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WiFom City: The Spirit Tunnels

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Titus, Apr 19, 2014.

  1. Prophylaxis

    Prophylaxis Squib

    May 4, 2013
    I was busy during these three days. I will contribute more starting Day 2.

    Unvote, vote MathBlade
  2. Sloth

    Sloth Professor DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2014
    Hungry for apples?
    And that's Lynch. We're officially in Twilight.
  3. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    @Lyrium: Posting something hilarious is not a derp. Helps to relieve stress and get townies thinking clearly. I got thirteen from prior signins but I guess only 12 were playing. Yes I agree 9 town is probably the most logical assumption.

    I did address the points made. *sigh* You did not counter my counter points.

    Question 1: Since I'm town, let's go on the assumption I am town. How would that impact your town/scum reads if there was a town flip involved and you'd see this?

    My answer as if it was you getting lynched would be that I'd start looking at fonti as being scum.

    Question 2: What are your reads about the people who stayed up late? Towniest to scummiest? Because I'm thinking that if I get lynched one of them is scum to make that "so concrete" in your heads.

    Question 3: Why did the bandwagon move off of Sloth? I haven't heard any concrete reason as to why. The scummy reasons are still there and are not explained. I'd be for a Sloth or Rubicon or Zennith vote. I've been spending all of my energy helping town when there have been people doing a lot less. If I'm scum (which I'm not) I'm damn horrible at it.

    ---------- Post automerged at 09:04 ---------- Previous post was at 09:02 ----------

    And fuck this game. I was displaying righteous townie anger.

    This board plays like no other mafia board on the game dammit and I can't figure you guys out at all no matter how hard I try. I'm derping when I play the game fucking well. *sigh*

    Last wishes:
    Sloth is fucking scum. You've seen my townreads. Lynch his ass.
  4. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    Hey. I think we have another hour. I'm really not a morning person, and I'm probably just going to go back to sleep.

    Mathblade: Please drop as much info as you can (reads, thoughts on the last minute stuff, etc).

    ---------- Post automerged at 10:33 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:28 AM ----------

    Rubicon: Tell me how this could come from scum.

    Also, I tend to see all the pre-deadline rage as towny.
  5. Sloth

    Sloth Professor DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2014
    Hungry for apples?
    Are you sure? Ika did say that the wolfram wouldn't be changed. I guess it doesn't matter though: Game has Twilight.


    Accepted. Not a counterpoint.

    First of all, this is not a counterpoint. It sort of tries to tackle my point about scumhunting, in a completely ineffectual way.
    Scumhunting is not pointing fingers, or ‘asking scum.’ That’s not what I said, it’s following up on what you see and address it. What else do you expect me to say about this?
    Then you follow it up with an insult at how I play the game despite the fact that even though I was about to be lynched, I had to have given a VERY strong Town-read/argument to turn it around, but you don’t care about that, do you? You just want to discredit me.
    And that’s it. That’s the extent of your ‘counter’.
    You didn’t address the Caligula point, the Sesc pressuring you point, the Citrus point.
    And hell, don’t even get me started on the wall. Pointless to ask about scum? Then why did you point to 3 freaking null-scum reads? Which you never follow on? That’s scum hunting.
    Why didn’t you follow on Sesc, whom you ALSO called scummy?
    This is not a counter.

    And again, no, you didn’t. You only did it a few posts ago, and painted as ‘doing it again,’ which, by the by, is scummy as hell.

    Good? Good.

    I’d say that my case against Citrus loses power as a result and turn to Fonti and Snow as possible scumteam. Maybe swap Snow for someone else, and see if Sesc can still apply as third.

    There’s no correlation between scum and people that stay till the end of the day. A lot of the players try to, so it says nothing one way or the other to me.
    My reads remain more or less as they were on my big Post. Here’s a summary:

    Rubi: 4
    Snowvon: 3
    Lyrium: 2
    Prophylaxis: 2
    Zennith: 0
    Maiden: 0
    Caligula: 0
    Fonti: -1 (up a bit based on recent posts.)
    Sesc: -4
    Citrus: -5
    Mathblade: -8

    (I finally figured out what Lyrium meant by 'pretty rainbow.')

    Again, presumably the only reason a near-lynch turns around the game is because he gives a good pro-town argument that everyone agrees with.
    I explained the ‘scummy reasons’ constantly, and I still maintain there was never a strong case against me. By the way, interest change of tune.

