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What was the first fanfiction you ever read?

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by ab546122, Feb 7, 2010.

  1. Naga's Shadow

    Naga's Shadow Seventh Year

    May 24, 2006
    the first hp fanfic I read was bobmin's alternate year six and seven story. Dumbledore's Army. First fanfic was a teen titans piece, have no idea what it was about.
  2. Chime

    Chime Dark Lord

    Aug 22, 2007
    Zelda, though I can't remember my first, I remember the first epic story I followed. It was this http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4699569/2/The_Five (which was published in like '02 and finished around '04 if I remember) and then its direct sequel http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4724242/1/The_Eternal_Ark (from like '04 to '05). Shit was like the most popular Zelda fic, had a at least 1k reviews at the time, I remember gloriously devouring each update, though I would... not recommend anyone read this, unless it's for posterity's sake. It's very long, at any rate (second story has 91 chapters). I was so disappointed when the author moved over to fictionpress and took down his stories, amazed I still remember that.

    The summaries of these stories is... well, I don't remember much. In the ark, I recall Link having a black arm which steadily consumes him (I think it had to do with the Diety mask, but I could be wrong), as well as 3 OC companions + Zelda & Saria and a bunch of exploring/dungeon crawling. It was great for its time, I'm sure. I think I'll try rereading these, maybe they're worth being slipped into almost recommended, lol.
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2010
  3. h2o

    h2o Professor

    Dec 13, 2007
    No I don't think you're being sentimental at all, it was a very good fic. It still is just that my tastes have changed a lot. As much as I like canon, I find not wanting to read about the same thing over and over again in fanfiction. Its Pussy!Harry that really pisses me off... also any story where Malfoy plays a big part in, especially if he's outsmarting Harry...

    Sometime after OotP (Which is when I got into fanfics) I was kind of hoping for some Harry/Luna... even if its just that they grew closer as friends :)
  4. Lion

    Lion Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Jul 8, 2009
    That place
    The first few weeks I was stuck on some Snape/Hermoine site thhat it thought was the only fanfiction site ever. Also the first fic that I read on their was some smut that made me puke.

    Yea I regret that to this day and can never get out of my head that horror.
  5. Ragon

    Ragon Dark Lord

    Nov 8, 2005
    I lived in my mind but I lost my key.
    Ahh yes Bobmin's work. I remember those stories. They were good way back when as embrassing as it is to say I once considered them good. I remember Sunset over Britain was an extremely superpowered Harry who is abused and comes into his own after Sirius and completely wipes the floor with everyone because he is stronger than Merlin ever dreamed of being.
  6. Phantom of the Library

    Phantom of the Library Unspeakable

    Nov 22, 2009
    Oh man. I am 99% 100% sure it was some kind of bondage/slave Inuyasha fic. Pretty much Kagome got plowed by almost every single character for like 20 chapters.

    Needles to say, both shocking and addicting to an eleven year old male.
  7. Oneiros

    Oneiros Groundskeeper

    May 2, 2009
    I think it may have been the "Dark Tournament" by Master E. I'm not 100% sure though. He is pretty much the only author I remember from back in those days well his stories and some crazy story where Harry had a twin sister, was best friends with Draco and was trying to get into Granger's pants. It was an AU GOF fic...had a massive fanbase iirc though now that I think about it I would hate that fic today if I read it. I still remember it fondly though if for no reason other than at the time I thought it was amazing.

    Master Eldryn is always amazing though. Damn hard to find any of his stories now though. He got all pissy over the way the admins at ff.net were screwing with him. Also, I do believe he was the first person to ever author a Harry/Hedwig fic. That pretty much makes him awesome. ;)
  8. Klimpen

    Klimpen First Year

    Oct 18, 2009
    Moonlit Nights by AngelicDemon16, though I'm not 100% on the name. Feels right though.

    It doesn't exist on the internets anymore, though I have a copy floating around somewhere at my parents. I have a lot of nostalgia for this fic, though I'm sure I'd be extremely disappointed by it if I went back and read it now.

    Was a H/Hr where Harry becomes a Vampire and then saves Hermione's life by turning her after a Death Eater attack which kills her family. Angst follows, then they become assassins.
  9. Portus

    Portus Heir

    Nov 25, 2008
    Music City
    You say that as if there is a healthy amount of Snape. As an example of a story with infinitely too much Snape (he even has a wife inthis one), see the next quote:

    I have to admit though, that in spite of Snape's Mary-Sue wife/fiance (can't remember which now), I read both stories and enjoyed them quite a bit at the time. :eek:^2

    Fucking LOL at the unintended irony of being consumed by a DIETY mask. I'm sure you meant to put "Deity", but the thought of a weight-loss mask turning around and eating the person wearing it made me chuckle IRL.

    Seconded on the embarassing. One of the best parts? How the prophecy prevented Harry from just vaporizing Voldemort because Harry was so unfathomably more powerful after his "magical maturity". The solution? The good guys seal off magical Britain (leaving everyone who doesn't believe Harry at the mercy of a rampant Voldemort and crew) and wait for Voldemort to become Harry's equal so they can duel to the death. "Yeah, sorry 'bout all that collateral damage, by the way."

    Come on now; how could that be anything short of epic?!?
  10. Katricia

    Katricia DA Member

    Sep 11, 2009
    United States
    The first fanfiction I ever read was actually a Twilight fanfiction. I used to be a member of a chat site called Twilight Sucks (actually, I think I still have an account on there, I just haven't logged onto it since sometime last summer) and someone mentioned a Twliight re-write they had read that was actually pretty decent, but didn't give a link, so I googled it. Instead of finding whatever story they mentioned, however, I found this story called "Grim Reaper's Release" on some Twilight Fanfiction Site. I thought it was really good at the time, and followed it for a while. It was actually pretty well written (better written than the book it was based on, definitely) and even now, while I doubt I'll be re-reading it anytime soon (it's 300k words, and I'm not really interested in Twilight fanfiction anymore.) it's still not so bad that I'm extremely ashamed that it was my first fanfic. (The fanfic that introduced me to fanfiction.net, Vampire in the Basement, is a different story, however... -shudders-)

    I can't remember when I made the transition from Twilight stories to Harry Potter stories, though I'm pretty sure it was one of the Indy!Harry stories that were so popular a few years ago.

    So yeah, fanfiction for me started because of a story that I hated. XD
  11. Militis

    Militis Supreme Mugwump

    Jun 24, 2008
    Refiner's Fire

    ...I know, right? That shit is horrible. I almost can't believe I read the entire series or whatever it's called.