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Warcraft crossover.

Discussion in 'Challenges' started by Oujou Akaash, Dec 7, 2006.

  1. Oujou Akaash

    Oujou Akaash Unspeakable

    Nov 30, 2006
    Challange crossover: Warcraft 3

    The challenge is a crossover between Harry potter and Warcraft 3 and beyond If anyone knows the history of Warcraft then they also knows how the universe was created and also how the titans goes to the many worlds and brings out order from chaos.

    Lets say the titans visited the world of harry potter many, many life times ago to the point where the its not even remembered as a myth or some kind of legend in the world.

    - Harry ends up on Azeroth. Ex: Harry ends up on Azeroth through some kind of magical gate so powerful that it tore through the very space it self and ended up in Azeroth. (It doesn’t matter how old Harry is. But if it were my opinion he should be 18.)

    - Harry has no memories of his past and his sense of his identity is lost (so he is an ooc character), buried deep in the recess of his mind. harry doesn't retain his memmories...just lost it deep in his mind and sometimes gets flashes of images so he strugles to remember his past and his identy. (But not magic because to wizards magic is like English to them. Its second nature to wizards like harry. The only this he lost was his wand.)

    - Harry gets rescued or whatever you want it to be by any member of a race but he isn’t prejudged by any other races and send person has to be a powerful hermit so he doesn’t become influenced by political or a raciest towards other races.

    - Said hermit teaches him magic or armed or unarmed combat or whatever. (It all depends on the author or harry learns magic and combat and other things as he travels the world in the future.)

    - Harry is a “hero” character in this world so the author can do whatever he wants with him.

    - Harry doesn’t age because he isn’t from that world. (So he can be in Azeroth for a 1000 years)

    The point of the story is that harry is a “hero” character in Azeroth and after the story ends he comes back the his own world by whatever means after he garners his knowledge of his past. The author needs to be dedicated when writing this story and extremely creative when it comes to Harry.

    - Harry "must" learn some kind of mind magic like; psionics or legimency/occumansly etc..
    - harrys has morals and principals he follows so he doesn't do anything he might regret like becomming one of the curropted agents of the burning legions

    The plot to this story can be anything the author wants as long as he is one of the good guys.

    Feel free to add any new ideas.
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2006
  2. digitalstorm

    digitalstorm Seventh Year DLP Supporter

    Dec 23, 2005
    What is it going to have to do with the Harry Potter books besides Harry going to Azeroth?
  3. Khorne

    Khorne Second Year

    Jul 6, 2006
    Unless you have Harry retain his memories and try to get home, then as you said in your description Harry is merely an original character that uses magic from the Harry Potter world.

    If you were to have it as either the mages in Warcraft tried to summon a champion to fight against the Horde, be it in Azeroth or Lorderon depending on the time you set it in, then it would be better as Harry Potter would be Harry Potter.

    The only other way you could have a viable Harry Potter Warcraft crossover I think would be if Dumbledore was at some point an apprentice of the Kirin Tor and when Lily and James died Dumbledore sent Harry to grow up with the Kirin Tor, or the Paladins.

    Trying to combine the two completely different types of magic doesn't work really, so either way it would be a challenge to pull it off. But if done properly it would be a pretty good crossover.
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2006
  4. Jon

    Jon The Demon Mayor Admin DLP Supporter

    Jun 5, 2006
    The story would be two parts, the first being his adventures in Azeroth and the second being him pawning Voldemort. It's an interesting idea, I actually can see Harry somehow meeting up with the Dead Frost Wolf clan and spending a few month's with them before what's there name passes through and exterminates the undead clan.

    For thsoe who don't remember the FrostWolves were an orc clan. No doubt i'd have Harry somehow get into the Forsaken or Scourge and learn from the Necromancers, just for the kick's it'd have. Dalaran would be an obvious thing to do, so I'd probably make them the Antagonists of the story, trying to put down a 'rogue' wizard/Brute.

    I can see Jaina as a possible pairing option considering her disposition, but the same can be said about Sylvanis as either a High Elf or a Banshee. I need tog et ready for school, but when I get back i'll give some more thouhgt to this, yeah?

    Placing Harry into Azeroth when the Burning legion has it's first crack at the world would be an interesting idea, using the Eternity well to 'accidentally' summon him, I suppose. With the idea of the Titan's visiting Harry's world we could take the assumption that far in the past Sargasas placed a relic in the HPverse and one of harry's Founder's came into contact with it, and studied it in a Dragons-tear- like way and the magical properties faded away 'seemingly'. A thousand years later, Sargaras is trying to enter Azeroth and BAM! The magic kick's in tearing a hole in the fabric of the universe and porting harry to the scene.