    Oh now you have Townreads?
    Holy shit, this part.
    Where have you EVER posted a case against me, again? Interesting how you’re utterly convinced once I turn the game on you.
    Point to me a single instance where you called me scum (that wasn’t like “I’m not totally dismissing Sloth as scum”) before Sesc pressed the issue.
    Jesus, you’re playing it off as if you’ve been calling me scum all Day.
  6. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    Rubicon's no lynch stuff and "Citrus and font are trying to paint me as suspicious" stuff was bad. Consider lynching him toMorrow.

    ---------- Post automerged at 10:38 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:35 AM ----------

    Sloth: Rubicon is way to high on your read's list. Bussing a scummate at the last minute with the hope that its too late for a lynch change has been done by both Rubicon and Proph before. Don't get pulled in. Going back to sleep now.
  7. Sloth

    Sloth Professor DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2014
    Hungry for apples?
    I'm not, exactly. Keep in mind that's a 4 out of 10. He's not even over the halfway point - he's simply the strongest one in my mind right now.

    Granted his latest posts have done some damage, and I will be looking on him, but for now I can see the logic in half what he's saying, and wondering if he's being a troll on the other half. Will need more.

    As for his bussing mathblade, that'd be a good point, except he was the first one to jump into it after me, and it didn't look like it was going to take off for a while. (By the way, that should be a big point for what if either Rubi or I are scum, the other isn't, Mathblade)
    Because of that, bussing might not fit here.
  8. Titus

    Titus Squib

    Nov 25, 2013

    Checking the votes. Caligula will be replaced. If it is night, day will not resume until a replacement is found. If Caligula confirms receipt of prod before a replacement is found, then Caligula can keep their slot.
  9. Citrus

    Citrus First Year

    Jan 5, 2014
    Woke up to see the hammer occurred. Good.

    ---------- Post automerged at 10:26 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:25 AM ----------

    Game should pause in that case at night end. Otherwise you give scum unlimited time to night chat while town can't chat which is an unfair balance
  10. Titus

    Titus Squib

    Nov 25, 2013
    Mathblade has been lynched. She is now a spirit, granted appropriate powers based on the setup.

    Please do not post in this thread further.

    Scum, you may not use nightchat at the moment. The game is paused until a replacement for Caligula is found.

    Sloth, the Spirit Tracker only receives a message from the Agent of the Dead. It says "Your target visited no one. Your target was visited by Player Y." Nothing else.

    Vote Count:

    Sloth(3): MathBlade, Snowven

    Prophylaxis(2): Sesc, Maiden

    Lyrium(1): Zennith

    Mathblade(7): Sloth, Rubicon, Cirtus, Lyrium, Maiden, fontisian, Prophylaxis

    not voting (2): Caligula
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2014
  11. ika

    ika Temporarily Banhammered

    Feb 11, 2014
    I just got up. Will add fun stuff later

    fontisian was found missing.

    Day end has been updated.

    11 alive, 6 to lynch
  12. Lyrium

    Lyrium Sent Back to India

    Jul 28, 2013

    Well scum, you made a mistake. Cowardly mistake too.
  13. Sloth

    Sloth Professor DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2014
    Hungry for apples?
    Guys, this is Burk. He has no experience and no mentor. He’s read up on mafia, and has caught up on the game, more or less, but expect a lot of questions.

    Burk, thanks for filling in. Post often, please.

    That said…


    Rubi, you’re still the closest thing to a townread I have, somewhat. However, a lot of your posts after the Big Post raised some bizarre warning bells in my head, so I’m going to be looking at you closely. …So, basically, business as usual, trust no one, etc.

    Two things I want from you for now:

    1: your #133 had a lot of good points. Site meta is my biggest weakness because I frankly do not have the time nor inclination to read all of the past games, so your well of knowledge gained from being a player in the site is particularly useful.
    That said, here are the list of people you point to as possible scum more at least once (usually more):
    In a game of 11 players this is literally 1 person short of over half of us. Yes, we have to observe everyone for signs, but we cannot split our focus so much. This feels too close like sowing paranoia, feeding the flames of my smallest of suspicions everywhere, for comfort.
    Narrow your field. Tell me which two in that group you think deserve the most attention.

