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Q2 2024 Competition - HP Redux Deluxe II

Discussion in 'Quarter 2' started by Lindsey, May 21, 2024.

  1. Lindsey

    Lindsey Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2010
    Seattle, WA
    CONGRATULATIONS to our Winner, Entry #4 - Who Killed Bea Merrythought by @LucyInTheSkye

    == == == ==

    Welcome to the second quarter of DLP's 2024 fanfiction competition!

    As summer tends to be a busy season, I've decided to do something a little easier for everyone. We are calling it the Redux Deluxe Number Two.

    2024 Q2 Competition - Redux Deluxe II

    Prompt: ANY past winning prompt.
    Competition Specific Rules:
    • The ideal is that you will a finish a story you started for a previous competition but were unable to finish/submit.
    • You can't submit the exact same story you submitted previously.
    • You can't submit a story that has had only minor edits since you last submitted it.
    • You CAN submit a story with significant edits since you last submitted - we can debate significant if needed, but if you think you're 'toeing the line' on this part then just don't.
    • You may submit a maximum of 2 stories.
    • You must state at the beginning of your story which prompt you are using (you all need to title your shit anyway - add this as a byline under it)

    Word Count: 0-17,500 words

    Deadline: July 31st (11:59pm EST)

    As per usual you will review each story then come vote in this thread. What is slightly different is that you are reviewing the story on how well it fits it's chosen prompt, not necessarily against the other entries. You do not have to read an entire story to review it, but you must still write a decent review on what you do read (and it's preferred that you read the entire story, just understandable that you don't want to read 15k words of something you hate). You will then come to this thread and distribute 7 points (subject to change if we get <4 entries) between your winners. See previous competitions for examples.

    DLP has created a competition specific channel in the DLP Discord for us to chat, get help and remind others about the competition. If you want to talk about your story, or need some advice, come join the discord and go to the S.T.O.R.Y channel, which is under 'The Library'.

    Yearly Writing Competition:
    As you write your story, don't forget to update your word count in our yearly writing word count competition.
    Last edited: May 22, 2024