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Worm Mafia

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Gemma, Dec 3, 2018.

  1. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    Unvote, vote Cobalt
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    I did read it. :V
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    I don't really follow the scumreading you = townreading the other three thing.

    Kinda dismissed it because I gave one real townread tbh.
  2. tom

    tom First Year

    Jul 5, 2016
    High Score:
    K so what are your reads?
  3. Regfan

    Regfan First Year

    Dec 17, 2016
    Sydney, Australia
    High Score:
    Just going to dump thoughts as I go / get some ISO'ing done too in the next few hours.

    Deadline move actually helps me here too fwiw.

    I'm actually pretty confident that Lyric is town here. Think the catch up thoughts, read progressions and more specifically the interactions with Tom (Post #424 and Post #426) are the best examples of this; the whole "You're making me feel insecure about my reads" type thing is a very weird route for scum to take there) are just blatantly her genuinely trying to gamesolve. I can follow where she's getting her reads from even when I disagree with them. I also think the explanation of how she's playing in Post #454 makes a looooot of sense and is how I'd expect town to approach this game significantly more than someone that'd have rolled scum for their first time. Kinda ready to lock this read in?
  4. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    Lyric town

    Reg town

    75% tom 25% font scum

    Eido "town"

    poking at Cobalt

    waiting for Reg's Citrus read
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    oh and idfk for fluff

    he cool tho
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    hold on who am I missing
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    rip hi Newcomb


    I remember liking one specific thing he said about font but that's it.

    He hasn't really made his Impact yet so...Wait And See.
  5. Fluffiness

    Fluffiness DA Member

    Nov 19, 2013
    Why yes, i am cool.
  6. Regfan

    Regfan First Year

    Dec 17, 2016
    Sydney, Australia
    High Score:
    Don't actually hate the Cobalt vote, got a weakish scum read on him after finishing his ISO... there's nothing there other than a rather empty-focus at Eido and think the whole questions like "Would you RQ as scum" feels like a fake-attempt to scumhunt? And the "Err on the side of lynching Fluff?" type joke feels awkward. Not at /all/ what I remember re; how he catches up as town at all, think there'd be some sort of town reads/thoughts, get it's early in the game / not been a lot to work or play with so far though but yeah, need him to start posting actual thoughts/reads here.
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    @Vaimes - Talk to me about Newcombs read on Eido please.
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    Post #329 fwiw
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    Post #329

  7. tom

    tom First Year

    Jul 5, 2016
    High Score:
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    DLP smilies are ridiculous.
  8. Gemma

    Gemma Sixth Year

    Nov 2, 2017
    Lynch votes

    Newcomb (2) - fluff, Citrus
    tom (1) - fonti
    Eido (1) - Cobalt
    fonti (1) - tom
    fluff (1) - Eido
    Citrus (1) - Regfan
    Lyric (1) - Newcomb
    Cobalt (1) - Vaimes

    With 10 alive, it is 6 to lynch soft and 8 to lynch hard.

    Deadline timer: https://www.tickcounter.com/countdown/862861/worm-mafia-day-1
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    Day end in just over 24 hours.
  9. tom

    tom First Year

    Jul 5, 2016
    High Score:
    Vote vaimes
  10. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    Agreed on all of that, and I also thought she reacted very well to the slip in 454. I was kind of hoping someone would jump on her for that.

  11. Cobalt

    Cobalt Third Year

    Aug 29, 2015
    Tbh I’ve just been really lazy and haven’t tried doing my regular catchup because I’ve had a busy work week.

    I may or may not be able to put in some legwork tonight after I close but I have to be up super early, so.
  12. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    I'm kind of side-eyeing this.

    If Cobalt thought Eido's entrance was stilted, why would the thought of clearing him for tone even like, be on his radar screen?
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    I'm so happy that this exchange exists.
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    Eido talk to me about your progression from here w/r/t spontaneity vs. calculation.
  13. Regfan

    Regfan First Year

    Dec 17, 2016
    Sydney, Australia
    High Score:
    I actually think Toms town here? It's not a read I'd #betthegameon and I felt stronger about it before going into his ISO than afterwards but I still feel decently good about it. I think his stance on Fontisian, it's progression / how it's playing out in his head reads fairly organic with other thoughts he's had throughout the game (Scum reading her, but doubting it himself very early on and then worrying he's in a biased position in Post #89-> reasoning in Post #481, I can kind of get the "Thinking scum are trying to keep him in their lynch pool / find reasons to treat him like Fonti has" and therefore that colouring his read on her if he's town). Pretty much it's a read I believe he has here.