    2: Explain to me what you were doing with the NL talk. I had said everything I needed to say and even clearly stated I was fine being lynched if it meant no NL.
    Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad I wasn’t, but the Matblade Lynch was cut extremely close and almost didn’t happen.
    You say No NLs are a pet-peeve of yours. Fine. I’m listening.
    You’re talking to a guy whose known strategies as Town is to manipulate, outright lie and purposefully lynch other Towns in order to get at Scum. You’re not going to find anyone more willing to hear you out with an open mind. So explain.

    (Totally off-topic: Ending the Day early, btw, is STILL a no-win situation. So much twitching.)

    Give me a case on Maiden. Someone has to, and you were the first to vote her.
    I already explained why she’s Null-lean!Town to me.

    Explain the mistake.

    You made a promise at the end of D1. Deliver on it.

    Still needs explanation.

    Explain to me what about Lyrium made you so convinced she’s Scum that in the last hours of D1 you kept your vote on her rather than Tish (Mathblade didn’t seem to be in your radar, which is odd too, but not as much), whom you seemed to call out strongly at that time.

    Address my analysis of you in the Big Post.
    Do you have anything solid to say in regards to the game?
    And why were you fanning the flames of my tiff with Tish. I swear to God, it better not be because you find it hot.

    No questions, because there’s nothing else to say about your 3 posts, everything’s more or less addressed on the Big Post.
    You need to post more, I guess. I understand you’re dealing with stuff, but putting it out there.


    ^Tell me which two things you did after the Big Post that, along with my case, made me confident enough to do that.
    Here’s a hint: They have to do with Tish.
  14. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    @Sloth: After my last post, I was flipping through the thread a little bit and I sort of forgot to vote before I went to bed . I thought we were going to let MathBlade post more before her lynch.

    Yeah that probably looks bad.

    @Lyrium: What mistake? Being shot by someone she called out?
  15. Maiden

    Maiden Muggle

    Mar 16, 2014
    Your mother's house
    Been working on a wallpost for all the info that I gathered from D1. Not done yet, but will post soon. Still rereading over the MathBlade fiasco.
  16. Rubicon

    Rubicon High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 8, 2011
    What do you mean by this exactly?

    Where is the "maybe! or maybe not!" part about Snowvon coming from?

    My top scum reads are Citrus, Zennith, Prophylaxis, and Sesc. I'll narrow down or branch out as the game progresses and I talk to them.

    You can stop emphasizing how fine you were with being lynched for the good of the town now, we got it the first time. ;)

    I think that when new stuff comes up an hour before deadline, no-lynching is better than lynching town in non-reveal setups unless there are mechanical reasons (specific to the setup) why it's important to have a lynch.

    When have you done any of that as town?

    Where is this coming from?
  17. Maiden

    Maiden Muggle

    Mar 16, 2014
    Your mother's house
    --Rubicon: As usual, I find it extremely difficult to read Rubicon. He votes, doesn't explain his reasons, and doesn't say too much. Normally, that would feel so scummy to me, but that's literally how he plays, so I honestly can't tell one way or the other.
    Rubicon @ 159: We might honestly be better of no-lynching today, since this game has no flips.
    That reads seriously scummy to me. Not lynching is bad. It's the biggest power us townies have.

    --Citrus: Not very much activity, but he did get better throughout D1.
    Citrus @ 25: "Because I read up to that post on my phone and immediately wanted to vote sloth." Something about that doesn't ping right to me. It's classic bandwagoning--just as bad as Prophy's vote, where he didn't explain much of anything.
    Null-scum I want to see more from you.

    @14: "Well, I guess we can say Fonti's somewhat Townish for not jumping on the Titus bandwagon."
    Why would you say that? YOU voted for Titus.
    Otherwise, townread. Been productive, huge wallposts (as usual), and nothing has been jumping out at me.

    --Lyrium: First post brought nothing new to the table. There was no scumhunting or attempts to learn anything new about anyone.
    Very scummy to suddenly vote for Citrus at the end of D1. No one had voted for Citrus, and it was a completely pointless vote.
    <b> Unvote </b>
    <b> Vote Sloth<b>
    WHOA. Scumtell/slip? That's how you bold things in QTs. Have you been posting so much in scum QT that you had a slip?
    Lyrium @ 208: Fontisian, I'm fine with being lynched. Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it.
    That's so scummy. As town, you NEVER want to self hammer.

