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WiFom City: The Spirit Tunnels

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Titus, Apr 19, 2014.

  1. Lyrium

    Lyrium Sent Back to India

    Jul 28, 2013
    Snowvon, what about my attitude?

    I assume that the ST would work in any data they have into analysis\discussions. Until we get to the 7th and 8th dead town, there is no protection.

    If the Spirit Tracker is alive then and the Guardian Angels are active, the ST could claim and be protected from NK one time and one time only. So claiming isn't very useful.

    If the Spirit Tracker dies then they power randomly passes onto another player. If this were to happen and there were some way to really subtly share this information? ST shouldn't risk any reveals until and unless some game winning or changing info I would think.

    4 dead:

    MathBlade, Fontisian, Citrus, Rubicon

    Worst case scenario is that all four are town.

    That means one more town dead and we get the Vengeful Ghosts who can jail keep.

    Questions for Mods:
    I don't see anything that states that a jailed townie can't reveal that they were jailed. Does being jailed protect a player from NK?
  2. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    You were very lighthearted and bouncy in the beginning of the thread and now you're screaming at scum and kind of intense, while most of the other players have been pretty consistently intense from the start. That's all.
  3. Prophylaxis

    Prophylaxis Squib

    May 4, 2013

    Why was Citrus lynched?

    Explain to me why my case is bad like a five year old.
  4. Lyrium

    Lyrium Sent Back to India

    Jul 28, 2013
    Lighthearted and bouncy as long as the game is fun, the game is less fun when people are AWOL. It's even less fun when scum kill of the most active players so its like being half in the cemetery already.

    At this point an NK is a badge of honor.

    Snowvon, does my yelling at scum cause you to feel guilty?

    Prophylaxis, fuck no that's not going to work.
  5. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    Fair enough.

    I feel guilty for sleeping through the last half of the Day when stuff actually happened. You can keep yelling at scum.

    Do you think it's newb!scum going after the star players to make the game easier, or do scum normally target the most active posters?
  6. Lyrium

    Lyrium Sent Back to India

    Jul 28, 2013
    Newb!scum being coached could be killing off the star players. However, noobs have been off the radar of the killed players "town to scum rainbows" so I'm not sure if that is what is going on.

    If it turns out that the little fucks who aren't posting are mafia and they think they're doing great - you're not. If you win by being inactive\hiding, that's not a win..that's being a cowardly snail vomit for lack of more delicate wording.

    ---------- Post automerged at 06:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:32 PM ----------

    Prophylaxis, your last post? That makes me want to strangle a tiny stuffed animal.

    Since its 4 to lynch holding off in case of blitzing, but I'm open to a Prophy lynch toDay.
  7. Cythare

    Cythare Muggle

    Apr 29, 2014
    Wherever Ke$ha Is
    Sure thing. I'm Cythare, I'm a Mafia regular on MTGSalvation, with about 10 completed games there. Happy to give my perspective, and no, I'm not Mafia.

    I did my best to read over the thread during Night, but am used to longer Day/Night periods, so if I glossed over anything, I'd be happy to review. Here's where I'm at:






    in descending order.

    I played once with Fontisian over on MTGS, and she was town there. Her posts here all screamed town to me. Her posts out of the gate were solid, and her questioning of Sloth's megawall seemed like something that scum wouldn't stick their neck out to do.

    Sloth read scum to me up until 131, at which point I became convinced he's town.

    Rubicon was third highest town to me from the start. My quick notes only listed post numbers, but 278 and 378 were strong, and his starting posts seemed good.

    I don't really understand why Citrus was the lynch yesterday aside from deadline issues.

    Lyrium is the weakest of my town reads. The off-the-wall questions were null, as it's not a style I'm familiar with, but you seemed focused when need be at the end of D2. None of your posts then seemed self-serving or scum-motivated.

    Burkion is completely null to me. I got no read either way from his few posts.

    I have some familiarity with Prophylaxis, but also have a null read on him. I disliked his post where he jumped on the Sloth wagon (28), but liked 346. I'd need to see more from him before I could decide. I've seen him provide little content as both alignments, so it's not telling for me.

    Snowvon is the weakest of my lean scums, but I disliked 112 and 241.

