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WiFom City: The Spirit Tunnels

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Titus, Apr 19, 2014.

  1. Lyrium

    Lyrium Sent Back to India

    Jul 28, 2013

    ---------- Post automerged at 09:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:05 PM ----------

    Sloth, you should probably get in here and do a final thoughts post.

    ---------- Post automerged at 09:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:06 PM ----------

    No lynch on first day would be? Idk. FRACK.
  2. Sloth

    Sloth Professor DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2014
    Hungry for apples?
  3. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    You wasted time making that instead of posting, didn't you?
  4. Lyrium

    Lyrium Sent Back to India

    Jul 28, 2013
    We've got till 3AM, fonti honey...no need to rush.
  5. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    Sloth: A long post does you no good if we don't have time to react to it.
  6. Rubicon

    Rubicon High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 8, 2011
    @font, mostly get that impression from this, and looking for scum on the Sloth wagon - all seems to be predicated on the assumption that Sloth is town, which I don't understand.

    Her posts on the last page are making me feel better about her, though.
  7. Sloth

    Sloth Professor DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2014
    Hungry for apples?
    @Fonti: I'm aware. I'm trying, trust me.
  8. Rubicon

    Rubicon High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 8, 2011
    font, aside from the people on his wagon, what do you think of Prophylaxis so far?

    ---------- Post automerged at 07:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:39 PM ----------

    Should be interesting to see how Sloth responds to this. ;)

    Where does your town read on Sesc come from?
  9. Citrus

    Citrus First Year

    Jan 5, 2014

    I like his posts, they ring really true with me. It's why I asked for some games he has been in (and noone's posted any yet?), because I don't have a baseline for reference so he could just be really good at appearing towny.

    ---------- Post automerged at 09:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:48 PM ----------

    ~4 hours to go

    Sloth, for fun can you tell us how long you've spent on this post you're making when you post it? Obliged
  10. Rubicon

    Rubicon High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 8, 2011
    Which parts in specific ring true to you?

    Sesc was scum in Micro Mafia #1 and DLPHunt3.
  11. Sloth

    Sloth Professor DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2014
    Hungry for apples?
    L-2 WARNING. No one else vote for me.

    Well, this took a turn for annoyance. Never let it be said I can’t stir up the game.
    Sigh. Anyway.

    This is a TWO-PARTER: Responses & Analysis


    See Analysis.


    From B&T:
    And that’s what I do. I vote (or don’t) based on what I feel makes sense at the time. In Avatar that was very clear during the Bill wagon and especially during that bit where Prophy was lynched.

    Tish is cute, and Fonti can be really cute. Hence, Tish.


    …hm. Already addressed #14 and…not sue what to make on #19, I was asked a question and answered clearly and directly, and that’s backpedaling? Ok.

    On #24, that was answered many times, more specifically in #82. Read – I clearly state I wasn’t trying to determine some sort of alignment on Rubi. Not entirely sure what Citrus means.

    Most of my reacting has been in response to Tish. Again, not entirely sure what you expect me to do about those, aside from letting them go unaddressed.
    Also, point to me what else is there to focus on on the game I haven’t address: The focus on replying to others is due to my wagon being the biggest thing happening in this game right now. It has to be dealt with so people can move on.
    Everything else, I DO bring up (Again, see how I prod players and answer questions), is forgotten quickly because it doesn’t yield too relevant data.

    As for Prophy, see Analysis.


    …You’ve been asking basically the same thing in these two posts.
    And in your four questions, one of them was ‘what would you do if you died?’
    Lyrium, you’re backtracking and going in circles about this, and it’s not even very well-hidden.
    Why do you keep repeating the same thing, specially when it’s been answered by several parties? What’s the point of doing anything but drag us back?


    …You’re seriously trying to start up statistics here again? After your last attempt to use it as evidence for me and ika being scummates was spectacularly wrong? In what way did that give you confidence in the validity of your arguments?


    …Well crap. I don’t even know where to start with you.
    I can’t do anything about that, you not believing my actions are genuine for whatever reason. I thought Snow’s vote and line were weird, and I thought it worth looking into. No more, no less.
    Not sure how asking him to explain his vote is not pressure.
    Also, you’ll probably call bullshit on this, but, isn’t prodding the same thing as pressuring?