    --Prophylaxis: No explanation on the Sloth vote, no explanation on MathBlade's vote, hardly any activity. Scumread.

    --Snowvon: Not a lot of activity, but definitely just enough. He admits that some of his answers are cop-out, which reminds me of blab's play back in B&T, which I do NOT like. (Blab was scum, for those of you who don't know.)

    Sloth about Von @ 258: @Snow
    You need to vote. Now.
    In fact, why haven’t you? Your last post in #251 was to call Mathblade out yet with the deadline looming you end it without a vote? The hell?

    Agreed. Doesn't add up at all.

    --Zennith: Also, very little activity.
    @64: "Fonti's playing in a way that reminds me of Titus from last game. That's not a bad thing, necessarily, just noting that that's the read I'm getting. Very assertive, very self-assured. It's towny for the moment, but my opinion on that could turn."
    Now that I'm re-reading this, it feels WAY scummy to me. First of all, Titus was a 3rd party last game. She wasn't town, so if someone's play reminds you of hers, then shouldn't you be wary that person? That doesn't even remotely add up.
    Nullread, but on my radar

    --Sesc: A small amount of activity for D1, BUT, RL comes before Mafia, so for now, I'll let it slide.
    "@Maiden: You're a Newb (/first game)?"
    Didn't realize that I hadn't answered your question: It's my 2nd game. My first game, I made it pretty far in--I think over the halfway point--but then I got NK'd. So I'm newb-ish?

    --Caligula: No posts--nothing.

    I guess the bottom line is that I really don't trust anyone. XD Out of all my scumreads though, I can't get past Lyrium's slip.
    /Vote Lyrium

    ---------- Post automerged at 02:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:26 PM ----------

    -Maybe I was 'fanning the flames' because it was getting hot in here? XD Seriously though, I'm not sure how/where I was trying to 'fan the flames.' I was definitely trying to analyze what was going on.
    Otherwise, there's not much you said to me in the Big Post. You more or less said things ABOUT me. The only thing I really disagree with is that I only questioned Prophy and Lyrium. I also questioned Citrus and Zennith on their reads, among other things.

    -*points* See, wall post. This game is proving to be really difficult. Almost everyone feels scummy. Bleh. After rereading over Lyrium's posts, she feels the most scummy to me, above anyone else.
  18. Rubicon

    Rubicon High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 8, 2011
    For reference, here's me calling for a no lynch as town game just 2 weeks ago.

    Which votes would you like me to explain?

    Why do you think Lyrium wanted to be lynched at that point?

    Why does Zennith doing something "way scummy" make him a null read for you?
  19. Lyrium

    Lyrium Sent Back to India

    Jul 28, 2013
    LOL, Maiden. Seriously.

    I don't even know what to say. I'm trying to see if there's any way to read you as town or you're just extremely stupid. Considering your last game, that seems unlikely, you played pretty well. Therefore, scum much?

    I mean MathBlade, I don't know for sure if she was scum. She did quote something I said about giving scum cookies and said she didn't want a cookie (but maybe wanted a hug? not sure about that) Then she was using derp scum reasons I used in Dresden (get the lurkers, they the bad ones). She seemed a more likely scum in the two possible lynches which is what we're operating on in this game - trying to determine who is more likely to be scum.

    However, Maiden what I find really interesting about you is that you find people scummy if they vote you as scum. Isn't that interesting? I mean I enjoy a health dose of skepticism and people who squarely put me as town seem a bit suspicious but putting me and Prophy as scum because we voted you. I smell smoke.

    Oh and do tell me this, why the fuck would I need to put my vote in a scum QT? This speaks to me of some knowledge you have about scum QTs. What you been writing in yours?

    Maiden the braineater, where are your playmates?
  20. Citrus

    Citrus First Year

    Jan 5, 2014
    Vote: Rubicon

    There's no way you seriously believed no-lynching is ok as town. I'll be on my computer later.

    Quick read through: Sloth, if you're town how the fuck can you town read Rubicon? I'll respond to the stuff addressing me + stuff I didn't get to yesterday we I'm on my computer

    ---------- Post automerged at 02:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:57 PM ----------


    Make sure to check your qt in case you were black mailed.