    Maiden's 49 and 299 screamed scum to me, but 292 was townie. One post does not a townie make, and I'd be interested in pursuing this lead the most if not for Zennith.

    MathBlade - D1 lynch and I support it. 193 sold me on it, but there are others I can provide as well.

    Zennith - 142, 296, 422. 142 reads self-conscious to me. "especially now that it would be a hammer" seems like a cop out. Hammering is a very high-profile thing, but this excuse screams scum copout to me. There's also a tell on MTGS about "honestly" being a scum thing. If you were town, why would you need to qualify one of your statements with it (this applies to Maiden as well)? The second paragraph of 296 seemed awkwardly fencesitty on Lyrium. He calls her out on "doing a good job of blending in" and "doing the requisite amount of scumhunting to seem towny", both of which seem to me like things you'd say if you were convinced or mostly convinced a player was scum, but ends up just saying that Lyrium is "null at best". :confused: Finally, 422. "voting for myself would have just delayed the actual vote"? You were one of the two major wagons. Why didn't we have time for one of the two major wagons?

    I'll follow up with more actual questions for Maiden and Zennith shortly.

    ---------- Post automerged at 06:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:56 PM ----------

    That smiley face should refer to post #28.
  8. Prophylaxis

    Prophylaxis Squib

    May 4, 2013

    I'm town, and I'm going to put in the effort to solve this game. I have the time, now, to really get engaged.

    I still think Snowvon is town - he had stuff during Day 1 that I pointed out in my notes that I have a hard time seeing coming from scum who are more conscious about their posting. Hence the lack of self-awareness tell.

    Sloth has been trying to figure out the game, and while I wanted to burn him D1, his later posts remind me a lot of Avatar in that he's questioning people and actually cares about those questions.

    Burkion and Cythare are basically the people I need to grill. Sesc hasn't posted since since D1 and the Burkion slot has like 3 non-contributory posts throughout the whole game. Lyrium.. tempted to clear for meta reasons, but I really haven't been paying attention to her. Exasperating playstyle.

    I could write whole books about how Maiden and Zennith are scum.

    I'm edging Zennith over Maiden due to the fact that I think that I think the Citrus wagon arose as a counter to the Zennith wagon yesterDay, when the lynch on Zennith should have absolutely gone through. Maiden disappearing gives her no points, though.

    ---------- Post automerged at 04:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:14 PM ----------

    I am unlynchable.


    What about those posts by Snowvon are scummy? They haven't pinged my radar at all.
  9. Cythare

    Cythare Muggle

    Apr 29, 2014
    Wherever Ke$ha Is
    112: I also thought I had caught something where he nonchalantly referred to himself in the third person as town, but maybe I'm just confused. The post of Maiden's that's quoted refers to Fonti and Snowvon and he said "they're both town". I also kinda didn't like his reasoning for doing a readwall just to do it, and wasn't sold by the way he backed out of it.

    241: For this one, I just didn't like the "I'm going to avoid putting Mathblade at L-1" coupled with the unvote. It's something I've seen before from scum. One slings mud at another player while providing an apparently legitimate excuse to not vote. At the same time, he or she unvotes the current wagon without addressing why you're no longer interested in the lynch you were previously pushing.
  10. Sloth

    Sloth Professor DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2014
    Hungry for apples?
    Ok, guys, some news: I'm going to be a bit busy for the next two days or so.
    Just wanted to let you know. I'm going to make it a priority to post here, and post often, but don't expect my usual walls.

    Also, on Burk, he's at the hospital, because of some family issues. I won't say more than that, but it shouldn't keep him from posting for long.

    And on Maiden, her internet was knocked out by weather--that's why she hasn't been posting. She might (hopefully) get it back tonight.

    Just some quick notes...

    First, VOTE: Zennith

    Honestly, this makes me want to lynch you as scum. It just reeks of you trying to manipulate me into thinking so and say "holy crap, she's right, I have to back off."
    When in fact, Tish's fixation on me was relentless and without base because I constantly answered her questions and she ignored that. Not to mention the basis of her argument (the joke first post) was ridiculous.
    On the other hand, you haven't answered any questions and pass it off as if you have. That's suspicious. Plain and simple.
    The only reason I'm not voting for you is because of Zennith.