    Rubi’s thing could have been seen as strategy. My thing was nothing but fucking around, that’s why.
    Also, in a world where I’m Town, are you saying that you wouldn’t think at least one of the ones in your wagon is scum bussing you? That’s what it boils down to, less than the fact that I’m their target.
    I’m not sure where you’re getting the idea that I’m not saying it solidly, I’ve said it clearly like 3 times now.

    Yes, I demote Lyrium. Why is it so hard to grasp that goofing around before the game has really picked up, hence not derailing any arguments, is fine, but doing it when people are seriously deciding what to do is detrimental to Town? This isn’t a hard concept.
    And yes, I can use meta on Lyrium without you being able to properly use it on me without being a double-standard: Lyrium has a scum game and a town game. I only have town. You said it yourself, you can’t expect to meta my play with NO Control Group. Look to my Dresden, Avatar, and B&T game and show me how they’re exactly alike. I approach each game somewhat differently, hence you can’t use that as proof of my alignment.

    I don’t understand, I re-read #72, where are you getting me wanting an NL. o_O
    …Also, are you insane? I made the day all about me? All I’ve done is reply to what’s been brought up against me. I’m not bringing focus on me, I’m just replying to it. Like I’m supposed to. (And look up the definition of egocentric – are you seriously saying I want the attention that comes with pointlessly and frustratingly responding to the same inane comments over and over?)
    And I didn’t put my vote ‘willly nilly’. If I vote someone is because I feel it makes sense. …And yes, I was pressuring Proph with my vote. I’ve done it before, what’s your point?

    Most of what you said about this one doesn’t quite make sense to me. I don’t understand why the percentage point when I said it off-hand in an unrelated line of thinking (I just took it from there to show I HAD been thinking it). In the end, it doesn’t matter by this point.
    Also, honestly, I almost completely forgot you were in the game, Prophy, Rubi and Fonti left more of an impact.

    …Yeah no, again, I’ve said that 1 of you has to be scum. I haven’t been vague about it.
    If you’re going to make a case against me, fine, but at least get the details right.
    And, I am? Really? Cool. Use this as a learning experience.

    ….These are…really vague as hell questions. What’s the point of them?
    -On the first 3: To see if they slip and who comes to their defense.
    -On the 4: It’s not necessarily stronger, it’s just good enough at this point. Like I said, not in a particular hurry to read lyrium, and I didn’t see her as high priority enough to need to tunnel her.


    Since I’m on my way out, here’s what I can give for now, see that it’s of use:

    Second on on my wagon, got off later on. Working on a 1 in 4 chance of being Scum.

    -Started with his usual random play to annoy random players, quickly moved into actual play after prodding.

    -Known to make random scum accusations ([player] is scum) with no explanation, but that seems to be part of his play. Prod him to explain his reasoning, don’t just assume it’s the same as yours.

    -He probably asks the most questions out of everyone in the game, on almost every other sentence another player says. A few of them are irreverent, and he makes a show of following up on them when not answered (like #60), but not diligent in it, so it’s mostly like he’s wasting space. Despite this, most of what he does is legitimate scumhunting.

    -On #85 he moved his vote from me to Maiden, oddly, when before that point he seemed to be looking at Sesc more. He has not given a case on her – in fact, no one has, and should be pressured to give one.

    -Aligned with: No one in particular.
    Questioned: Sloth, Mathblade, Zennith, Sesc, Maiden, Soft!Prophy.
    Done nothing about most of the rest, I’m curious as to why he hasn’t really touched on Citrus.

    RUBICON ranks…

    5-6/10 as Town

    2/10 as Scum

    His answers on Maiden would either increase or decrease the Town rank.


    Third on my wagon. Working on a 1 in 4 chance of being Scum.

    -Needless disclaimer on first post (only#14 onwards), and later on states to have had reluctance to vote on me when he did, which Tish proceeds to take as an ok for him being Town. That sequence of events is strange to me, it makes no sense: Why would saying so be a Towntell?
    In fact, if he had reluctance, why not simply not post and take in the new info, before deciding if he still wanted to use his prepared post, as anyone else would do. No one was pressuring him to post at all, either, so it wasn’t that.
    Going off that, the sequence feels rather staged.
    Fonti/Citrus scumteam is extremely unlikely (2 scum in those first 4), however, one being scum and forming an alliance with the other for the same goal (but different reasons) seems like a possiblity.

