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WIP Weres Harry? by DobbyElfLord - K+

Discussion in 'Trash Bin' started by Jigokuno, Jul 23, 2012.

  1. iLost

    iLost Minister of Magic

    Aug 8, 2009
    Maybe he is thumbing them up for actually reviewing it, but this is where people generally leave reviews so...

    Personally, I find it pretty interesting, as in nicely coincidental, that when the one member who brutally tore him apart(Giovanni) gets banned he starts posting again.

    As to the story. Dobbyefllord has done better, was kind of a fan for a little while, but this doesn't hold muster. Others have listed the same problems I've had with it. I'd give it a 2.5, and round down to a 3/5. Recycle Bin is a good place for it.
  2. Myst

    Myst Headmaster

    Feb 4, 2006
    Glassboro, NJ
    I personally enjoy this story. It is the not the best thing out there but I have fun while reading it. I was thinking about submitting it for review but while I enjoy it enough to do so, I felt that at best most DLPers would find it a guilty pleasure that deserves to be in the Recycling Bin.

    The perspective jumping wasn't an issue for me. This is common in a lot of popular novels and I did find Chapter 1 to be interesting enough to want to know how exactly it came to this.

    I would give it something between a 3.5 to a 4, really depending how the next few chapters pan out. It's a fun story and it doesn't take itself too seriously.
  3. mercuryandglass

    mercuryandglass Third Year

    Mar 25, 2012
    The premise has potential, but the author ruined it with grammar and spelling errors. Since I'm not familiar with the works of this particular person, I'm not completely sure as to whether this is normal or not. I won't detail the mistakes, but to sum it up, I found an average of one per two sentences of narration and one per sentence of dialogue (in the first part of chapter 1; I didn't bother looking for errors afterwards). The makes me certain that the rating will not be higher than 3./5, espescailly since the author didn't improve much in the last part of the latest chapter.

    Like I said, despite the obvious wrongdoing of the author, the premise has merits. It is perfectly plausible that werewolf magic and Horcrux magic could interact like that, and it is quite an interesting and original line of thought (at least, I haven't seen anything similar). Along with the merits, though, there are many more wrongdoings. After seven chapters, I have found the idea to be pretentious, and the author didn't even try to hide it. It shows that lack of skill that this person posesses since most authors will be able to at least mask that element (which is present in most stories, if not all) decently. This Harry has the perfect making of a Gary Stu, and I see it becoming more and more obvious as we approach the later chapters. Also, while the author explained this, and while it is starting to change, I find this very similar to canon. He did change some minor details (I'll give him that), but the result was overall the same, and I find no reason that it should be, due to the manner of this AU. Now, not only are there problems with Harry's character, but the characters of other major and minor supporting character (i.e. Hermione, Ron, Snape, Dumbledore, Tom Riddle... I could go on) are underdevelopped, bland, and hyperbolic compared to their personalities in canon (meaning that they were ooc).

    Now, I've covered grammar and plot. On the writing itself, the best I could say is that it's not horrible. It might not even be bad, compared to what I've written in the past (hell, it might even be good if we go in that direction). But, it is not good in DLP's standards. Now, that is only based on what I believe, not what others think or know. To be honest, it is bland, uninteresting, and shows a lack of understanding of the English languages, as the adjectives and adverbs were often inappropriate for the word it was describing. Now, English is my second language, and I can't say that anyone knnows it completely, but I do find that my knowledge of it is superior (as it very well should, given that it's my major in uni) than some. I must applaud that author, though for turning fiction (and fantasy, on top of that) into a bland, essay-like format. (I know that people have previously commented on that, but I just wanted to reinforce it.) Like I have repeated, it's not horrible, but it's barely above bad. It's choppy and underdescriptive at times, while being elaborate and overdescriptive at others. The author did not seem to find a good balance in between the two extremes, and that annoys me.

    All in all, I find this not horrible, but not worthy of the Library of even the Recycling Bin. Therefore, 1.5/5 generously rounded up to 2/5.

    To the poster: I have not been on this site for long, and therefore am only encountering you for the second time (the first was in another post on this same Review Board a few days ago). Therefore, I have not encountered you notorious reputation. However, I have recently read some threads about you (particularly the one by Giovanni as pointed out by another reviewer/responder to this thread) and have found them to be harsh (necessarily so, might I add), but true. The fact that you found this to be a 4/5 was a pondering that has crossed my mind several times as I read the story. I could not care less as to whether you take offence at this or not, but I am surprised that you have not figured out the high standards that this site has in the almost-four years that you've been here. Please do try to improve you views on certain things, because you are reminding me of a childhood aquaintance, and that is not a compliment, seeing the acts of the particular person.
  4. Andro

    Andro Master of Death DLP Supporter

    Jun 23, 2007
    Werewolf magic and Horcruxes have no connection. It's not "creative" to draw an arbitrary connection between them.

    Heinous. DobbyElfLord writes caricatures, not characters.

    This is terrible writing from a terrible writer, in all ways. One of the least talented authors I've come across.
