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WiFom City: The Spirit Tunnels

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Titus, Apr 19, 2014.

  1. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    If you ever sneak up behind me and whisper "Hello my angel" again, I will steal your mattress during finals week.

    Looking forward to those reads. You should probably make them now.
  2. Sloth

    Sloth Professor DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2014
    Hungry for apples?
    The level of weight you place on two joke posts is… …whatever. If nothing I’ve said so far has gotten through that haze of yours, nothing will.
    Fine, I ‘should’ have done that. You keep working on a mentality of what people not doing what you would have being scummy. I play the game like I think it best, deal with it.

    As for doing nothing but defend, what exactly am I supposed to do? Ignore the growing wagon and not point out my suspicions of it? Ignore everything you say that strikes me as wrong? I’ll admit, it sounds more and more tempting at this point.
    Though interesting how you apparently you don’t consider my pressing Snow, poking Rubi, questioning mathblade, citrus, prophy, posting and requesting walls , and trying to read Lyrium as me trying to scumhunt. Ok.

    As for the votes, you already know it: I vote when I feel like it, not before. I’ve gone entire Days without voting for a single person or changing my vote once, and that won’t change.

    I know I didn’t spell it out in clear simple words for you, but the implication is obvious.
    Stop presuming to understand how I think. Just because I don’t voice it, doesn’t mean I’m not thinking it. It simply means I’m aware of it and am looking for something solid about it before I bring it up. Otherwise it’s pointless, blind finger-pointing. Why would I do that?

    …You still don’t get it. It wasn’t about getting his alignment, it wasn’t about reading him, I don’t know how often I have said this: It was about throwing him off his annoying, cutesy play that he did last game and forcing him to get involved, and playing in a way I can follow. Which he has been doing.
    I also figured he’d vote me on reaction and then move on to someone else after he read me some, which he hasn’t done, which is just fantastic.

    Again, different mentality. I don’t play the way you do.

    Read above to my response to the first quote by you.

    …ughhhhh. They are unrelated. What the HELL do you think I’ve been saying?
    "What's the point of talking about Rubicon's "Hello everyone" if you have nothing to say about it?" < You asked why I draw attention to it without making some sort of point, I assume like voting on him or something. I answered that a few paragraphs ago.
    I felt that bringing it up was enough for my purposes, I also felt that Snow ("Snowvon's the new guy, and the one with the unexplained vote (a move with has no precedence for him, see 'new'), so I'm poking him for an idea of his way of thinking") was a more pressing issue, so instead doing something about Rubi (‘if you have nothing to say about it’) I chose just mention it off-hand and focus on Snow (‘poking him for an idea of his thinking’).

    That’s it. If you don’t get it by this point, don’t bother asking anymore, we’re not going to agree on this.

    What he said about Rubicon was good enough for me for the time being. I believe what he says, and that’s why he’s nullish to me. I have no evidence for him one way or the other.

    She was the closest thing I had to a Townread, so I went with her.

    Stop presuming to understand what I feel, seriously. Even at my worst in any game so far I have never once felt self-conscious. It’s been constantly brought up that I have a huge ego and am overconfident. Why the hell would ANYTHING you do affect that?
    “Oh, but you’re scum now, so now you’re nervous.” …no. As scum I’d be as confident as ever, because that’s how I approach life, period. And if you think something like an internet game would be the thing that finally manages to break my confidence, you have a huge misunderstanding on how much the game matters in the grand scheme.

    …That…doesn’t make sense.
    I wasn’t scum last game, remember? -__-


    Like I said, it could go either way when it comes to her. At least she’s doing her standard play as Town right now, so I’m just waiting and see if she does anything particularly scummy.
    Not that it’s easy, given that last game she ended up acting so idiotic that I was half-convinced she was Scum. I was wrong on that.

    All these questions, do you have anything to say that’s concrete? Who’d you vote for if you had to place a vote right now? And why haven’t you placed that vote?


    These are your options to vote? The new guy, not because he’s scummy, but because he’s new. Why would we vote on that reasoning? Why would you bring it up?
    And Zennith…why again? He hasn’t really done anything terrible.