    -Like Rubicon, asks a lot of questions. Unlike Rubicon, the ratio of good to irreverent is flipped. There’s not much in his non-mechanics questions that is terribly helpful, and some of them are even ones that the answer should be obvious if he did a little bit of thinking (#38, for example). There’s a lot of pointlessness there.

    -Reading through his posts, there’s a small but noticed cross-examining of Mathblade, pointlessly or legitimately, but never doing much about it. He’s basically putting up a show of it, without voting for Mathblade, possibly hiding behind his vote for me.
    Citrus/Mathblade/? Scumteam is a possibility.

    -Small note is that he didn’t really continue on Lyrium on the Sloth-train questions. He also hasn’t addressed a single question to Rubicon, yet apparently calls him scum with me + Maiden.

    -His first attempt to explain his vote on me was laughable, plain and simple. I wondered if he voted for me without expecting to be questioned on it.
    His second attempt (#104) was more solid, after others have already said their piece. Most of what he did say was a rehash of other things I had already addressed several times, so a lot of it was an exercise in redundancy.

    -Likes to ask mechanic questions, and mechanic talk. This is useful to Town, and he doesn’t focus on it too much, which is good.

    -Aligned with: Tish, Sesc, soft!Maiden
    Questioned: Sloth, Mathblade, Lyrium, Maiden (or not, he hasn’t exactly looked to her, just called her suspicious), soft!Zennith.
    Done nothing about Rubicon (despite calling him scum), and is one of the few to not address at all Prophy’s bandwagon post. Weird.

    CITRUS ranks…

    2/10 as Town

    7/10 as Scum


    First on my wagon. Working on a 1 in 4 chance of being Scum.
    …Ugh, Tish. What the hell am I going to do about you.

    -Her entire game has been to take irrelevant off-hand comments by me and turn it into some sort of scumcase: My joke vote on the Mod being scummy, my unvoting the Mod-vote only confirms my scumminess, my prodding Snow makes me scum, my bringing something up on rubi makes me scum (and makes rubi my scummate), and those are only like, my first 4 posts. I don’t know what to make of it, I think she just plain wants me to be scum.
    Weirder still, people seem to think she has a point and just blindly follow it. She started that wagon and it grew alarmingly quickly to 4 votes. I brought up how that was strange before.
    She’s gone to great lengths to counter everything I say in completely ineffectual ways, leaving me to counter back by repeating the same things that I’ve been saying from the start which she seems to completely ignore, and never address.
    Also, let’s look at the number of her posts that don’t involve me, or voting me, in some way: #10, #18, #78 (only to explain why her reads are always right), #81 (for cuteness with Snow), #108 (mod question).
    She’s posted the most in this game and yet only 5 of those posts aren’t about me. A lot of them aren’t even to reply on what I say – she’s keeping everyone focused on me and not looking anywhere else.
    Yet I’m the one accused of keeping the game focused on me? All I’ve been doing is replying, while still trying to question others.

    -As mentioned above, there’s the Citrus/Tish alliance going on, and the belief that only one is scum and simply using the other for their own ends. If this is the case, it seems like Tish would be the scum, since she was the one to quasi-Townread Citrus, establishing herself as the alpha in that relationship.

    -Let’s talk about the von thing. Tish is ridiculously and inexplicably defensive of her (#76). She’s made up her mind about Snow being Town and won’t hear anything against it. The level of certainty is vexing, unless they know it already. Tish has given not a single reason why Von is Town, simply that she is.
    “Von knows what I look for in newbie town play, and is deliberately not doing it,” is not a case, and is actually an argument for knowing how to play you. She’s even openly leading Snow’s vote (#69) and later that’s where her vote falls.
    If Tish’s scum, her scummate’s kind of obvious.

    -So where does she fall? She did this nonsense last game too, obsessed with me being scum, so this is not exactly without precedence. But maybe she’s doing the same here, trusting no one would question it based on that.
    And then she does the derp!tatistics again? After last time? Wow.
    …In the end, she came out of last game looking ridiculous over her theories, and I want to think she’s smart enough not to make the same mistakes – as Town, she’d at least be hesitant to judge me so quickly. God I hope so, anyway.