    I'll go on an in-depth analysis of Rubi once I have time, but it's easy to see why they'd get the experienced players first. Bit insulting, but easy.

    Mostly a combination of it being very well known of Zennith's Town Meta to do a lot of the stuff you're calling scum tell, along with you calling other suspicious behavior a scumtell while not bringing up that Lyrium is guilty of the exact same thing.
    I can go into more detail if you want, but it strikes me as a waste of time given that after yesterday, I'm pretty convinced of Zennith's scumminess.

    Welcome Cythare. I like you already, you're productive.
    What's your case on Maiden? Several people have been reading her as scum and I'd like an outside perspective.

    Also, here's something I wish I had thought to ask yesterDay...
    Zennith. Were you blackmailed yesterDay? And if so, can you prove it?

    ---------- Post automerged at 08:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:10 PM ----------

    (Also, I'm a bit bummed cause my Anthology entry got a C. Boooo... XD)
  11. Lyrium

    Lyrium Sent Back to India

    Jul 28, 2013

    Sloth, what haven't I answered that is really relevant to tunneling me? If it's that vital to the state of the union then ask again and I'll see if it would indeed help you determine my alignment which is town.

    I won't know until I'm dead who else is in the Mason chat and therefore conf!Town so therefore I keep a healthy dose of skepticism on everyone including you. The last player I said was closest to conf!town is now dead. Everyone else is in the nebulous area.
  12. Cythare

    Cythare Muggle

    Apr 29, 2014
    Wherever Ke$ha Is
    As mentioned before, the read on Maiden is based primarily on two posts: 49 and 299:
    #49: This was the biggest red flag to me. "Interesting" without any follow-up looks extremely scummy. It's a fencesitty word when left by itself, and looks like she's trying to engender discussion but at the same time that she doesn't actually care about the outcome. Use of the phrase "it terrifies me" seems like it's artificially produced.
    #299: The other big red flag. Stating "you're either lurker!scum or inactive!town. I don't like either one." seems to go completely against her apparent belief that Citrus is scum. Why would you follow up a vote by indicating that you don't like them whether they're town or scum? It's a poor qualifier to a vote that looks like an attempt to give herself a way to jettison a bad wagon just as she steps onto said wagon.


    Re: #142 - Can you explain why you thought that Fonti's dislike of Sloth's wall was scummy? Going that strongly against such a large and thought out post doesn't strike me as something scum would want to stick their neck out to do.
    Re: #296 - See my previous post regarding your approach to Lyrica in this post. I'm curious as to how you could reach a conclusion of "null at best".
    Re: #296 - You stated that Maiden was a townread to you. While I did see #296 as relatively townie, above are my two least favorite posts of hers. What do you think of them, and are there other specifics you can point to that support a town read?
  13. Burkion

    Burkion Muggle

    Apr 23, 2014
    I've been catching up, and Maiden still doesn't really read as Scum to me. Rubicon was odd but mostly read as a Townie, and...well yeah. I guess that was obvious. Get rid of the obvious townie, let the rest tear themselves apart.

    I'm curious what Zennith's reaction to the events of the last night are, both the lynch and Rubicon. He's one of the least helpful Towns and constantly gets into little arguments about it, nothing ever all too serious. He's also very evasive.

    Maiden still reads largely as a town to me, though she also needs to really reply to what's transpired.

    Sloth seems to be mostly a Town to me, generally helpful in his own special way and trying to win the game.

    Lyrium and Snowyon both read as town, Lyrium has a very valid reason for getting upset with how things are turning out, Lord knows dealing with all of these newbies including myself can't be helping things. Snowyon, similarly, had a good reason to bring up the mood shift, and I can't recall any particularly Scummy things.

    Cythare, hey fellow newperson! Only you're much more experienced at this than I am!

    One small flaw, unless I remember incorrectly, Maiden was the second to vote for Citrus- thus it wouldn't have been very much of a bandwagon, especially since she was following Sloth's lead. Again, I'd like to see her reaction to recent events, but I think you're digging up dirt on the wrong tree, so to speak.