    I suppose you could have Sargasas possessing Harry to a point, not full possession, but like a voice in the back of his mind. Not being helpful, but being the Anatgonist. -anwyay, i really need to go.
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2006
  5. Oujou Akaash

    Oujou Akaash Unspeakable

    Nov 30, 2006
    it all depends on the author of this story.

    this thing is harry doesn't retain his memmories...just lost it deep in his mind and sometimes gets flashes of images sometimes so he strugles to remember his past and his identy.

    about the magic you mensioned, harry lost his wand. so he can't do those certain types of magic without a certain limit unless he learns from other mages and whatnot and somehow incorporate that to his magical core so he can use it better. combinig a new type of magic because the magic system from the two worlds are certainly different.

    I actually agree with the idea as long as the author doesn't abandon the story in the near future. It would be an interesting idea for the different classes harry can become such as blade master/sorcerer.

    romance is ok as long as it doesn't get away from the story it self but at the same time it can have a huge impact towards harry but some cleche might get in the way.

    thats a very nice idea but harry founder is been done too many times to count but would be nice if it were a minor oc character.
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2006
  6. Verse of Darkness

    Verse of Darkness Denarii Host

    May 29, 2006
    Place Harry w/ Forsaken/Horde or Burning Legion.
  7. Oujou Akaash

    Oujou Akaash Unspeakable

    Nov 30, 2006
    harry has to be one of the goods guys but if the author wants he can also be one of the bad guys however the challange is that he does the evil deeds without getting curropted by there power.
  8. Vendo

    Vendo Fourth Year

    Nov 4, 2006
    If you think about it, none of the hero characters are actually evil.

    Thrall, Jaina, Carne, and Sylvanis all want peace.

    The only character that could be 'remotely' evil is Arthas and thats only because he hears the whispers of the Lich King (or is the lich king at the end of TFT).
  9. PsyckoSama

    PsyckoSama Groundskeeper

    Jan 11, 2006
    Last thing I ever want to see is Harry Potter going on Raids with his guild to get phat loot... and thats all Warcraft has become.
  10. Jon

    Jon The Demon Mayor Admin DLP Supporter

    Jun 5, 2006
    Psychosama: World of Warcraft*

    Warcraft itself will still be a RTS for me.
  11. The Sinner

    The Sinner Looked into the void

    Mar 28, 2006
    Somewhere between the heretic and Un'aria
    I accept this challenge.
  12. Oujou Akaash

    Oujou Akaash Unspeakable

    Nov 30, 2006
    oh, wow! but before u start this is going to be a pretty big challange and you have to be pretty dedicated to the fic you are writing.
  13. The Sinner

    The Sinner Looked into the void

    Mar 28, 2006
    Somewhere between the heretic and Un'aria
    I am in love with both stories, and I already have an idea of how to get things moving for it, namely using the Scarlet Crusade and the Forsaken as a backdrop for Harry's rough introduction into Azeroth.
  14. Vendo

    Vendo Fourth Year

    Nov 4, 2006
    So Harry's going to HELP the forsaken or he's gonna end up as one? I honestly can't picture Harry joining the Scarlet Crusade though...that may just be me.
  15. Oujou Akaash

    Oujou Akaash Unspeakable

    Nov 30, 2006
    lol. either way, lets just leave it up to the author. its his decision.
  16. The Sinner

    The Sinner Looked into the void

    Mar 28, 2006
    Somewhere between the heretic and Un'aria
    Well, I have just decided on where to bring Harry into Azeroth, when it was once known as simply Kalimdor and there was still one continent.

    I'm going to base this crossover off of the War of the Ancients Trilogy by Richard A. Knaak. It provides the perfect plot device by which to bring Harry into this world, and most importantly during the first invasion by the Burning Legion.

    Any thoughts?
  17. Oujou Akaash

    Oujou Akaash Unspeakable

    Nov 30, 2006
    From what i've read, which is only the game book, the first race to ever occur in the world were the elves. (if i'm wrong then just ignore me.) If Harry were to come into the world, he would be like the first human to have been there.

    I think i stumbled onto something here.

    Infact, lets say, its because of Harry that humans were ever created/born into the world of Azeroth.
  18. The Sinner

    The Sinner Looked into the void

    Mar 28, 2006
    Somewhere between the heretic and Un'aria
    Well, according to cannon, humans have always been there, but as the War of the Ancients takes places approximately 10,000 years before the Second Invasion humans were little more then nomads/barbarians.

    And in the War of the Ancients Trilogy, Rhonin a human wizard is set back in time to pre-sundered Azeroth. He would be the first human of modern intelligence into the world, and it through his interference and the interference of a dragon-mage Krasus and the orc veteran Brox that created the timeline to which we are all familiar with.

    I plan on weaving my story with that of the War of the Ancients Trilogy, and perhaps later with the history of the Age of Warcraft (as I refer to the game era).