    -Aligned with: Rubi? Snow, Lyrium, Citrus, soft!Zennith
    Questioned: Sloth, Maiden, Sesc, soft!Rubi, soft!Zennith.
    Done nothing about Mathblade (at least nothing decisive I can see), and Prophy (apparently she didn’t think his vote was elegant enough to be scummy, nor does she really address his later posts).

    FONTISIAN ranks…

    4/10 as Town

    6/10 as Scum

    Based on the hope I at least can learn from past mistakes, and I just can’t be sure with her.


    COLD CASE. Hasn’t posted at all. He’ll either be replaced or modkilled soon anyway.


    One of my wall requests.
    -Initial posts has a bit of zany goofiness, which are fine for D1 posts before things got serious. However, she still has them somewhat at this point, and in avatar, once things got serious, so did she, more or less.
    The point against Sesc, for example, being her second strongests scumread solely because he was the replacement was vexing, and she laughed it off and continued with it. At this point of the game, something silly like that stuck out obviously.

    -Very involved, but nothing I’d call genuine scumhunting – more like demands of people to spell out the reason why they are Town. It’s sort of like she thinks she’s a in a supervising position over the rest of us, which falls back on the GoH persona she displayed on Avatar.

    -Asks extremely general and vague questions, nothing terribly important, but not terribly detrimental either.
    Additionally, as mentioned above, she keeps going in circles with her questions, asking the same ones she asked in slightly different ways to make them seem new yet achieving nothing.

    -On her ‘readwall’, she states, overall, that there’s too little info to read right now, which is the correct answer.

    -Aligned with: soft!Fonti, soft!Sloth, soft!Snow?
    Questioned: Maiden, Mathblade (rightfully), Sesc, Zennith, soft!Citrus, soft!Fonti? soft!Citrus, soft!Rubicon?
    Done nothing about Prophy.

    LYRIUM ranks…

    5/10 as Town

    3/10 as Scum


    One of my wall requests.
    -I was often left wondering if she was doing her derp!town strategy again, from last game. That would make no sense, though, there’s no reason for her to try that again, especially so soon after the last game.
    Her lurker theory was bizarre in that, yes, scum can lurk, but she was working on the idea that all the ones posting at the time were probably Town, when everyone knows at least 1 Scum try to blend with Town from the start.
    So I started considering that she wasn’t using the derp!town strategy as town, but pretending to do so as scum, thinking we wouldn’t question it after last game.

    -She’s made it a point to answer every question asked of her, except #60, by Rubicon. None of her posts touch it, and it is ultimately the most relevant questions asked of her: the ones that wanted her to explain her reasoning.

    -People have accused me of this, and I have stated how that’s not true, but when it comes to Mathblade, in all her 9 posts, there’s literally ZERO scumhunting. Read them back. It’ll take you 5 minutes. She’s done nothing to contribute to the game, and she’s given no theories or pushed her own ‘scumreads’ (more on that on the next dash).
    Prophy made it a claim that my voting for him was me voting for a lurker and thereby getting a freepass on consequences – this makes no sense because I voted on him once he showed up, so he wasn’t a lurker, he’d have come back to question it. However, Mathblade’s been pushing to vote Caligula literally the entire game. What Prophy says applies, but not to me.

    -What I find the most interesting is that she placed her vote on me immediately after Sesc’s #92, where he pressured her for not voting. Aside from that being a sudden change from what she had been doing up till that point, she had a forced, melodramatic way “well sloth, so sorry, but looks like they finally opened my eyes!”
    Also, Sesc questioned her saying something like “Sloth is your biggest scumread #37? Then Fonti? Not pleasing TOWN?! Vote!” When if you look at the post in question (above), she never even claimed to have a scumread on me. Not in this, nor in any other vote. She felt I was ‘not scum.’

    -Let’s look at that wall a bit closer:
    Who were her (lean)Scummy reads? Rubi, Prophy, Fonti & Lyrium. Lyrium, because she ‘wasn’t really offering anything’ which Mathblade later changed with no explanation other that ‘since she’s scumhunting.’
    The remaining ones are Rubi, Prophy, and Fonti…the ones voting against me. Why are they scum? Because they voted against me. This made no sense to me and thought she was trying to buddy me for some reason.
    Yet…she’s never followed up on any of those scum reads. She has never asked them a single thing. Maybe they were early reads, but if you claim someone is leaning scum, even slightly, don’t you pressure them?
    Later on she also calls Sesc scummy. She also does not follow up on it.
    But someone is missing. Who else was voting for me? Citrus.

