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Wizard vs. Muggle 2: Electric Boogaloo

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Mordac, Feb 16, 2008.

  1. The Doctor

    The Doctor Unspeakable

    Dec 14, 2007
    I was waiting for someone to bring that bouncing bullshit up.
  2. Ryuugi Shi

    Ryuugi Shi Hierarch

    Sep 16, 2007
    Glorious Bellerophan
    Oh yeah, and it'll be really hard to find the muggle leaders. (sarcasm)

    Taure, I'll need your help on the British side of this, but in America it's pretty easy to find the leaders. (Point's at White House)

    (Turns and points at all the other big buildings.)
  3. Kerrus

    Kerrus DA Member

    Feb 14, 2008
    Also, something of interest. Muggles /can/ get into diagon alley, they just have to go through when the portal is open.

    Oh, and by the way, do we have any idea how the whole extra space for the alley and the Platform works? because either the portals are, well, portals (Now you're thinking with...) or they're doing an awful lot of spatial compression.

    But yeah, Diagon Alley is /somewhere/ on earth, probably in London, even if it might not be right behind the Leaky Cauldron. Since we didn't ever see a magical ceiling over the top, presumably someone with the right vantage point (Oh, space maybe?) could look down and see what's inside.

    EDIT: With regards to the leaders, I meant if they've gone into hiding, or aren't where they're advertised to be. If the president is at the whitehouse... well everyone and his dog knows the president is at the white house, and it would be pretty easy for a wizard to port in and start killing. But if the President is at secret bunker #42? that's going to be different.
  4. Oz

    Oz For Zombie. Moderator DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2008
    Baile Átha Cliath
    Don't be a fucking retard. Snape teaches potions, not poisons.
    Magic has been shown to break nearly every law of physics. How can you possibly say Wizards can't defend themselves from heat, pressure and radiation?
    EDIT: canoncansodoff, I used Neville bouncing as an example of what they can withstand without any concious effort. Imagine what they can do when they try. And Harry fell a lot further than 2 storeys from his broom.
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2008
  5. Kerrus

    Kerrus DA Member

    Feb 14, 2008

    His /other/ job you idiot. The one where he works for the Dark Lord? Ringing any bells?

    And I don't mean wizards can't defend themselves against insert random threat here, I mean that chances are if they don't have any warning, or any knowledge, or, fuck, massive power resevoirs... then it's not going to do much good.

    But anyways, for your point. Fine, wizards are completely immune to everything that exists. Except for all the times that they aren't.

  6. Dark Belra

    Dark Belra Minister of Magic

    Feb 14, 2008
    Dublin, Ireland
    I think your right here up to a point, and that is, can all wizards handle all these things, by this I mean the weakest of the lot, to the strongest.
  7. Hari Seldon

    Hari Seldon Groundskeeper DLP Supporter

    Jun 30, 2007
    Georgian bay
    lol What? Just because JKR doesn't say there are other competent aurors doesn't mean there aren't any... Unspeakables too. Your idea fails.
  8. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    Personally, I'm of the same opinion as Taure. Sure, there are certain situations where muggles have the advantage, but in the majority of cases the wizards would come out on top.

    For example, lets say the Government does decide to nuke London, in the hopes of taking out Diagon Alley and the Ministry of Magic. The key element in whether or not it works is whether the wizards know it is coming. If it hits without warning, chances are the muggle repelling wards on the Leaky Cauldron and the Alley itself would not have any effect on the nuke. Maybe a hundred or two wizards would be killed and the major source of wands/potion supplies in Britain would be eradicated.

    If, on the other hand, the wizards have time to prepare, or even just a few seconds warning, ninety percent of the citizens in the Alley would leave by apparition or portkey. The rest would use a shield charm, which has shown the ability to repel kinetic force (à la forcing Ron & Hermione apart), and if the incantation protego totalum (from DH, which surrounded the trio's camp). Radiation is simply radioactive particles, so I would assume that since the shield repels physical objects it would repel this. If we actually think about this a little more I would assume the protego shield would cover against all types of electromagnetic waves with shorter wave lengths than the colour blue. Since it absorbs the colour blue (thus giving it its colour) and because purple is the shortest wave length we can actually see, ultra-violet light, X-rays and gamma rays would be blocked. This is just an assumption of course, but it makes sense.

    Now all that's left is heat. If we believe that the flame freezing charm would counter this then we have no problem. If the people who stay behind use this charm (which I assume is taught in third year or below, given that the history book refers to it as 'simple' iirc, and Harry doesn't think anything of it), then it's very likely that the harmful effects of the nuclear bomb would be nullified... Except if you keep your eyes open. *Oooh, look at the prett- AHHH MY EYES!*

    Now, on to the argument that most wizards cannot actually cast a shield charm. I will give you that most of the DA, and thus a good approximation of what the next generation would turn out like, are unable to successfully cast even the most basic charms well, but I'm willing to bet anything that within two weeks of all-out war breaking out, they would be able to. It would either be that or be destroyed. It's as simple as trial and error. You send out ill-trained troops against an enemy and you have to expect losses. So with that, the wizards may lose maybe one hundred people, maybe two, and that is a big setback for such a small population. But after that, the wizards now have a big grudge against you (if they didn't have one before) and have almost certainly learned from their mistakes. Thus, an invincible to muggles wizard-army.