    I also kind of liked his reaction towards my weak town read on him earlier on, and think him sort of thinking he's made himself unaligned with a lot of the active players in Post #153 is something he's avoiding saying there as scum and I actually agree with it as a Thing in that I don't really think Tom/Eido, Tom/Fonti, Tom/Newcomb are things here for instance. Also very much in agreement with Eido in that I think some posts of Toms come across as him being genuinely happy with how he's playing/processing information in a way and wanting to be recognised for it that makes sense from town!him, examples I'd point to are Post #361 and Post #365. So yeah, I'm pretty happy putting Tom to the side here for now?
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    Should state I'm pretty concerned by how the thread (Or well some people) are treating the whole Tom/Fonti thing; think a lot of people are approaching it as a "There's 1 in Tom/Fonti" whereas I'm reading it as "There's at most 1 in there", there's easily worlds where both are town and I think if that's the case it's super easy for scum to sort of direct attention towards them here.
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    Also should state since it's something that's in my mind at least that I think it is almost certainly 8-2, highly doubt Gemma puts a power-role heavy game together, particularly when people (?) requested a fairly low-powered game, the odds it's anything other than 8-2 is imo less than 5%.
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    Going into a meeting, I'll start ISO diving Newcomb/Vaimes/Fluff/Citrus/Eido/Fonti afterwards.

    Initial impression on reading through the thread before actually diving Citrus though is I still think the slots a good chance of being scum here. If I feel the same way afterwards I'll run through some reasoning behind the read.
  14. tom

    tom First Year

    Jul 5, 2016
    High Score:
    Yes I'm being very townie you and voxx have no excuse not to see it you're both very proud of me.
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    Oh you mean vaimes' main scumread rn
  15. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    Alright, I'll try to keep this as short as possible. Just read the whole thread, have some general and specific thoughts.

    Eido - Super town. Not gonna lock it in on the off-chance he shoots me N1 and people blithely sheep me on it, although like, Reg would still be alive, fonti would too, and they're pretty solidly not w/w with Eido so it would probably be fine. Actually yeah, fuck it, Eido's lock town. Mostly just want to give myself the chance to double down on an early D1 read for #pride.

    Anyway, he's town because I could feel the actual burst of I'm Eido and I'm going to make this thing happen that we saw the fake version of with the D1 Fenrirrrrir lynch when he was a wolf. Here, it's his interactions with fluff. He's like... invested. Only way he has that specific tonal energy as a wolf is if he's actually exactly with fluff, which. I guess that's not an actually insane world? It's bordering on it, though.

    Reg - Junior super town. He's not w/w with Eido, because if he was w/w with Eido they'd know I'm a villager and they'd have done /something/ to me. Like, 75% chance they seriously try to D1 me for the memes, but at the very least there'd be some kind of... playfulness, to their interactions with me. Instead they've both been all business, pretty boring. I'd be floored if that's how they played it in a game where they were w/w against me. So, taking that into account, if Reg's w, then Eido and I are v/v, which means Reg comes into this game as a wolf against us and is like, "ok cool, fuck pride and self-respect, I'm gonna bring out the 'oh I'm so rusty, don't expect too much of me' card like, right away." Nope. Don't see that happening, like, ever.

    So Reg/Eido probably just v/v which is cool.

    Lyric's proooobably town here. Gonna say that it's ~slightly weirding me out how there's just this really extreme lack of paranoia in her reads, but she did actually explain that pretty well in a recent post. She's not really playing like my mental map of a relative newbie is, but... idk maybe she's read a bunch of games. I think Citrus kinda spewed her villager anyway and Citrus is maybe a wolf. I liked the interaction with tom; didn't really read w/w, didn't really read like shade or nervousness, just kinda read like someone trying to figure out tom's deal and being all "??? what do". Basically Lyric is like... Level 1 villager shine. I'm buying it, but it wouldn't like, completely shock me if this was a wolf. Some people react to their first wolf rand by just owning the TMI and giving a lot of correct reads.