    -While discussing Citrus, I discussed the possibility of him being scummates with Mathblade. Citrus is the only person on my wagon that Mathblade does not say ‘leans scum’, despite the fact the reasoning she used for everyone else applies to him in the exact same way. So why not Citrus? Only reason I can think of is that she’s his scumbuddy and she’s trying not to pressure him. Badly.

    -Aligned with: basically trying to play every team.
    Questioned: No one.
    Done nothing about Everyone.
    Read her posts and tell me I’m wrong.

    MATHBLADE ranks…

    0/10 as Town

    8/10 as Scum


    Fourth on my wagon. Working on a 1 in 4 chance of being Scum. His vote was the worse in that it just showed up out of the blue and didn’t even attempt to justify it in the slightest.

    -Prophy, if you remember one thing about me remember this: Do NOT MAKE THE SAME MISTAKES. Don’t just dismiss Tish as Town again.

    -Seems completely unaware of why everyone would find his initial vote scummy and doesn’t understand why I’d vote for him over it. Calls himself a lurker when in voting and saying something, he put himself in the game and observation.

    -Generally seems to use the same terminology as Town game (“town because genuinely believes”), though attitude is more aggressive than last game. Could be scummy, but willing to grant it’s more out of not feeling defeated by Lexi manipulating players against him.

    -Townblock seems interesting, hasn’t elaborated on it.

    -Calls my play defensive. This doesn’t make sense of him when he modded the last game and knows I’m assertive, not defensive. This one is weak, but it made me blink coming from him.

    -Aligned with: Fonti, Mathblade, Rubicon, Snow.
    Questioned: Sloth, Maiden, Sesc, Soft!Citrus Soft!Zennith, soft!Rubicon.
    Done nothing about Lyrium.

    PROPHYLAXIS ranks…

    4/10 as Town

    2/10 as Scum

    As of his answers, no longer feel he’s the biggest target. His initial vote is still strange, but can be looked at later.



    One of my wall requests.
    -His first post/vote was strange, but I believe his explanation. If nothing else I saw no point in grilling him on something I couldn’t disprove that made a certain amount of sense.

    -Reading his posts, he really does come across as newb!Town, which strikes me as odd, given his experience with Fonti.

    -In his readwall, he listed two people as Town. Wrong answer. At this point no one should have anything more than a null-something, tops. The fonti thing is kinda-sorta-not-really excusable, but the Lyrium thing came out of nowhere and he was not able to explain it in a satisfying way.

    -The later wall that he made was much better, and maybe an effort to fix what he wanted.

    -Aligned with: Fonti, Maiden, Sloth, Lyrium.
    Questioned: Proph, Rubicon, Sloth, Lyrium.
    Done nothing about Mathblade, Citrus, Sesc.

    SNOWVON ranks…

    5/10 as Town

    2/10 as Scum



    -3 posts, really only 1 of relevance. However, what he has is in tune with his play in B&T. All I can say.

    -Aligned with: Sloth, Rubicon?
    Questioned: Fonti, Lyrium.
    Done nothing about everyone else.

    ZENNITH ranks…

    5/10 as Town

    5/10 as Scum


    One of my wall requests.
    -There’s a wagon against her, and I’m not entirely sure why: Her play is nearly identical to her play last time. She’s asking questions, sometimes pointless questions, she’s being cutesy, using a lot of emoticons and drooling for Fonti. Nothing new here.

    -Her wall is the right kind – a lot of nulls. Slight scumread to prophy, which might explain the later vote.

    -She seems to be fanning the flames between me and Fonti, and like I brought up before, hasn’t said anything solid. Those are scumpoints against her.

    -This is a bit of a cheat for me because I know her outside of DLP so I know she’s having a shitton in her plate right now, and I don’t expect her to keep up with the game as well as the rest of us. Doesn’t mean she’s Town, but I do have other people to look into.

    -Aligned with: Sloth, Fonti
    Questioned: Prophy, Lyrium.
    Done nothing about everyone else.

    MAIDEN ranks…

    4/10 as Town

    4/10 as Scum


    One of my wall requests.
    -‘Right’ kind of answer on the Wall. A lot of hostility, is that just his thing?
    For the record, this is why I ask walls. Don’t ever presume I don’t have a point in what I do.

