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WitchHunt #7

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Citrus, Sep 27, 2016.

  1. owner

    owner First Year

    Sep 25, 2016
    here, in the present
    High Score:
    Which ones do you feel are alignment indicative? (so I know better for next time)

    ---------- Post automerged at 11:00 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:46 AM ----------

    Questions earlier were more focused on figuring out Slippery's alignment to be fair.

    What motivation do you suspect he has for changing his meta? Also, have you only played with miner once or have you played with him more times than tom?
  2. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    I found her roleplaying towny.

    It reminded me of MathBlade's first few posts in B&T, which I read at least once a month for fun.

    That's really all there was to it.

    ---------- Post automerged at 11:07 ---------- Previous post was at 11:03 ----------

    Newcomb, guide me to victory.
  3. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    Played with him once watched the other game he played from obs (was at the same time as my champs game).

    I am unsure what his motivation his.
    I get when someone doesn't want to be townread for being new to the game and wants to be himself.
    I have not seen much of that. It feels like him talking in a similar way someone did last game :

  4. Koalas

    Koalas First Year ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 3, 2007
    High Score:
    As a side note apart from mafia the way you phrase and format your posts IS hard to understand. As in I'm usually reading two or three times to get even a basic understanding of what you're trying to convey.

    So I'll ask this simply. If you analyzed your own post as I asked you to who is getting townread and why is this a bad thing?
  5. tom

    tom First Year

    Jul 5, 2016
    High Score:
    Good morning party people.

    ---------- Post automerged at 09:30 ---------- Previous post was at 09:24 ----------

    And I DO mean that in a derogatory way.
  6. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    the party part or the people part?
  7. Koalas

    Koalas First Year ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 3, 2007
    High Score:
    Buscrawling tonight
  8. tom

    tom First Year

    Jul 5, 2016
    High Score:

    How are you doing today jan?
  9. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    I just left allstars video mafia ..

    I have a headache.

    I am hungry ..

    But outside of that I am doing fine.

    How does it look from the outside when I totally overreach and try to scold people?

    You more someone who looks away and acts as if nothing happened or are you the person who will try to rub some salt in afterwards? :O
  10. SlipperyAxII

    SlipperyAxII Muggle

    Jan 17, 2016
    High Score:
    Were you having a hard time understanding me before crowing something not true and gloating about post #316 as something to be proud of then having to retract that without actually saying so in a definite manner in the thread. You gave zero impression that was case beforehand of being unable to understand me.

    It's only after the fact you go the route of I am having a hard time understanding your posts because you have no choice in the matter. You are an excellent Priest check as of now because you aren't a Citizen from my perspective just a Witch.

    ---------- Post automerged at 02:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:30 PM ----------

    I will state this simply because it is true and not an attempt to gain sympathy. I have played this game with a massive headache every day except when I am on medication. I am not going back to read my own posts because I wrote what I was thinking and or feeling at the time even if some people claim to have a hard time understanding it.

    I don't have a good handle on this game at all as I have stated before and it is frustrating me along with a multiple other things some game related some not. I refuse to quit the game because I am feeling bad and am trying to find some direction I want to go.

    Koalas is frustrating me and I am trying to not just jump to the conclusion its a Witch going for what they perceive as an easy newbie mislynch.
    Jan You left SASM ? Oh no.
  11. Citrus

    Citrus First Year

    Jan 5, 2014
    Vote-count in a few hours, I promise!
  12. SlipperyAxII

    SlipperyAxII Muggle

    Jan 17, 2016
    High Score:
    Hi owner How are you doing ?

    Who are your top two Witches right now?

    Who is your top Citizen ?

    ---------- Post automerged at 04:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:29 PM ----------

    I will break my rule about hovering to see what you say for like 5 minutes or so.
  13. Koalas

    Koalas First Year ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 3, 2007
    High Score:
    Aaaand you went and made this about mafia instantly. Awesome. I'm 'retracting' nothing. I think about everything I post and I stand by it. That was a courtesy post in case you honestly thought posting a block of text where you went from 'I' referring to yourself to referring to me then back to referring to yourself with zero indication of when you were switching was good communication.

    Now when I posted 316 you had referred to me as nothing but null. Why is a null player getting townread an issue? If I wasn't null to you why hadn't you said anything?

    ---------- Post automerged at 05:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:41 PM ----------

    Alrighty then. Real life is real life. Compile some notes in your QT for your replacement in case you end up going that rout. Throw a vote on me if you actually think I'm a witch. You should also get that checked out if you haven't already.
  14. SlipperyAxII

    SlipperyAxII Muggle

    Jan 17, 2016
    High Score:
    @Kaolas So you continue to apply a false issue over and over again. You stated you misunderstood my post so I did not say someone getting Citizen read was an issue for me. I said I would get that if you engaged with me instead of setting up conditions where that was impossible to do.

    I laid out who I didn't want to kill then started looking at who could be a Witch from the pile that is left over. Several of the things you have done in the thread to me are what a Witch does.

    Your comment applying what I said to Snowvon about Witches not having to be low effort. This is when he read owner as town for doing something that requires effort. You declared that wasn't a Citizen mind set when you had a problem with what he said but declared mine was that example. This is where you are laying the first seed.

    Your shifting standard when you declared my post was terrible then asked me what I thought you disagreed with in it then did the bullcrap I cant be bothered to say exactly what it was because everything was wrong.

    Then you used a clearly stated sentence when I replied to you as a platform to set up another attack. Tom then wrote just what you wrote without including the quote from me. After I explained it quite clearly so you CANT deliberately miss state what I mean you then try to dodge that with the whole well I am having trouble understanding you.