    If you could accuse anyone of bandwagoning, it'd be me, largely because I was third in line making it a safer vote all around and I did not get to elaborate on my own points, deferring mostly towards Sloth and Maiden before real life whisked me away-and now they are irrelevant.

    I know I am likely casting suspicion on myself with these statements, but I honestly am not worried about that. I know where I stand on the matter, and I'm not going to be coy about it. I am curious about you, however.

    How long have you been active in this thread? Lurking before you posted like I was, or was your first real dive in after your first post?
  14. Cythare

    Cythare Muggle

    Apr 29, 2014
    Wherever Ke$ha Is
    I'm not sure I understand the relevance of your question. I made this account around 10:15 PM ET yesterday, replaced in around 10:30 PM, read the thread during work today, and posted once I had finished reading.

    Also, what relevance does wagon position have in relation to building in an escape hatch? Note: I'm not accusing Maiden of bandwagoning. I said she was providing herself an out in case it was a bad wagon.
  15. ika

    ika Temporarily Banhammered

    Feb 11, 2014
    Minor error noticed, it was 4 to lynch when it was ment to be 5. It has been fixed
  16. Burkion

    Burkion Muggle

    Apr 23, 2014
    Wait they actually got to your account and approved it within, like, 15 minutes?! SLOTH WHAT DID I DO WRONG!

    And I do apologize-I misread that as bandwagon and began to wonder if your scumread was coming directly from her jumping onto one for a safe vote to get rid of some one.

    Further, just curious how you managed your time as far as first post goes. Lord knows I had far too long to make mine, considering my prolonged inactivation period.
  17. Cythare

    Cythare Muggle

    Apr 29, 2014
    Wherever Ke$ha Is
    Nah, it didn't happen that quickly, but I figured out that I could PM even though I hadn't gone through the Sorting Hat, so I sent a PM to ika and then it didn't really matter if I couldn't post, because it was Night.

    Regarding catching up, I just read pretty intently throughout the day in bursts, noting down by player which posts I found scummy, which posts I found townie, which posts I found not necessarily alignment-telling but that still seemed crucial to a player's actions. I usually take longer to catch up because I'm used to Days that last 3-4 weeks, but made a concerted effort to catch up ASAP given the shorter timetable here.
  18. ika

    ika Temporarily Banhammered

    Feb 11, 2014

    Something has came up that requires my attention.

    Please refrain from posting in QTs (besides private) and here.

    ---------- Post automerged at 11:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:39 PM ----------

    OK so here what happened.

    Burk has accidentally slipped info to sloth which is OGC

    After talking with sloth, he has volunteered to remove himself from the game.

    So sloth will be removed from the game and he will not be granted powers.

    It is now 7 alive and 4 to lynch

    Votes are being rest


    ---------- Post automerged at 11:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:06 PM ----------

    If anyone wants to discuss the action that has been taken, either save it for post game or put it in your private QT

    ---------- Post automerged at 11:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:13 PM ----------

    Question for everyone:

    Should the day end timer be rest or have an extension for what just happened?

    As of now the day end will still be set at what it is, if a majority of alive players would like a rest or an extension I will do so as of this post. Please post it in your QT. This has a 24 hr deadline to decide
  19. blab

    blab Second Year

    Feb 1, 2012
    The previous deadline was: 1:30 PM PST

    However, by virtue of my office as junior assistant to the vice moderator I'm making an executive decision and move it to: 9:00 PM PST

    Feel free to wholeheartedly agree with that decision.



    Dead: Mathblade, fontisian, Citrus, Rubicon
    Removed: Sloth
    Alive: Burkion, Cythare, Lyrium, Maiden, Prophylaxis, Snowvon, Zennith

    FAQ: here



    (7 players alive, 4 votes required to lynch)

    Not voting: Burkion, Cythare, Lyrium, Maiden, Prophylaxis, Snowvon, Zennith

    Deadline: 9:00 PM PST


    Posting is permitted.
  20. ika

    ika Temporarily Banhammered

    Feb 11, 2014
    This decision was made entirely separate from me. I will not object to this. If any players have an objection to blabs decision please bring it to the QTs to be addressed.

    Again TY, blab.