    -In his posts, the fact that he doesn’t really read the thread or pay attention to the rules has been clear. Again, it’s been brought up why that’s scummy. It’s especially evident in his accusations and questions.

    -Not much else to say, there’s only 3 posts.

    -Out of everyone, he’s the one that fits the third for scum the best. Not with Fonti/Snow, but with Citrus/Mathblade. Citrus he hasn’t addressed at all other than to say he was right to accuse me of a double-standard.
    Mathblade he grilled on a blatantly false aspect of her wall, which she went along with. It could be an opening he gave her to change her vote effectively.
    It’s not my strongest read, but it makes sense compounded with everything else.

    -Aligned with: Sloth, Fonti
    Questioned: Prophy, Lyrium.
    Done nothing about everyone else.

    SESC ranks…

    2/10 as Town

    6/10 as Scum

    So there you have it. That’s my final analysis. My scumteam is, for the time being Citrus/Mathblade/Sesc.

    If you think I have a point, now is the time. Otherwise, I think we’re done here.

    Here’s what you do next, in that: Tomorrow, you all decide on 3 protection targets. I will choose one at random and protect them. Scum will not be reasonably certain on who they will hit. Or hell, maybe I’ll even protect someone else entirely.

    In the meantime VOTE: MATHBLADE

    ---------- Post automerged at 10:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:16 PM ----------

    Took me less than a minute actually.

    ---------- Post automerged at 10:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:17 PM ----------

    I'm going to say roughly 5 hours on-and-off throughout the day.

    ---------- Post automerged at 10:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:18 PM ----------

    ^...Ugh. On Sesc:
    -Aligned with: Fonti, Citrus
    Questioned: Sloth, Rubi, Prophy, Maiden, Mathblade, Snow.
    Done nothing about everyone else.*
  12. Citrus

    Citrus First Year

    Jan 5, 2014
    Sloth, not to call the amount of effort you're putting in into question, but I want proper answers to those 4 questions I asked you, not hand-waved answers. It affects how I read your motivations behind what you've done so far this game.
  13. Rubicon

    Rubicon High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 8, 2011
    Sloth, you're obviously town, but for fuck's sake can you stop walling like this. I've been trying to write a response for the last 25 minutes in I'm only halfway through, lol

    ---------- Post automerged at 09:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:41 PM ----------


    ---------- Post automerged at 09:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:41 PM ----------

    And while you're responding to that, you should probably respond to the things Sloth said about you.

    ---------- Post automerged at 09:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:42 PM ----------

    I do think it's curious that fontisian's play today matches her play in the last game so closely. I would think she was imitating her own play, except she specifically pointed out that she might be imitating her own play.

    I didn't want to say this until you responded, but that whole post by Citrus is fucking terrible.

    I agree with this an approach to the game - actually, you doing it is a mark in your favor - although it's not always true that there's scum on the early wagon (see last game for example).

    We should talk about this after the game, but I don't actually want to follow up on every question I ask. Often, I care less about the specific answer than the thought process that went into the answer, or even whether the person can answer (so MathBlade still not answering me has moved her up on my list, of course).

    I don't think Maiden is scum. I'll just echo what you said about voting who I feel like.

    Wanted to see how you'd respond to his case - his earlier stuff was ok.

    This is... a very good point. font did this in WitchHunt. It was a towny post, but not good enough to warrant how strong her town read is. (Although - are they buddies? It's possible, if font is deliberately changing up her approach to her buddies after ATLA. I'm not sure she has the balls, though. :p )


    We should count the exact number of times she's mentioned you and use it to call her scum.

    Hmm... probably not. More likely an attempt to make Snow look bad later. (It helps that Snowvon really IS super town, though... but I do see the potential buddying.)

    Prophylaxis's jump on your wagon was fine, but his reasons for staying on were pretty terrible.

    As a side note, fontisian's point that all her scum reads were voting Prophylaxis gave me pause at first, thinking maybe she had a point if her reads were correct. In retrospect, this would be a funny thing to say if she's scum and all her scum reads are town.

    +1 to all of this.

    I should dig up the exact quote for this, but this pinged me when I saw it. Don't have any really recent Prophylaxis scum meta to go by, but the "you're scum for trying to mislynch a poor, innocent lurker like me" routine is 100% what I expect from scum-Proph. The aggression as well. Reminds me of TinyHunt 3 when he aggressively trolled Stojil, refused to answer questions, told people to "deal with it", "yeah, put your stupid vote on me scum" etc. etc.

    eh, Dermon did as well, in TinyHunt.