    You know nothing, Von Snow.
    (Sorry, been waiting for an opening.)
    Because, wait a minute, what?
    Your reason to call Lyrium town is a feeling, and Fonti’s Town…because. At least you said that only for the first day.
    Town or Scum aren’t judged on feelings.
    If I wasn’t voting for Proph right now (still waiting on that catch-up, proph), I’d probably be voting on you right now.
    I’m also waiting on those points of yours.

    ---------- Post automerged at 12:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:45 AM ----------

    Also, Tish, why is lynching Snow not on the table, again?
  3. Prophylaxis

    Prophylaxis Squib

    May 4, 2013

    fontisian is probbbbbably town. I liked her for post #69; we've been through stuff out-of-game about total thread reread and she's applying it. Still a bit paranoid of her being scum, but it'll probably come out in the wash. She's not getting lynched toDay.

    MathBlade is probably town. She genuinely believes that hunting lurkers is the right play, sort of like the Zeit claim in Witch Hunt. It doesn't matter if it's the right play, but she believes it is - and that ultimately all that matters in terms of mindset.

    I agree with most of the reasoning against Sloth, though I can toss in overdefensiveness, and the fact that he's voting for me (a lurker) is a laughable attempt to avoid being held accountable for reads.

    As font pointed out, dislike the Zennith over-defensive explaining of why he hasn't posted. Guilty mindset.

    Watching Rubicon.


    ---------- Post automerged at 10:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:48 PM ----------


    You asked for Lyrium's reads in #29. Did you just totally skip post #23 in that light?

    ---------- Post automerged at 11:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:55 PM ----------


    In post 49, you say:

    ...and yet you ask Zennith:

    Why "Sloth, Citrus, and MathBlade"? Why not the people who are "bandwagonning Sloth", as you indicated from the beginning of your post?

    It doesn't mesh.
  4. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    Well this is embarrassing. I play on one other site and people there get surprisingly defensive about their feelings.

    That's sweet of you to say so.


    Okay, it's 2AM and I need to slap together a stupid power point presentation for tomorrow. Let's do this.

    fontisian: First vote was on Sloth. Proceeded to tunnel him into the ground. May or may not be unable to control this urge regardless of his alignment. I have a feeling she's equally as involved in questioning the shit out of everyone whether or not she's on our side but it seems genuine. Null-town.

    Citrus: Posts feel kind of empty. Asking questions, but they feel like easy questions that aren't really engaging anyone. I'm full of BS. Null-scum.

    Lyrium: #40 is kind of weird, where she specifically states that she only wanted townies to answer the questions. So many arguments and excuses could be made for not answering. Kind of cheeky. I like her stance on lurkers. Called me disposable; that stung. Null.

    @Lyrium: Why are you voting Maiden again, and not the people you said you'd be happy to lynch?

    Sloth: Churns out tl;dr posts at a rate that's borderline supernatural (I read every single word) (No I don't, just the parts with my name on it). Spends 90% of his posts bumping heads with Fonti even though they're both probably town. Lots of people say he's scum but I disagree. Still mostly feelings-based here -- cry about it. Town.

    Mathblade: Thinks votes are best placed on lurkers? Most high volume posters are town? Uh. (I don't get the logic behind scum!lurking, you might as well dress up in neon and do a little "I'm totally suspicious" jig.) I'm very indecisive here. Null.

    Rubicon: Scum because I said so.

    No, but seriously: Immediately pounces on Sloth. Hasn't actually given any reasons for his scum claims (unless I missed it, I'm mostly skimming here). Null-scum.

    Maiden: I want to make popcorn so we can watch the Sloth/Fonti smackdown together. Engaged, asking questions. Null-town.

    Proph: Null. So very, very null.

    Zennith: Null.

    Sesc: Null


    I'll have actual reads on the last three when they post more.

    I want to pass out but I still have work. ffff goodnight, two hours from now. Although I'll probably hang around between now and then and will happily post if something happens.
  5. Rubicon

    Rubicon High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 8, 2011
    sup Prophylaxis. You wrote some detailed thoughts about font, MathBlade and Sloth and then just posted a list of other players (???) without commenting on them at all. I'm actually not sure what's up with that, did you just copy the rest of the livelist into your post to make sure we knew those players existed, or...?

    What do you think about Sesc, Citrus and Snowvon?