    Vaimes, fonti, tom are all kind of in the "I hate meta" range for me. If tom's a wolf he hasn't made any real missteps that I can see. Reg and Eido have said some things about him that I've kind of generally agreed with. Not really sold on the read overall, kind of need to see it play out for a while. Vaimes is... I thought his entrance was really town. Then some of his later posting kind of felt like he was maybe overdoing that initial energy in a fake way. He seems pretty RL busy and I don't reeeeeeally see his posts and go "kill it with fire!" so he's good for the Day, I think. fonti kind of... is striking a pretty good balance between mellow and ticked off, I'd say. She's not with tom, she's not with Eido. I feel like there were a couple specific things that I had on her that I've forgotten. Maybe I'll go back and ISO her at some point.

    Fluff I kind of buy as a villager here. Think Cobalt might have spewed him town with that "was Vaimes the one who said we should err on the side of lynching Fluff?" thing. I think that thing he did where he blank voted me and then waited for people to talk about it, then no one but Eido did, and like 6 people were like "why would we comment on it, you never explain anything anyway" and "so your plan was to act like your town persona and get what, exactly, out of people calling you out on that?" and he was like "maybe there was a flaw in this plan" was kind of too dumb to be a wolf thing. Could be whiffing on the #levels I guess, and I hate playing the expectations game with fluff, but like. Don't really see that sequence rolling that way if he was a wolf - think he'd actually have some kind of followup other than, like "oh I guess that didn't work."

    Citrus has felt both good and bad. Already commented on the doing Citrus-y questions, those felt good. It's kind of an unfair cop given how the game hasn't really picked up and no one's really delved, but I'm just feeling a severe lack of delving from him. I do get the sense that his questions are important to him but usually you can go back in retrospect seeing what he's done and kind of reverse-engineer what he was trying to do, and that's not really a thing I've been able to see.

    Cobalt feels like a wolf. tom's thing about him going out of his way to take tom's comments as jokes vs. insults kinda fits way way more with Cobalt's wolf meta than town meta. Then there was that line about Fluff that really super felt like "well this is mislynch I'm going to need at some point." Plus, plus there was that quote I quoted a few posts up where he said something about not being ready to clear Eido on tone, and in the same breath attacking Eido for a stiff start. Which. Yeah that doesn't really track as a real thought to me.

    Is that everyone? If I'm missing anyone then assume they're a wolfread.
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    Vote: Cobalt
  16. Regfan

    Regfan First Year

    Dec 17, 2016
    Sydney, Australia
    High Score:
    I'll read the rest of your post in a minute, just saw it quickly while in meeting and wanted to comment on this portion for now. Remember when I said I had two tin-foil worlds/thoughts that clash involving Eido/Citrus/Fluff, ugh, this was one of them (They were Eido/Fluff W/W, or Citrus!W/Fluff!) so can you tell me what you think makes it 'bordering' on insane outside of "Eidos town" type responses, would be nice to sort of rule that out.
  17. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    Yeah I can't really rule it out, sorry. If fluff flips w I'd probably have to take a hard look at Eido.
  18. tom

    tom First Year

    Jul 5, 2016
    High Score:
    If it turns out I had the right read but the wrong meta on cobalt ima laugh.
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    I think 8v2 is near impossible to win for scumvoxx by bussing.

    Like, voxx/fluff team. Busses fluff into the ground d1.
    Then thinks he can avoid suspicion after not being NKed for 3 nights?
  19. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    I'm sorry do you really want to bet against Voxx not bussing?

    Him doing that because it would be -EV is like, the first page of the Voxx playbook.
  20. tom

    tom First Year

    Jul 5, 2016
    High Score:
    Yeah I get that but God it's so shortsighted in this specific game.

    I know I'm not exactly qualified to get into the mind of a busser, but God damn.

    At least give him the cred that he could be scum with, like, fonti/me