    The only thing going for Zennith right now is his annoyance at me for "goading" people, which is probably genuine. PoE is going to get him later unless he steps it the fuck up, though.

    Agreed. I think her approach to your wagon is pretty questionable, but her reactions to font were very good. (Looking at them, font's reactions to her reactions were possibly not good.)


    His attack on your read wall was notable in that his last game (I think it was WitchHunt 3), began with a big argument over whether Moridin making a read wall on page 2 was suspicious. I don't remember which side of that argument Sesc was on, but it seems odd for him to be using this as an attack when he's seen it from town. (Although, I'm starting to realize not everyone actually keeps track of what's happened in past games, like I do...)

    Vote: MathBlade

    ---------- Post automerged at 10:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:59 PM ----------

    I would also support Citrus as a counterwagon, and maybe fontisian or even Prophylaxis although I kind of want to take more time to read them.

    The more I think about it, the more I think fontisian playing so similarly to last game is suspicious.
  14. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    I don't have enough time to process this, and frankly, I'm too pissed off to anyway.

    I looked ridiculous in Brass and Tax? Get off your high fucking horse Sloth. I pushed Zeit over the edge into his claim and I was the reason ika was lynched. I knew Citrus and Lucky were town when you fucks decided to lynch them like a bunch of idiots and I let Rubicon talk me out of my town read on Custer. What did you do besides challenging my pressure on ika and leading three straight mislynches?

    I'm not voting for Mathblade when Proph has a strong town-read of her, for reasons I understand. If Proph's town he's probably right and if he's scum, there's no way he'd buddy a scummate like that.
  15. Sloth

    Sloth Professor DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2014
    Hungry for apples?
    Sigh. As you wish.

    To see if they slip and who comes to their defense. To see who jumps to support you and to have them explain their support clearly in order to make sure it's legitimate.
    To see if they give out important info, which would allow us to figure out who their scummates may be and what their plans might be.
    I don't know what else I can say. Again, these are vague as hell questions.

    I don't understand what you're trying to say by 'doing so with words.' We always do it with words. This is an online forum.

    It’s not necessarily stronger, it was just good enough at that point. Like I said, I wasn't in a hurry to read Lyrium, and I'm especially not in it now. Pressure is fine and good, but I only use it when I think it's needed or when I see a scummove. I hadn't seen any on Lyrium to warrant it.
    And yes. Either Tish is scum (and going by my current theory, she isn't), or she's utterly incapable of reading me. Given that I play the game in a purposefully elusive game (which is the common factor in every one of my games so far), her not being able to makes sense. What's confusing is that she'd be so certain when she already tried it once and it bit her in the ass. Live and learn, I hope.

    ? To protect from blackmail/kidnapping/jailing. That's the big part.
    It could also be used to show the Town that they killed a Townie, but given that there's no announcement of protection unless it works, and that it's useless on N1, you'd have several dead players to guess the Town is.

    Good enough? Sorry if sloppy, probably going to sleep soon.


    I'm relatively certain I'm going to be lynched anyway, I just want to make sure I got all my thoughts out before that happened. Lynched or not, they're still here for Town to use.
  16. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    Yeah, we're lynching Sloth. His reasoning is bullshit, he is misrepping the points against him and his language is over the top. Join me or screw town over, I don't give a shit.
  17. Rubicon

    Rubicon High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 8, 2011

    You still think Sloth is scum? My suspension of disbelief is starting to feel strained.

    Walk me through Proph's reasons for his town-read on Mathblade.
  18. ika

    ika Temporarily Banhammered

    Feb 11, 2014
    Official Vote Counter

    (7 votes to lynch)

    Sloth(5): fontisian, Citrus, Prophylaxis, MathBlade, Snowven

    Maiden(1): Lyrium,

    Prophylaxis(2): Sesc, Maiden

    Mathblade(2): Sloth, Rubicon

    Lyrium(1): Zennith

    not voting (2): Caligula
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2014
  19. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    Oh look, it's already written out for you. It's almost like Proph already explained his reasoning.
  20. Rubicon

    Rubicon High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 8, 2011
    Right, how does that make her town exactly?