    @MathBlade: Asked you some questions in #60. pls respond.

    I'd like to hear more about your reasoning for this.

    I'm getting a distinct "I know Sloth is town" vibe from your posts. Who are you voting?

    You didn't do this in the last game. Did you do it in ATLA or Dresden and I'm just forgetting, or...?

    ---------- Post automerged 04-21-2014 at 12:01 AM ---------- Previous post was 04-20-2014 at 11:58 PM ----------

    You missed it. Why only skimming?

    ---------- Post automerged at 12:02 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:01 AM ----------

    Ima join Lyrium on this one:

    Unvote: Sloth
    Vote: Maiden

    ---------- Post automerged at 12:05 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:02 AM ----------

    Also is fontisian going by Tish now or what
  6. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    @Rubicon: Because it's late and I'm tired, but I wanted to get my thoughts out there sooner rather than later. Especially since I spent most of the evening helplessly lurking from my phone.

    ---------- Post automerged at 03:13 ---------- Previous post was at 03:11 ----------

    She said her username IRL once and I heard it as fawn-tiss-ee-an. So I was a little confused when I first saw Sloth using Tish.
  7. Prophylaxis

    Prophylaxis Squib

    May 4, 2013

    I posted some more thoughts - am I still "very null"?


    That's my Not Town cluster, aka: The people I'm still trying to sort out. Won't have any time tonight, so it'll be my first priority tomorrow.

    You come off the watch list - wanted to see if you actually followed up on your questions.
  8. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    @Proph: I'm still hesitant.
  9. ika

    ika Temporarily Banhammered

    Feb 11, 2014
    Official Vote Counter 1.4

    (7 votes to lynch)

    Sloth(3): fontisian, Citrus, Prophylaxis

    Rubicon(1): Snowven

    Maiden(2): Lyrium, Rubicon

    Prophylaxis(2): Sesc, Sloth

    Lyrium(1): Zennith

    not voting (4): Caligula, Maiden, MathBlade
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2014
  10. Titus

    Titus Squib

    Nov 25, 2013
    Caligula is being prodded.
  11. Prophylaxis

    Prophylaxis Squib

    May 4, 2013
    Nothing posted since I slept?

    Time to sort out my Not Town cluster, given that I'll probably be daytripping all day.
  12. Sesc

    Sesc Slytherin at Heart Moderator

    Dec 20, 2007
    Blocksberg, Germany
    I just got off a car accident (not seriously injured, thank god) and have stuff piling up a mile high right now. I'm not sure I'll get to post another time before deadline, and I might replace out altogether, I have to see how it is after this Day has ended. I'm sorry.

    I had a more detailed post planned, here's just what I had in my qt in cliff notes until now.

    Lyrium, you lack basic reading comprehension, and you bitch level is off the charts. Just FYI.

    So can I, and I'm not going to right now.

    As for the other questions: Nothing, since I'm the only one dead, and fontisian and Prophylaxis. Pretty confident on the former, still reasonably sure about the latter. Prophylaxis didn't even address the bullshit vote.

    - Prophylaxis:
    Tell me how your vote
    is not the ultimate bandwagon. No reason, no comment, just a vote and fluff and no further justification either in your next post #83. You spared all of one line for the player that has your vote.

    - Sloth: No Meta, I haven't played with you. What I see:

    - #14 remains weird as fuck
    - #19 reads like backpedalling
    - #24 is a grandiose double-standard (Lyrium's fist post can be ignored, Rubicon's can't, Citrus was quite right to point that out).

    The readwall I covered already, and I'm sorry, but I do not see you doing anything else apart from reacting after that. I think I read your posts three times by now, and I still can't figure out who you think is suspicious, and that makes you suspicious. Why are you voting for Prophylaxis, exactly?

    Other people on the suspicious list: Everyone else with an early readwall (Maiden, Mathblade, Snowvon).

    - Maiden #34: Why did you feel the need to make a readwall that early on? Why does Citrus get a "null" for "Discussing game mechanics", why does Lyrium get a "slight scum" for basically the same thing? Otherwise, you're non-existant in the thread. I'm not even going to comment on stuff like "I'm not sure what to make of this bandwagon situation". Fence-sitty deluxe.

