!!
  2. Rahkesh Asmodaeus

    Rahkesh Asmodaeus THUNDAH Bawd Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 3, 2005
    Oh please, I think Jono hit it on the dot, I mean, Harry has never heard of parallel universes, why would he automatically assume he's in one?

    "You Death Eater!" says some random frightened wizard.

    "Oh no, I must be in a parallel universe since I'm not a Death Eater in my world!"

    Uh huh, yeah, very believable.
  3. fatal

    fatal Backtraced

    Feb 18, 2006
    I'm now on chapter 12 and couldn't help laugh at this

    the Irish are coming to steal your nulear weapons America and UK!!!! Watch out!
  4. Anomaly

    Anomaly Guest

    Hell I thought this fic was awsum. Long winded as heck. But none the less awsum. Im majorly into martial arts and weapons training in real life, so fics where harry can pummle people with his fists are a plus. The whole "Inner darkness" was a bit off putting, but in the end harry gets to kick ass more so it didnt irk me... much. Minus points for the order being dumbasses and being as incompitent as in cannon. Other then that lots of ponts for one of the few AU fics that dont involve harry becoming a pansy and not fighting. Plus he had/has a sword<its been a while since i read it> AND he can fight. Violence is always the answer... unless the question contains sex, with a woman, who doesnt look like a baby hippo... ok so maybe violence only works MOST of the time...
  5. tridentwatch

    tridentwatch Looked into the void

    Apr 12, 2006
    Canada, Toronto
    I read this fic a while ago and it was amazing. There arent many fics where harry travels to alternate universe and is voldemort's top death eater. Someone from DLP should write one!
  6. Silke

    Silke Second Year

    Jun 24, 2005
    Hell yeah, and if it isn't working, you're not using enough of it. ;)
  7. Skykes

    Skykes Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    May 14, 2006
    Good fic, very balanced, but i agree with ip82 harry should stop being such a whimp, like he's going to have to kill people one way or another. Also the author does'nt update for months at a time. Still it definately worth a read.
  8. Randeemy

    Randeemy Headmaster DLP Supporter

    Dec 29, 2005
    Updates are slow, but the chapters are massive. Only chapter 14 and the epilogue left. I have really enjoyed this
  9. ip82

    ip82 Prisoner

    Nov 14, 2005
    New chapter is up on Yahoo group.

    Gah, I don't know any other fic that is so great and so fucking STUPID at the same time. This Jono guy writes brilliant political/military thriller and covert schemes. Characterization, muggle government, OC's... everything is good. His dark side is probably the best one ever written in HP fanfiction - guys with purpose other than killing everyone and getting crucioed in some cave.

    But all his work at building the bad guys up is utterly wasted, since there's no at least moderately competent light side to oppose them. From chapter to chapter, he managed to completely mentally handicap everyone on the light side, making them into brainless incompetent morons, incapable of making and/or executing even the simplest plan.

    His Harry is the worst loser of them all. He's supposed to lead the light side, but I doubt he'd manage to lead his arse to the toilet seat the way he's acting - I bet I could think of on the spot at least 10 plans better than the half-brained schemes Harry has in mind. Just when he finally makes a good move, he completely ruins it by doing something utterly idiotic or unrealistically moralistic, like forgetting how to cast a stunner or refusing to break in some muggle's house to hide from the death eaters... Gah, if there weren't for his fire-travel, he'd be dead 100 times over. GIVE THE BOY SOME BRAIN, this is getting embarrassing.

    Dunno if I'll keep reading this, it's not that bad or anything, it's just getting me pissed off by absolute stupidity of all main characters. On the other hand, if you're a brain-dead militarist, you're gonna love this.
  10. Master Slytherin

    Master Slytherin Headmaster

    Apr 15, 2005
    London, England
    One day, when I'm really bored and have a lot of time on my hands, I'll read the new few chapters. It's a great fic but each chapter is too damn long. Looking at the amount of time you have to spend on it, it's not quite worth it at the moment.

    SLASH SUCKS Backtraced

    Apr 1, 2006
    Sacramento, California
    Thanks for the info I haven't checked his group in a few weeks.
  12. Deadwilder

    Deadwilder First Year

    Aug 18, 2005
    Meh. All the moralistic gryffindor junk is seriously killing this fic for me. I had hoped for some character development, but Harry's the same whining bitch throughout.
  13. Anheru

    Anheru Muggle

    Jun 14, 2006
    Ip82 said:

    Well, not everyone is so retarded. Just Harry. :)
    Frank Longbottom made a really good movement by joining the Black Watch. He is a bastard, but is the only one with the right mindset. Breaking the “Auror” neck in muggle way was nice.
    The new girl Rachel got invaluable info and weapons. Her attack was a little clumsy but got the Dark side by complete surprise, making it a success. So far Frank and Rachel showed good brains and tactical movements. 50 % considering that the order is now four men strong…. Not a bad percentage.:rolleyes:

    Whom I am kidding? Harry is a Moron at best. And if he is supposed to lead the order they are as good as dead… But I have reason to believe the fic will have a decent ending.

