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What if Rowling wrote a "What if" book?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Andrela, Feb 23, 2016.

  1. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South
    I'd read it, sure.

    I mean, what if Voldemort had gone after Neville instead of Harry Potter? We've seen that in fanfiction before, so it'd be interesting to see JKR's version of it.

    The same applies to every other 'what if' concept.

    Do I want her to do that? No, not really. Because with HP I feel that fanfiction has gotten less and less creative the more 'known' things we get from canon during Harry's own time period.

    Remember that three year gap between GoF and OotP? Before we knew about horcruxes? There was some really creative shit that came out of that time in fanfiction. And yes, most of it was actually shit... but I miss the creative freedom from that time that stopped once the fandom had things like horcruxes to account for.

    I'd read it, and I might even enjoy reading it. But I'd rather she did other things.
  2. dilbert24

    dilbert24 Squib

    Mar 3, 2016
    High Score:
    I certainly agree with the idea that fanfiction gets less creative the more extensive canon becomes. Coming up with and writing a story that moves in a lateral direction is much more difficult than veering slightly.
  3. MrFizzySodapop

    MrFizzySodapop Squib

    Mar 5, 2016
    High Score:
    The more JKR canonizes fanon ideas, the more rigid the world of Harry Potter becomes. Obviously, a writer can simply choose to ignore canon - plenty of great stories do - but I find it pandering.

    One reason I love the HP is the fact that a lot is left unsaid or unnoticed by Harry in the series, so we don't get a look at everything. Therefore more room for interpretation.

    Also, JKR's world of magic is incredibly malleable, because she never made it rigidly structured. We have very little understanding of how magic works (as far as I know).

    I rigidly ignore Pottermore and everything else. It's not that I hate it, but that I have an idea of HP in my head and I enjoy my own imagination more than I enjoy an author pandering to their fandom.
  4. ErwannMillon

    ErwannMillon Squib

    Jan 12, 2016
    High Score:
    Agreed. With features like "35 problems all Harry Potter fans will understand," Pottermore is the wizarding equivalant of BuzzFeed. :colbert:
  5. zentradi

    zentradi First Year

    Mar 6, 2016
    High Score:
    Isn't she already milking the franchise dry and monetizing the residue? But it'd be probably too much to ask to stop writing, when you're out of good ideas, right?
  6. Nerdman3000

    Nerdman3000 Seventh Year

    Apr 23, 2013
    While I like the idea of JK Rowling putting her takes on the what if's of Harry Potter, I think it makes more sense for it to go in Pottermore than in a book.