    Then you try to use the same sort of thing stated in a slightly different way to continue pressing your failed tactic again. So why in the world would I ever read you as anything but a Witch after all that ? I didn't just reflexively vote on you when it started as it always happens that someone tunnels on me. I think now you are a Witch doing it.
  15. owner

    owner First Year

    Sep 25, 2016
    here, in the present
    High Score:
    So I just finished rereading the entire thread and maybe it was bit more in depth that some of my reading prior to this. I also took a bunch of notes. My reads have changed quite a bit.

    unvote TallDarkStranger
    vote Vira


    3. Newcomb
    13. SlipperyAxII
    10. Tom

    Town Lean
    8. Snowvon
    7. TallDarkStranger

    Slight Town Lean
    2. Jan

    6. The Waco Kid
    9. Koalas

    Minor Witch Leans
    11. Miner

    Witch Leans
    0. n/a

    4. Vira

    Need More Posts
    1. Fontisian
    5. KaiDASH

    I think I might have to take back what I said about not lynch miner today. Jan would be higher in the list except for the fact that I could maybe see him with miner.

    I might have to tango a bit with Jan this weekend. Jan what time on Saturday might you be around so I don't miss you?

    A lot of Vira's posts seem forced. In rereading, I found posts from miner that seemed a bit forced as well. The only thing that miner has going for him is him claiming to be town in multiple posts; that gives me pause. KaiDASH, I would like to hear more about your read on miner.

    Newcomb has said some things that I feel would be harder to say naturally as a witch. I probably will not likely to reevaluate on him unless I see something that really stands out or is contradictory to how I believe he should be playing.

    SlipperyAxII talked honestly about motivations for wanting me to be a witch. If he's a witch, he'll have a hard time coming after me because of what he said honestly. So I read him town for being honest, as Jan would that's not alignment indicative. I guess in part...part of it might be from how he's posting. Maybe it's a slight gut read, not sure. But for some reason, I want to call him town.

    Tom is a tricky one. Him, fonti and newcomb all were hesitant to give the same town read that snowvon gave me. Newcomb, out of the three, is the only one to do so.

    Upon rereading, this post I kind of liked from Tom.

    Vira seems kind of unhappy. She feels more rigid or standoffish. Some of miner's posts feel forced as well. I might have already said that.

    Yesterday, the worlds I was thinking of was something like TDS, Vira and Tom, but the issues with that stem from TDS and Vira not being w/w in their voting of each other. Tom and TDS being relative comfortable. Nothing seems to phase them. If they are witches, both of them can hide bloodlust relatively well. Or I was thinking TDS, Vira, and Snow. But that doesn't hold up that well either. That world kind of made sense as all of them were already voting, but I think I'm just a bit paranoid of people reading me town so early in the game. On one hand TDS hasn't changed his behavior any since I voted for him, but it's also kind of townie no to be worried with just one or two votes on you. Yes, it could also be a clever scum, but for now, I think I'm beginning to see what Tom saw in him.

    From the Teen Wolf game, I remember Snowvon and fonti being more critical me. (Snowvon being town in that game and fonti being mafia). Both them pushed on me a fair amount that game. I don't know if that behavior will say much or hold true for this game or not.

    ---------- Post automerged at 05:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:42 PM ----------

    I probably won't be back until maybe 8 plus hours from now.
  16. Koalas

    Koalas First Year ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 3, 2007
    High Score:
    I have never said I misunderstood your posts. I have simply said that they've been difficult to read. There is a difference you've obviously missed.

    Yes. That it is a good town strategy. It still does not answer why if I was null to you me doing something to be townread was bad. Or if I was scum to you you just hadn't bothered mentioning it.

    The type of effort matters. Effort = town and no effort = scum is simplistic and wrong. Both you and Snow are bad for saying it but I had a townlean on snow for other reasons so it didn't matter as much coming from him.

    Your past was bad. Full stop. I wanted to get more from your bad post so I did a vary basic reaction tactic. Full stop. You then proceeded to block post after block post about how it was unreasonable of me to ask this instead of answering a very simple question. Full stop. This is not shifting standards. This is you deflecting.

    See 353 on why it wasn't clearly stated. See the second paragraph of this post on how I clearly understood it, it just didn't make sense in the context of your actions in thread.

    Because there is no 'failed tactic'. There are simply questions you haven't answered and the multitude of deflections, misunderstandings and No U's you've thrown up to try and get out of answering them.

    So here's something you can't misunderstand or 'reinterpret'. OMGUS hyperawareness is scummy. If you actually think I'm a Witch Vote for me. Build a case. Commit to your read.
  17. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    To be short .. i am gone all sunday.

    i am gone saturday evening.

    Before that I can make it work .. unless i am sleeping or building a blanket fort to fight of those other humans that might want to pester me.

    Now that I talked about a blanket fort .. I really need to build one.
  18. tom

    tom First Year

    Jul 5, 2016
    High Score:
    I installed eyelets to make blanket forts faster in my house. Just so you know.

    I only skimmed the last couple koalas posts, but I didn't like them.
  19. Koalas

    Koalas First Year ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 3, 2007
    High Score:
    The ones where I stated what happened or the ones where I had to restate what happened?
  20. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015

    Maybe the biggest project I have tackled this month.

    2 blankets 2 sleeping bags 1 chair 1 couch. left a whole to be able to see my monitor so i can watch some luke cage later.

    You could argue that bigger is better, but it only took me 2 minutes and my key is to not let humas into my apartment, that way I don't have to share.
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