    That's all I'm going to say for now, cause I've been typing continuously for a good ten minutes now and my fingers are starting to ache.


    tl;dr - Wizards > nukes, if only after the first successful strike.
  9. Sword of Elisha

    Sword of Elisha Raptured to Hell

    Jan 3, 2008
    New York

    Good God how many times do we have to repeat this?It's a Wizard Verse Muggle War. That is it. Muggleborns wouldn't side with their parents etc because they fall into the category of Wizard therefore being on that side since this is what this topic is about.
  10. Oz

    Oz For Zombie. Moderator DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2008
    Baile Átha Cliath
    Kerrus, read my post. I didn't say Wizards are immune to everything.
    And his death eater duties? He's a fucking potions master and spy. He brews fucking potions and spies .
  11. Kerrus

    Kerrus DA Member

    Feb 14, 2008
    EDIT: I did read your post. You know the one where you countered my belief that wizards would require both skill and power (something that seems mysteriously lacking in large parts of the population) to stand up to a nuke going off in their face with "ol0l, what makes you think they can't magically defend against EVERYTHING"

    Well to a degree I imagine. Tonks certainly isn't a stalwart bastion of auror skill.

    But isn't Moody supposed to be famous or something for his super auror stuff? As for the unspeakables, we never really see them in action, but from what I gather the Unspeakables are like the FBI in comparison to the Police, which are like the Aurors.

    The mistake a lot of people seem to make is equating the Unspeakables with Genetically engineered super Spec0ps dudes. When they're clearly not. Well actually, no, it isn't that clear because, again, we never really see them do anything.
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2008
  12. Sword of Elisha

    Sword of Elisha Raptured to Hell

    Jan 3, 2008
    New York
    By the way, No one has thought of this but I just remembered, all Wizards would have to do against a nuke is look at where the nuke is coming from. Target it in the air, and use a levitation charm and it goes straight back :p

    Or aresto momentum or whatever that charm is that Dumbledore uses on Harry in 3rd year or first.
  13. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    I'm seeing this word a lot.

    One can formulate an argument against this.

    The most modern part of the HP universe we've seen is 2017. At this point in time the Muggles still haven't discovered the wizards.

    Now, by 2017 Google Earth will have been around a long time. Someone would have noticed Diagon Alley and all the other assorted wizarding locations from space, if it were possible. Yet they haven't, so it's safe to conclude that it's not possible.

    I knew the Epilogue would come in handy eventually.
  14. Sword of Elisha

    Sword of Elisha Raptured to Hell

    Jan 3, 2008
    New York
    Taure read my post above :p

    simple solution to nukes.

    Edit:: Is this war restricted to the 90's era? Or modern times?
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2008
  15. Helltanz98

    Helltanz98 Professor

    Jul 28, 2007
    Terac Shri
    Unspeakables are godamned researchers not fucking 007.
    Wizards are humans with magic not Fucking Spartan super soldiers, or Space Marines. Heat and Pressure blooms from a Nuke they die just like everything else, thermobaric bomb would do the same thing minus radiation and slightly less force.
  16. Kerrus

    Kerrus DA Member

    Feb 14, 2008
    And when have, dumbledore aside, levitation charms been, oh, A that accurate, B, that fast, and C, negating that much momentum?

    A falling fifteen year old has nowhere near the same KE as a CRUISE MISSILE, to say the least of a nuke. And the levitaiton charm doesn't ever fire things off like a rocket (except in bad fanfiction) so....

    And again, how are they going to target it, or are spells like phasers, just point in the general direction and let your autotargetting take care of it?

    And god forbid it has some sort of proximity detonater that, oh, goes off by a sudden deceleration?

  17. Hari Seldon

    Hari Seldon Groundskeeper DLP Supporter

    Jun 30, 2007
    Georgian bay
    I bet there are poisonous potions
  18. Kerrus

    Kerrus DA Member

    Feb 14, 2008

    Google has censored certain areas before at government request....

    And not to mention, have you ever looked at google maps? even down to really high detail, they aren't that accurate. For the alley at most all you're going to see is a bunch of coloured dots and assume it's some, well, street alley. Then when you get the urge to go and find out what it is, the muggle repelling charms send you away and you put it out of your mind.

  19. Dark Belra

    Dark Belra Minister of Magic

    Feb 14, 2008
    Dublin, Ireland
    I think the problem we are having here is the way we are phrasing it.We should probably say it as a battle of Tech vs Magic. So simply, get a part of the world, put Tech on one side and Magic on the other, let them both build there cities and military. Give them both the same population, get rid of all creatures, except human. Now we have our battlefield.

    On another note, we need a set of rules which magic abides by e.g can magic blow the world up with the flick of a wand.
  20. Sword of Elisha

    Sword of Elisha Raptured to Hell

    Jan 3, 2008
    New York
    You know....It never says in the books that all spells show as light and they make a beeline for the target of your choice. It has only done that for offensive spells. That or they could transfigure the nuke in mid air. Theres no restrictions on transfiguration most of the time or any other spell for that matter. Yes it would probably be hard to transfigure a nuke but not impossible.