    1) Snape said in the chapter that the order needed the Assasain the other Harry was, not the moron they are stuck with now… So the author is aware that Harry right now is useless.
    2) The siege of Gringots described in past chapters was great, showing the author can write a great battle scene with a decent light side battling the machinations of Voldemort. I can just hope for something similar in the next chapter.

    So, I will wait the next chapter eagerly, I just expect it to be worth the wait, and if Harry keeps acting like a “Mahatma Ghandi” then I hope Voldemort wins. He deserves it.

    PD. The Dark side is really great. The only one I have seen in which Voldemort deserves the title of Dark Lord. ALSO His Death Eathers are worth the fear they inspire, not just a bunch of morons running around in black robes during the night to scare little kids.

    SLASH SUCKS Backtraced

    Apr 1, 2006
    Sacramento, California
    Great story, but this chapter really needed to be betaed. Lots of repeat phrases and Harry really is getting anoying. He has no plan, wtf did he steel the anti magic warhead for? I'm like you constantly keep reminding us how evil the dark lord is and his followers. YES, marching in front of a bunch of death eaters was a BAD idea okay we get it. Harry is constantly bringing up these points in the last chapter. Why won't Harry just kill already it really isn't difficult to do just throw the focking rock on Bella's head, instead, they do nothing and 2 minutes later she almost kills Sirius. The same thing happend with Crouch Jr. They went in so unprofessional they were talking and messing around just kill and flame out.

    I thought Ak-ing divides the soul, so throwing a rock on the head or stabbing someone in the jugular should be fine, I wish more authors could see this as a valued point to make Harry a killer instead of a pansy ass.
  15. huntedorange

    huntedorange Seventh Year

    Mar 21, 2006
    The guy does really need a beta, great story though, was the first of it genre that i read and probably the best i have read.
  16. CGB

    CGB Auror

    May 7, 2006
    I read the first few chapters, but I really couldn't get into this. I don't know why. I just don't like this story.
  17. Flamata

    Flamata First Year

    Jul 14, 2006
    Really? I consider this story to be a work of art, although every time it's updated I have to read the entire previous chapter as well as the new one just so I know what's going on. I just put it on my alert list and quietly forgot about it until next time it was updated. I would definitely recommend this to anyone.
  18. The Morrigu

    The Morrigu Guest

    I really like this fic. I discovered it last summer, and since then I have been hooked. I think that as your all saying, that the Dark Side is for once portrayed correctly and as proper cunning Slytherins so to speak.

    But what you must understand is that the Harry who although is used to being relied upon somewhat, he is now having to run the whole war by himself, using powers which technically arent his, while being afraid that his 'dark side' will take over. The reason why he hasnt used his dark side, is that he is afraid of the consequences. The last time he did, he killed the vampires and nearly killed Hermione.

    As this story is the first in a trilogy, and their is a banner for this story, most people (like myself) who are part of the group believe that Dark!Harry will come back from Harry's world (as we presume) and Jono will change it around and have him being good for one way or another. (These are acctually my thoughts but nevermind....)

    I also thing that the Good!Harry will discover his own powers, so as to not rely on Dark!Harry's, as Voldemort pointed out, he was nothing special, and all of his power came from his (Voldies) second in command. I think this on some level MUST have touched a nerve within Harry.

    I do think this story is excellent, having so many different angles to look at within it. I just wished the updates were a bit quicker :(
  19. se7en

    se7en Professor

    Mar 29, 2006
    stump town
    The only problems I have with the story are the chapter lengths and Harry.
    I think he should make smaller chapters, but more of them. There are plenty of places where he could have broken the story off into a new chapter. And Harry, as stated above, is stupid and is like a canon!harry.
  20. Brooklynight

    Brooklynight Seventh Year

    Jul 1, 2006
    New York
    The Stranger Triology is certainly one of the better written fics out there. The author obviously know how to write and the sheer size is a testament to that. Despite its volume its still enjoyable to read if you have the time to not rush it.

    While the author goes into detailed explaination of some aspects of this story such as time travel he seeem to overlook others. The spellwork in this fic is disapointing. The author dosn't go into detail of how spells work, wand movements etc. Another peeve is the small spell vocabulary of the characters, while we see a few original spell most of the battle/confrontations between top duelists just as moody vs. crouch still include simple stunners and shield. This isn't as bad as in many fics but definetly an are in which the author can improve.

    Harry can honestly be incrediably annoying in this fic. He just seems unwilling to use any of his knowledge from his deatheater background. This is explained through the occulemency training but Harry seems like he could care less about regaining this knowledge and seems content with hanging up death eaters by their ankles. At the same time he says that the students need to know how to fight and defend themselves but is unwilling to follow his own advise

    Another problem with Harry is that he just acts so much like a child. He advocates restraint in dealing with Rookwood when he tells Hermione that its best for her to go home. However he takes cheap shots at Rookwood on every occasion these accomplish nothing beyond driving Harry into a hole.

    This is a good fic with a solid and original plot but it could be better.

    Edit: Easily the worst part of this fic:

    Last edited: Jul 23, 2006