    - Mathblade #37: Your biggest Mafia read is Sloth? Why on earth is fontisian your next best one on that list, then (with "not enough to go on"??? What?)? You don't "want to antagonize town" -- for real? Put your vote somewhere. It's the best tool you have.

    - Snowvon #58: "Null, null, Town, null, Town, ???, null, I don't know." What. Why is Citrus null-scum (what is that supposed to mean?), why is Maiden null-town? (Both for "asking questions", #84?) Why is anyone anything on your list? #84 isn't much better, since it still tells me nothing about who you'd like to lynch.

    And what am I to the three of you?

    Those examples are the exact reasons early readwalls are useless. Except, of course, as a way to be seen posting.
  13. Prophylaxis

    Prophylaxis Squib

    May 4, 2013
    Snowvon is.. probbbably newb!town. Lack of self-awareness.

    I want to hear more from Citrus.

    Sesc is /weird/. Have some more detailed comments on him from my notes, but there's one thing I noticed that just stuck out:

    Why are you asking Sloth why he's voting for me.. when you're voting for me? Since you think I'm scum, wouldn't you want votes for me?

    It feels like you're pointing out the bad things about Sloth's posts, yet hiding under a vote of me. If you think Sloth is scum... why aren't you voting him, and why are you still stuck with the bandwagonny vote?

    Regarding your question -

    I chose to make a bandwagonny vote to gauge reactions (as my opening in my other games have been.. rather conventional, for me). Still need to analyze those reactions, but I'd thought to get caught up with the game first.

    ---------- Post automerged at 10:10 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:06 AM ----------

  14. Lyrium

    Lyrium Sent Back to India

    Jul 28, 2013
    Day one ends at 2:14 AM EST time for me. About 13 hours left?

    Sesc, I'm still in Lyrium!Lite mode. I don't think I've even dipped into bitch mode yet.

    Both my votes have been for reactions and to see if alignments\clusters in my head pan out but people are being stingy with posts. Trying to figure out whether its scum-mates clustering or "friends outside of the game" clustering.

    Need to do "In a world where X is scum, then Y is {}" post today before deadline.

    Beyond that 7 votes needed to hang, not even sure if we're going to get a lynch going on. If a scum player dies they get the Blackmail power if a town player dies they get a protect one target during the duration of the game power.

    Still trying to figure out best course of action since at this point everyone remains in the "Scum, scum-ish, scummier, derp!scum" pile.

    Lynching Caligula doesn't make sense in that on the off chance he's awol and town we lose that ability. Mods shouldn't allow for that anyway.

    Everyone with a vote on them - if you are lynched toDay what would be your first course of action as a ghost?
  15. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    We need to consolidate.

    Von, Zennith, Maiden and MathBlade: Put your votes somewhere useful.
  16. Maiden

    Maiden Muggle

    Mar 16, 2014
    Your mother's house
    Why don't I tell you why what, exactly?

    Also, sorry for lack of posts. I have a lot of stuff going on in RL. Catching up, now.
  17. Citrus

    Citrus First Year

    Jan 5, 2014
    Time to read through, I'll be back soon
  18. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    I'm getting the feeling that Citrus is town.

    Can you explain this?
  19. Citrus

    Citrus First Year

    Jan 5, 2014
    Because I am
  20. Maiden

    Maiden Muggle

    Mar 16, 2014
    Your mother's house
    I’ll be honest. I don’t entirely know. I thought I’d take my time with this one instead of changing my vote 20 times. The only concrete thing I really have is this bandwagoning thing. It is possible that Fonti has simply made the exact same mistake that she made last game, but it seems so unlikely that it’s an exact repeat of last time, when you both turned out to be town. One of you is probably scum. If NOT, then for sure, one of the people on this bandwagon is scum.

    Also, I'm starting to suspect a pair in Fonti and Snowvon. The two of you seem to think that the other is town without any legitimate reasons behind it, especially on Snowvon's end.

    I've taken enough time to decide, and D1 is ending soon.

    /Vote Prophy

    ---------- Post automerged at 02:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:05 PM ----------

    It's simple. Zennith had just arrived and he hadn't given his reads yet. I wanted to know what he's thinking about 3 players who I'm not sure about.